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low rated
Zimerius: It is not that bad, right?! I mean, how many versions of the song 'The LionKing' exist? Every artist sings in their own manner. Movies and series are just as much the same.
no , this is a franchise and bad part of it can make it neglected or put on freeze , how many franchises were suspended cause their latest implementation failed? too many
Breja: They're not adapting LoTR, supposedly they're doing a different story set in the Second Age. I'm not sure if that's better or worse. It's bound to be 100% unrecognisable as anything Tolkien-related.
It's definitely set in the Second Age. Originally it was a 'Young Aragorn' story, and they spent about 2 years developing that. Allegedly they were waiting for Christopher Tolkien to die and for the creative restrictions to come off before proceeding. They justify calling it LotR because the rings will get forged during it, which I guess is... OK as a reason.

Their respect for the source material can probably be best summed up by their lore advisor quitting publicly. It also had an awful reputation as a production here, bad enough that them shifting production to the UK was met more with a collective shrug rather than the wailing and gnashing of teeth that might have been expected.
Zimerius: It is not that bad, right?! I mean, how many versions of the song 'The LionKing' exist? Every artist sings in their own manner. Movies and series are just as much the same.
Orkhepaj: no , this is a franchise and bad part of it can make it neglected or put on freeze , how many franchises were suspended cause their latest implementation failed? too many
Star Wars is a franchise!
low rated
Orkhepaj: no , this is a franchise and bad part of it can make it neglected or put on freeze , how many franchises were suspended cause their latest implementation failed? too many
Zimerius: Star Wars is a franchise!
so you find probably the largest movie franchise, and it is still around while clearly faded a lot and that somehow disproves what i wrote?:O
Tokyo_Bunny_8990: The only good franchise we have gotten from a sea of remakes and sequels to beloved franchises is Cobra Kai for the karate kid.
I wouldn't agree with that. Ash vs Evil Dead was awesome. Mad Max Fury Road is superb. Recently Ghostbusters Afterlife turned out really well. Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance also comes to mind. Even Bill & Ted Face the Music was in my opinion a lot of fun, even if not perfect. I could probably come up with a few more. Of course the important thing here is that all of those had the original creators and/or people close to them involved, even in charge.

Orkhepaj: no , this is a franchise and bad part of it can make it neglected or put on freeze , how many franchises were suspended cause their latest implementation failed? too many
And how would that be bad? The only new "entries" in this franchise we could get (and oh how do I hate to even use that word in relation to LotR) is more things like this show. LotR and Tolkien's legendarium as a whole were never meant to be a "franchise" and to go on and on with random new people creating new entries across various media. They are not superhero comics. It doesn't need new movies or games or tv shows to endure and stay relevant. The best thing that could happen to it is for greedy corporations to lose interest in exploiting it. It won't fade away because of that. It's not a product of today's world of disposable entertainment.
Post edited January 06, 2022 by Breja
Orkhepaj: will amazon ruin Lord of the rings series?
They just can't. Tolkien finished his books decades ago.
If you want something certain to be good from the series, read the originals and be safe.
The movies are also really good imo.

Same applies to the Chronicles of Narnia. Movies are terrible compared to the books.
Except for some good vistas, good scenes and the first one being the less offensive to C.S. Lewis vision.
To be fair though, it wouldn't be easy to portray, with perfection, those books.
Zimerius: Star Wars is a franchise!
Orkhepaj: so you find probably the largest movie franchise, and it is still around while clearly faded a lot and that somehow disproves what i wrote?:O
Faded? You mean hordes of teens complaining about the logic of bombers used in some film? Or that the Han Solo interpretation is one of the worst movies the world has ever been shown. I mean, if i recall correct most people during the 2d trilogy set were so offended by the childish appeal for those movies and have thanked god on their barren knees, or whatever, that the 3d trilogy did not go onto that path. There is so much to be said. Personally i'm enjoying the many series we see now arrive such as the Mandalorian, or the Bad Batch... Janna the Buth. Like cool you know. I do belief those shows manage to capture Star Wars quite well, as did the movies. Now, the only thing left is to wait and see if Disney will burn themselves on a true Dark movie.
low rated
Orkhepaj: so you find probably the largest movie franchise, and it is still around while clearly faded a lot and that somehow disproves what i wrote?:O
Zimerius: Faded? You mean hordes of teens complaining about the logic of bombers used in some film? Or that the Han Solo interpretation is one of the worst movies the world has ever been shown. I mean, if i recall correct most people during the 2d trilogy set were so offended by the childish appeal for those movies and have thanked god on their barren knees, or whatever, that the 3d trilogy did not go onto that path. There is so much to be said. Personally i'm enjoying the many series we see now arrive such as the Mandalorian, or the Bad Batch... Janna the Buth. Like cool you know. I do belief those shows manage to capture Star Wars quite well, as did the movies. Now, the only thing left is to wait and see if Disney will burn themselves on a true Dark movie.
yep faded
Zimerius: Faded? You mean hordes of teens complaining about the logic of bombers used in some film? Or that the Han Solo interpretation is one of the worst movies the world has ever been shown. I mean, if i recall correct most people during the 2d trilogy set were so offended by the childish appeal for those movies and have thanked god on their barren knees, or whatever, that the 3d trilogy did not go onto that path. There is so much to be said. Personally i'm enjoying the many series we see now arrive such as the Mandalorian, or the Bad Batch... Janna the Buth. Like cool you know. I do belief those shows manage to capture Star Wars quite well, as did the movies. Now, the only thing left is to wait and see if Disney will burn themselves on a true Dark movie.
Orkhepaj: yep faded
It is always difficult to compete with the inner worlds of any enthusiast i guess
Evil cannot create, only corrupt. This is yet another perfect example of this. Instead of creating something new, they need to use some existing and popular setting and "tweak" it to suit their needs because otherwise, no one would be interested in the trash. Absolutely no respect will be paid to the source material.
Post edited January 06, 2022 by idbeholdME
_Line: Same applies to the Chronicles of Narnia. Movies are terrible compared to the books.
Except for some good vistas, good scenes and the first one being the less offensive to C.S. Lewis vision.
To be fair though, it wouldn't be easy to portray, with perfection, those books.
I don't know, the BBC tv series did a pretty damn good job.
_Line: Same applies to the Chronicles of Narnia. Movies are terrible compared to the books.
Except for some good vistas, good scenes and the first one being the less offensive to C.S. Lewis vision.
To be fair though, it wouldn't be easy to portray, with perfection, those books.
Breja: I don't know, the BBC tv series did a pretty damn good job.
Didn't even knew there was a BBC tv series.
I will search for it. Thanks for sharing.

I don't know if I can post this link here, but if not, please, any mod, you're free to remove it.
But it doesn't seem ilegal to me.

Is this one?
Post edited January 06, 2022 by _Line
Orkhepaj: They did it with The Wheel of time series
will lotr be the next?
Dunno. That bastardized version that was the Wheel of Time season 1. I couldn't even finish that last episode because they finally crossed some line with me, apparently.

I can't see a LotR adaptation do anything but fail after the pretty excellent Peter Jackson offerings and the source material. I mean I just don't see them putting forth the effort or budget to make it truly good.
Breja: I don't know, the BBC tv series did a pretty damn good job.
_Line: Didn't even knew there was a BBC tv series.
I will search for it. Thanks for sharing.

The budget and special effects are of course what you might expect from tv in the 80s, but I think it hardly matters when they got the mood, and cast so very right, and they stick pretty much 100% true to the books. And honestly, though it might be childhood nostalgia, I think a lot of the visuals works well. Like the hand drawn magical beasts in later episodes - it actually has a lot of charm and works better than CG that strives for realism and fall short. Likewise using actual locations like a real castle instead of CG and green screen.
_Line: Didn't even knew there was a BBC tv series.
I will search for it. Thanks for sharing.
Breja: Enjoy!

The budget and special effects are of course what you might expect from tv in the 80s, but I think it hardly matters when they got the mood, and cast so very right, and they stick pretty much 100% true to the books. And honestly, though it might be childhood nostalgia, I think a lot of the visuals works well. Like the hand drawn magical beasts in later episodes - it actually has a lot of charm and works better than CG that strives for realism and fall short. Likewise using actual locations like a real castle instead of CG and green screen.
Somehow I also miss the simple and yet powerfull powers of a true scenario instead of greenscreens. lol
Time for some classics! Thank you.