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Go to the Necropolis. Just watch out for ferals and super mutants.
Hope you have a high speech skill.
gogamess: Yes, why not. I think I read some guides but still can't find it.
Thank you :)
Hehe, that's funny. I hope you could avoid the massacre :D
I won The Witcher 2 in a competition from GOG (it was one of those where you ask a dev questions). It was brand spanking new, $50. I tried to run it, but it didn't work. A little while later, I got The Witcher and started playing it.

Now my PC can play W2, but I just need to beat W1 first.

I'm tempted to just skip W1 at this point. I've been playing it bit by bit for years. I like it, but it gets dull after a while. Maybe it's time to just drop it and pick up W2 finally.
Post edited January 30, 2015 by Tallima
Maybe the odest game there I have is a bundled cartredge of "Mario Bros & Duck Hunt" for the Nes then for PC was Price of persia (the first one) I had my disks somewhere. Here on gog my first purchase was Blood and Blood 2 on Aug 20 2012, I reameber, brought them on Atari's promo but I'm not sure.
Post edited January 30, 2015 by sharp299
GOG's sort-by-date doesn't seem to actually work very well, so I had to rummage through email a bit. While wondering why the hell it doesn't, it also occurred to me it would be nice if one would mark a certain game finished or dropped, or replayed etc. Nothing to do with the topic, gonna go see if its on the wishlist already.

Installed, but not played: Lure of the Temptress (August 2010) - It was Beneath a Steel Sky, LotT and Teen Agent on the same day - registration day - but I finished Beneath a Steel Sky, and list LotT instead of TA merely due to the order of orders.

Played, but unfinished: Outcast (October 2010) - Installed it, played it for about ten minutes, figured I didn't like how it ran, backlogged for eternity. Perhaps I should retry, newer computer and all.

Never installed: Sanitarium (December 2010) - Don't worry, I played it and finished it long before buying it on GOG.

Never installed and never played before: This was a pack, during the 2010 Holiday Sale: Septerra Core, Arx Fatalis, Journeyman Project 2 (December 2010). Perhaps I should finally employ that Arx Fatalis source port.
Master of Magic. I read the manual and it sounds amazing, but man, it is just tough to get past those ancient graphics and sounds. And I'm not usually that picky with graphics!

That said, it sounds really deep. You can craft artifacts. You can cast a spell that makes your city *float*. You can also cast a spell that mutates your troops into demonic versions of themselves. And I love the heck out of Master of Orion 2, so I really do need to give this one a shot.
Not counting the amazing freebies you get upon joining, (That'd be several), I've yet to try and deeply get into MOO + 2, and Freespace 2. But Freespace 2 wins along with Creatures Exodus, as I've yet to really touch either since I made my first purchase. :B
Not counting the freebies, it's Enclave, bought on Feb 10 2014, during some promo, I believe...
It sounded interesting enough (and still does), I guess I just got distracted. Well, I'll get around to it someday.

Runner up is Dust - An elysian tail, but I guess this is because platforming intimidates me a little ;)
Pretty damn close: Sept 4 2010 - UFO Afterlight
11. November 2010 - Oddworld-Abe's Oddysee
Actualy thats how I found GOG,was looking for PC port of this game on the internets
hyperagathon: Played, but unfinished: Outcast (October 2010) - Installed it, played it for about ten minutes, figured I didn't like how it ran, backlogged for eternity. Perhaps I should retry, newer computer and all.
It's also been updated to a newer edition recently, with support for widescreen, higher resolutions and controller (old version just ran in a small window with huge black borders).
I think we should have a thread for "not played", "most played", "least played" games too.
Wing Commander 1+2

I bought that bundle a day or two after I bought my first game (Shadow Warrior!)

I just never got around to play it, I remember enjoying Super Wing Commander on the Macintosh, it looked a lot better than DOS Wing Commander, it was basically a remake.

So when I tried DOS Wing Commander, it just didn't capture me, I basically had to relearn the game and I never found the time to do so.

But I know I will, one day.
Fallout (if you count the freebie) or Divine Divinity, purchased on Oct 17, 2012
Of the free games, I've yet to even download Teen Agent. Not counting looks like Darwinia. I fully intend to play it, it looks very interesting, but the demands on my playing time these days are such that it can be hard to really dig into strategy games.
andysheets1975: Darwinia. I fully intend to play it, it looks very interesting, but the demands on my playing time these days are such that it can be hard to really dig into strategy games.
Darwinia is hardly a strategy game. It's an amazing experience, IMO, but it's not a deep or particularly challenging game. It's more like an extremely light version of Cannon Fodder (the developers don't hide the fact that they were inspired by Cannon Fodder, btw - the game has random intro sequences and one of them is an obvious Cannon Fodder reference).
Post edited January 31, 2015 by F4LL0UT