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s23021536: its Men of War isn't it?
DedIago: Yes, it's one of that series. But there are more than five games, which one is it? :)
Uhm based on the first pic I am going to say : Red Tide
DedIago: Yes, it's one of that series. But there are more than five games, which one is it? :)
s23021536: Uhm based on the first pic I am going to say : Red Tide
He said 'correct' (but not as a reply, in case you missed it!)
s23021536: Uhm based on the first pic I am going to say : Red Tide
Fever_Discordia: He said 'correct' (but not as a reply, in case you missed it!)
Heh thanks but no worries : I have this thread marked as a favorite ;)
I'll quickly look for a pic of nice game

Here is the new one :
Post edited May 06, 2014 by s23021536
hint needed?
s23021536: hint needed?
Sure, why not! But I am pretty sure I still won't get it ^^
To get to that point in the game you had to fix and use and elevator.
the elevator :
elevator.png (34 Kb)
No one? there is even a puzzle with flamingos!
s23021536: No one? there is even a puzzle with flamingos!
Leisure Suit Larry?
I wish I had the brain to figure this one out.
Looks like something I would definitely instabuy if it came to GOG though.
Post edited May 07, 2014 by Smannesman
s23021536: No one? there is even a puzzle with flamingos!
Zacron: Leisure Suit Larry?
no sorry :P
Smannesman: I wish I had the brain to figure this one out.
Looks like something I would definitely instabuy if it came to GOG though.
o man wow, I hope your being deliberately ironic because if not that would be seriously uncanny :D
Post edited May 07, 2014 by s23021536
s23021536: o man wow, I hope your being deliberately ironic because if not that would be seriously uncanny :D
Probably more moronic than ironic.
s23021536: o man wow, I hope your being deliberately ironic because if not that would be seriously uncanny :D
Smannesman: Probably more moronic than ironic.
Hint : one of the words you used in the post I replied to ;)
s23021536: Hint : one of the words you used in the post I replied to ;)
I appreciate the assistance, no man is an island after all.