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This Monday is about to become the best day ever. We are starting the second week of our Summer Sale with an absolute bang! We know you’ve been waiting for it, so we're incredibly happy to say that…

7 entries from the legendary Yakuza series are now available on GOG – all with special Summer Sale discounts! Please welcome to our catalog:

Yakuza 0 (-75%)
Yakuza Kiwami (-75%)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 (-75%) + Clan Creator Bundle DLC (-70%)
Yakuza 3 Remastered (-66%)
Yakuza 4 Remastered (-66%)
Yakuza 5 Remastered (-66%)
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (-65%) + Clan Creator Card Bundle DLC (-60%)

And if you prefer to grab the Yakuza titles together, then worry not, because there is also The Yakuza Bundle (containing Y0, YK1, YK2), Yakuza Remastered Collection (containing Y3, Y4, Y5), and Yakuza Complete Series (containing all the aforementioned main entries) – all of them on Summer Sale discounts!

Moreover, to have the best start of the week ever, feel free to claim your copy of Eschalon: Book II – now on a GIVEAWAY until June 21st, 1 PM UTC. It’s an excellent turn-based RPG with old-school feel, isometric graphics, large open-ended world, all custom-tailored for long-time role-playing fans.

The Yakuza series is an incredibly captivating and beloved franchise that has consistently delivered outstanding gaming experiences filled with action and great stories that have captured the hearts of players for over a decade.

If you somehow haven’t heard of Yakuza before, it’s a franchise created by SEGA with its debut back in 2005. Since then it spawned multiple entries, becoming a critically acclaimed and commercially successful series with a dedicated fan base around the world.

The games are set in a fictionalized version of Japan, primarily focusing on the criminal underworld and the life of yakuza members. They follow the story of Kazuma Kiryu, a former yakuza member who becomes embroiled in various conflicts and conspiracies as he navigates the dangerous streets of Tokyo and other cities.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Yakuza series is its gripping storytelling. Each game weaves a complex and compelling narrative filled with intricate plotlines, intense drama, and memorable characters. As a player you are thrust into the dangerous and intriguing world of yakuza, where loyalty, betrayal, and honor collide. The storylines are expertly crafted, often featuring unexpected twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seats, eager to uncover the next revelation.

And these amazing stories are complemented by immersive and vibrant open-world environments. The settings, such as the bustling city of Kamurocho and the vibrant streets of Sotenbori, are meticulously designed, capturing the essence of real-world Japanese cities. These locations are teeming with life and authenticity, making you feel like you are truly exploring the heart of Japan. The attention to detail is astounding, with bustling streets, neon-lit alleys, and countless shops and establishments to visit. This level of immersion enhances the overall experience and draws you even deeper into the world of the Yakuza.

But what would a game about the criminal underworld be without fighting and action? The Yakuza series is renowned for its thrilling and satisfying combat mechanics. The games offer a mix of hand-to-hand combat, powerful finishing moves, and flashy special attacks that make you feel like an unstoppable force of nature. Engaging in battles is not only visually impressive but also incredibly enjoyable, with a deep system that allows for fluid combos and strategic decision-making. The combat encounters are challenging yet rewarding, providing a sense of progression and growth as you master your fighting skills throughout the series.

The Yakuza games are also filled with an abundance of side activities and minigames that offer a delightful diversion from the main narrative. From playing retro SEGA arcade games to trying your hand at batting cages or singing karaoke, there is no shortage of entertaining distractions. These activities not only add depth and variety to the gameplay but also showcase the developers' attention to detail and their commitment to creating an immersive and engaging world.

Additionally, the series excels at blending serious themes with moments of lightheartedness and humor. This balance is a defining characteristic of the franchise, providing you with a diverse range of emotions throughout your journey. Whether it's engaging in a serious crime drama or experiencing hilarious and quirky side stories, the Yakuza series adeptly combines these elements to create a unique and memorable experience.

We could go on and on about the Yakuza games, but no amount of talking will do justice to their amazingness. Get them now and see for yourself, remember to claim the GIVEAWAY, browse through our Summer Sale, and just have an excellent time!
RPGFanboy: Why no Yakuza 7? :(
Too recent I guess, but now that they've made the first step and released most of the games here - a Yakuza 7 release in a couple years isn't out of the question, but a possibility.
high rated
RPGFanboy: Why no Yakuza 7? :(
Still has Denuvo.
ciemnogrodzianin: I know it all leads to conclusion "insta-buy them all", but – any particular suggestion regarding where to start the series?

It is important to play them in order, as the sequels really are sequels. This smaller bundle has the remakes of the first two games in the series, plus the prequel.

Starting with either Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami is fine.
Post edited June 19, 2023 by maxpoweruser
I enjoyed Yakuza 0 (city part could had been bigger, but it was ok), now I am looking forward to "Like a Dragon: Ishin!" next. I wonder if will be added later.
Post edited June 19, 2023 by DaKarach
Although I have heard many great things about the Yakuza series, I have never got around to playing any of them.

Now I have no excuse.

Well done GoG
high rated
ciemnogrodzianin: Shame to me, but a noob question:
Is Yakuza as good as Sleeping Dogs? Never ever played Yakuza, sorry :)
It's not as good as Sleeping Dogs, but it's a very different type of game with different qualities. If you want to know how Yakuza plays, just imagine if Shenmue was a good and fun game and you basically have Yakuza.
ciemnogrodzianin: I know it all leads to conclusion "insta-buy them all", but – any particular suggestion regarding where to start the series?
I concur. These are at average 100 hours games (for completionists), so seems easy to overdose.
NuffCatnip: Yakuza runs laps around Sleeping Dogs in every regard. :)
Well, there's no driving around the map in a car in the Yakuza games and the world you can explore is smaller in scope, but it's filled to the brim. :D
Watch a gameplay video, but avoid spoilers and see for yourself, in my biased oppinion, this is one of the best gaming series to this date.

If you want a serious and heartfelt main story, Yakuza is your series.
If you want whacky side stories, Yakuza is your series.
If you want great combat, Yakuza, again, is you series.
ciemnogrodzianin: :D Thanks for the opinion! That's intriguing :)

I know it all leads to conclusion "insta-buy them all", but – any particular suggestion regarding where to start the series?
Sure thing, sorry for being somewhat cryptic, but much of the charm of these games is experiencing the stories and characters for yourself and I don't want to spoil that for you. :)

As for a good starting point, Yakuza 0, and should you like it continue with Kiwami. :)
SLP2000: Alpha Protocol please
That would be amazing, but it's been removed from Steam as well now. Music licensing, as usual, from what I hear.
That came out of nowhere!!!! * Screaming in Wallet *
ciemnogrodzianin: Shame to me, but a noob question:
Is Yakuza as good as Sleeping Dogs? Never ever played Yakuza, sorry :)

... Sleeping Dogs is IMO Hong Kong GTA with a nuanced Arkham-style (Batman) combat system.

The Yakuza games are story-heavy games with small but dense map (maps if you count 3). The combat is very much IMO like an arcade fighting game.

If you are looking for a well-told story, characters you'll remember (think Japanese crime soap opera), an arcade-style combat (a lot of combat) in a dense map...Yakuza.

If you're wanting a sandbox GTA-like experience to run wild in with "modern" combat and a serviceable story and characters... Sleeping Dogs.

I love both.

If you are unsure, I would definitely buy Sleeping Dogs for the usual sale price... and test the Yakuza waters with either 0 or 1 (Yakuza 0 being prequel and a relatively recent addition to the franchise with slight modernization to mechanics... and Yakuza 1 being a remake -- with modest changes -- to the original).
Post edited June 19, 2023 by kai2

Imagine the endless possibilities and scenarios that these new releases open up!
high rated
Thanks to GOG and SEGA for the release.
Personally at SEGA. I have some games I'd like to see one day on GOG.
"Condemned criminal Origin", "Sonic", "Total war", "Alpha protocol" (I'm certainly forgetting others).

In any case, GOG has once again shattered my previous hypothesis. With the arrival of "Square enix" and "SEGA". The releases up to now have always made me think that your agreement with them only concerned Western games. But now that Yakuza is out. We can expect more Japanese games (Sonic?). =)
Post edited June 19, 2023 by angelblue
.aaaaaaaand instabought
high rated
Karaoke time!