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Even for those of you who have been with us since day one, the routine of acquiring and fixing games by GOG may be shrouded in mystery. That’s why on the occasion of our Winter Sale’s Classics Day, we’ve decided to shed some light on the whole process. To do that, we’ve asked a few questions to some of the most experienced members of our team.

So, how do we select the classic titles that we would like to offer gamers? Are there situations when the owners of the classic games’ copyrights approach us sooner than we approach them?

Marcin Paczyński, Senior Business Development Manager at GOG: We usually use our best judgment. Many of us at GOG are old-school gamers so we’ve played most of the classic games that we are now trying to get for our users (and for ourselves, of course). We also use our community Wishlist and various other means to scout for new content. The rights-holders rarely reach out to us first, but it does happen from time to time.

Sometimes the long-anticipated titles (for example missing parts of a classic series) arrive at GOG with considerable delay or do not appear in the store at all. What are the most common reasons for much-requested titles not being available?

For newer games, it's always the publisher's decision on which platforms they will be releasing their titles. There are many reasons why some of them get delayed on GOG or are not released at all. One of the major ones is that GOG is a DRM-free platform meaning that all our games (besides online-only games which we discussed in GOG Update #5) are playable while offline. For some publishers, releasing their new game without copy protection software still seems to be somewhat risky.

As for the classic releases, things sometimes get even more complicated. That’s because our partners need to make sure that they still have publishing rights, IP rights, code rights, music rights, etc, to the titles in question. Of course, we do our own research, and we try to help our partners in shortening this process as much as we can. Yet, in the end, it is them who need to find and evaluate sometimes decades-old contracts.

Unfortunately, it often turns out that some of the rights have expired or were transferred to someone else. If such a thing happens, then the whole process can get exceptionally complicated and long-drawn, sometimes even practically impossible to finish successfully.

In general, we use our Wishlist as a guide to prioritize the titles that are most demanded by gamers. For many classics, we manage to succeed and bring them back, and for the remaining ones – the fight continues!

What does, in short, the fascinating process of preparing a classic game to run on new computers look like?

Anna Grodowska, Technical Producer at GOG: Well, obviously the first move for us is to get “inside” the game and remove its Digital Rights Management feature (DRM in short). The next step would be a complex evaluation of how to make a specific title run on modern computers. It’s all about creating a list of potential problems we might have to delete/fix in order for the game to work as well as it would on older, obsolete machines.

Sometimes it’s during this second step that we have to fix some problems and dig deeper to find new ones. For example, if the game does not run at all, we must first do our best to launch it so that we can examine how other features like 3D renderer, audio system, or LAN multiplayer may work. Part of this process is examining the technical possibilities of potentially expanding the functionalities of the title without, of course, making changes to its gameplay. For example, sometimes we make it so that the game can support wide-angle screens, high resolutions (1080, 4K, 8K), or new controller types.

After the evaluation part, the time comes for fixing the problems themselves. Since in 99% of cases we don’t have the game’s source code itself, we usually resort to the good old technique of reverse engineering. We also use all sorts of debuggers, monitoring devices, and tens of other tools, including virtual machines and hardware that dates to the times when the particular game was released.

Which classic titles were the most challenging to revive and why?

We have had quite a few of those, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine are the first that come to my mind. Two issues contributed to this fact. First of all, we encountered many small technical obstacles while working on these titles. Apart from that, the wrappers used to emulate old-school interfaces we had back when working on mentioned games have proved to be quite obsolete.

To make these titles work, we had to put in a tremendous amount of work. Yet, mark my words, the satisfaction that came along with it was very rewarding. The experience we’ve earned on bringing these two games to modern computers and the tools we utilized then also became very beneficial for hundreds of our future projects.

Today, of course, our situation looks very different. We already possess many useful tools for our work that we’re still updating and improving them. Thinking ahead, we already test tools that we’ll need in a few years and will be useful to us for the next decade or so.

Apart from the obsolete interface problem I mentioned, the games’ concurrency also poses a challenge from time to time. For example, Hidden & Dangerous wasn’t a very problematic game overall, yet it had one irritating issue. Once every several dozen minutes while playing the game you could hear a very loud noise from the speakers accompanied by an irritating white noise that could very well give the gamer a heart attack.

Since this problematic sound could not be played ad-hoc, we had to simply run the game and wait until the problem arises. At the same time, we were watching our tools working in the background and listening to the monotonous barking of a dog (the Velke Gradiste level of the game) sometimes for 10 minutes and sometimes for as much as 3 hours. Needless to say, although we managed to fix the problem eventually, some of us hear the barking of that virtual dog even to this day!

The underlying issue has proved to be a small oversight on the part of the game’s creators and the lack of synchronization between threads that fought over the same sound buffer.

As you can see, making games last forever is a process that requires both patience and skill. For almost one and a half decades, we at GOG put a lot of effort into bringing classic games back into your hands. On the occasion of Good Old Games Day and our Winter Sale’s Classics Collection in our store, we would like to invite you to check them out, because there’s never been a better time to expand your library with the very best that gaming has to offer!
high rated
avatar What does, in short, the fascinating process of preparing a classic game to run on new computers look like?

Anna Grodowska, Technical Producer at GOG: Well, obviously the first move for us is to get “inside” the game and remove its Digital Rights Management feature (DRM in short).
You forgot to do that for The Witcher 3, as you previously did for Cyberpunk 2077.
Post edited December 19, 2022 by vv221
high rated
avatar What does, in short, the fascinating process of preparing a classic game to run on new computers look like?

Anna Grodowska, Technical Producer at GOG: Well, obviously the first move for us is to get “inside” the game and remove its Digital Rights Management feature (DRM in short).
vv221: You forgot to do that for The Witcher 3, as you previously did for Cyberpunk 2077.
Might want to rephrase that, since it is the "Rewards" DLC items that are linked to Galaxy they can easily say that the two games are DRM free and that the Rewards are just that "Rewards for people who use Galaxy"

Frankly those Rewards should, at the very least, be timed exclusives then receive an offline installer pack for those that do not wish to use Galaxy.
high rated
*sees title*
*looks at Worms 2, which needs an entire package of mods to run*
*looks at Star Trek SFC 1 config file GOG refuses to edit to fix a crash on Win10 (one. single. line)*
*looks at Hitman 2016 fiasco*
*remembers Armello and Gremlins Inc.*

high rated
avatar "how GOG makes games last forever"
What GOG has been doing is indeed great for classic games over the years. Having said that, in recent years the industry trend has been more like 'how GOG makes games last until they get removed & replaced by yet another Low Effort Remaster'. (cue the "you should have backed them up then" which whilst true also misses the fact it's entirely possible to discover & buy an old game for the first time years after launch / replacement at which point there's no "window of opportunity" to back the originals up...

tl:dr - I'd definitely like to see GOG put their foot down a bit firmer with the "If a classic game gets 'replaced', the option of the original version should remain, even if it's just as an unsupported zip file tucked away in the 'extras' section".
Post edited December 19, 2022 by BrianSim
high rated
The whole section mentioning DRM-free sounds a bit tone-deaf at the moment.

Also hard to believe that many of the difficult-to-revive games are recent efforts.

Nice to know that GOG takes wishlist entries into consideration though, when deciding which games to release first.
avatar "how GOG makes games last forever"
BrianSim: What GOG has been doing is indeed great for classic games over the years. Having said that, in recent years the industry trend has been more like 'how GOG makes games last until they get removed & replaced by yet another Low Effort Remaster'. (cue the "you should have backed them up then" which whilst true also misses the fact it's entirely possible to discover & buy an old game for the first time years after launch / replacement...
Also this, a thousand times. If you want to build trust and have your users rely on you in the long term then don't allow publishers to remove original purchased games via the back door through "upgrades" or "reboots".
Post edited December 19, 2022 by lupineshadow
avatar Since this problematic sound could not be played ad-hoc, we had to simply run the game and wait until the problem arises. At the same time, we were watching our tools working in the background and listening to the monotonous barking of a dog (the Velke Gradiste level of the game) sometimes for 10 minutes and sometimes for as much as 3 hours. Needless to say, although we managed to fix the problem eventually, some of us hear the barking of that virtual dog even to this day!

Hail to all you dedicated dudes!
high rated
Given how tone-deaf this appears after the Witcher 3 threads, please would someone at GOG confirm that they're reading the response threads to official GOG postings?

This isn't sarcasm - it really appears that GOG not only don't read the follow-ups, it appears no-one on the staff reads the initial posting of the "new release" threads. There's a bug in the script that handles the "new release" posts, if an announcement is meant to be for more than one game then all the paragraphs to the even-numbered games are missing.
Can a company suffer from split personality? Dissociative DRM tonight, on Sick, Sad World!
avatar One of the major ones is that GOG is a DRM-free platform meaning that all our games (besides online-only games which we discussed in GOG Update #5) are playable while offline.
That is absolutely not what DRM-free means in actual reality.

Is that (meaning "games that are playable while offline") GOG's new "official" definition of DRM-free that GOG is now going with, though?
Post edited December 19, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
there are several games right now that dont work unless you do your own workarounds, title is misleading. also its not only online games that have drm, some games need galaxy for the online portion.
avatar One of the major ones is that GOG is a DRM-free platform meaning that all our games (besides online-only games which we discussed in GOG Update #5) are playable while offline.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That is absolutely not what DRM-free means in actual reality.

Is that (meaning "games that are playable while offline") GOG's new "official" definition of DRM-free that GOG is now going with, though?
They linked the thread where they said what it means for them in the post in the part you quoted - they have been upfront about that.

Whether it's right or not, or whether they are abiding to their interpretation is debateable but yes, that is exactly what GOG is going with and has been going with for a while now.
high rated
How Gog makes games last forever??? Have they completely forgotten that they just recently removed a perfectly good working version of Saints Row 4 and replaced it without anyone's consent with a broken remaster that includes DRM and also removes the LAN feature? Will Gog even read these complaints? I hope they do because their customer base is not happy with them right now.
lupineshadow: that is exactly what GOG is going with and has been going with for a while now.
Thanks for the info. In that case, why did they even delist Hitman GOTY? That game was "playable while offline" and therefore it was DRM-free according to GOG's own "official definition."

Note: I'm not advocating for GOG not to have delisted Hitman GOTY; rather, I'm just pointing out how:

a) GOGs quoted definition of DRM-free is obviously quite invalid & illegitimate and

b) GOG's act of delisting of Hitman GOTY is inconsistent with their own invalid definition of DRM-free, which seems to be an implicit concession on GOG's part that even they know in their heart of hearts tha "games that are playable while offline" is an invalid definition.
Post edited December 19, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
high rated
I love the topic and spirit and meaning behind the original post. And it's great for the majority of titles where it goes well and works. It makes me very happy I can still play some favorites from the 80s even!

Some of the issues brought up already in this thread are indeed causes for pauses. And more in other threads that aren't here yet.

I'm here for the DRM-free games, which also helps classics to be around. Game preservation --a great thing -- requires DRM-free. And there are lots of great classics. And even bad old games can have good reasons to play them ("rosy glasses" nostalgia, learning from past mistakes, and more).

So, please, GOG, more of what this interview is telling us. And stick to it. This is what makes us love you. And why we are so angry when you go against this. And clear up the stuff... like DRM-free doesn't mean "some parts are DRM free". Otherwise many F2P and microtransactional games are "DRM-free" because you can load them and get the credits to roll; stop using weasel words (very intentionally selected ones) in your interviews and have and stick to principles!
Post edited December 19, 2022 by mqstout