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Played 3 games a lot cultures 1 am at the 5th mission, then cultures 8th wonder of the world is the only cultures game i never beat am at the second mission, also the first cultures i never played the add-on.
And lots of earth 2150 escape from the blue planet. Started playing with ED which is the hardest campaing to play by opinion of others. And Great lakes was really hard but still managed to get some credits out of it and even if there are missions that say you need to bring credits to the base, you don't need to really send them to the space ship, just take it away before it reaches 10000 credits and you can add it to your base.

Next i have to play in Indonesia.
Dusted of my GOG copy of Crusader Kings after 3 years, and continued to play my Gemer County -> Niytra Dukedom -> Hungary Kingdom campaign. I am closing to the end of the timeline probably 35 years to go or so. In the meantime, I have completely defeated Bulgar Muslims and vassalised and converted to Catholicism their sheikh. With that I got the title of King of Khazaria and now I am ruling over almost whole Eastern Europe most of the Central, and a big chunk of Italy, Sicilia and Malta, with some small inherited counties in the West and Africa. I was thinking, that my King is probably going to die very soon, because he catched plague twice in the last 50 years and his only valid heir is having schysofrenia. The son of the schysofreniac is only inbred, which lowers his stats, but well that makes a really big probability, that my kingdom will crumble before 1452 We'll see how much money it will cost to maintain my realm, after the schyzo takes over :)

Then the next day, my king died. Thankfully to avert complete disaster, I was able to give more power to my 8 year old kid, than my schyzophrenic firstborn. For a while I had some chaos running around, got attacked by few rebellious vassals and Duchy of Bavaria. The result was, that right before the end of the war my Spy Master poisoned this new King before his 10th birthday... And my kingdom went to the hands of 1 year old and I had to give away more counties to my courtiers, just to hold high enough stability. One good thing came out of it... The reputation mechanics, give you some boost after the new heir takes the throne, so in about 15 years, I went from -8,5% rep to -1,5% rep :) and that made 4 new counts to ask for me to vassalize them, including Venezia. I took that opportunity. But after few months some random event triggered Realm Duress and everything went completely bonkers. I was able to defeat all the vassals which ran away and forced them to join the Kingdom again, but it was never ending spiral... I spent two hours trying to get out of this shit, but it was impossible, and more random events dropped my Stability to -3, and it was all in the toilet... I had to reload back 5 years, before all this happened :(
Post edited September 10, 2019 by MMLN
Neverwinter Nights - Pirates of the Sword Coast Premium Module. D&D and pirates, needless to say, it's highly enjoyable. Kind of short and casual, a nice change of pace from other RPGs.
Poly Bridge

Galloping Gertie (Google it) looks like an architectural masterpiece next to my creations.
Playing every single space 4X games I own (one of my favourites genres as far back as Space Empires II, I think).

So far, I've particularly enjoyed Endless Space 2 and disliked more Galactic Civilizations II and III, and Stardrive.

Now onto Space Empires IV (my favourite as a teen, so will be biased by nostalgia), Space Empires V and the (overrated?) Stellaris.

Do you guys have other suggestions for me to try (or try again) specifically in this genre? :)
Post edited September 11, 2019 by GenlyAi
Daedalus1138: Making a little progress in Ocarina of Time on the 2DS. I’m taking a little more time to explore and engage in some side activities I straight up ignored my first go around, and while that hasn’t made much difference so far, I know it will later. I just got the bracelet from the Gorons that allows me to pick up the bomb flowers, and I’m about to head and and start working toward getting the fire stone thingy. (Zelda enthusiasts are probably pulling their hair at my lack of knowledge regarding the names of things, but I’m tired and just can’t remember things right now.)

I think I’m done with Dark Souls III. I considered doing a NG+ run or a challenge run of some kind, but I think I want a slight changed of pace. I’ve downloaded Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. This one is the black sheep of he Dark Souls games and the only entry in the trilogy that I haven’t finished. I intend to make another go of it. I’m excited to give t another try.
Sounds good, but just remember, Dark Souls 2 enemies are finite I think. Don't keep losing souls or dying. Your health bar gets decreased with each death as well. Definitely a difficult game.

I've got almost 70 games, but I just can't decide what to play.
Post edited September 11, 2019 by Talin_Warhaft
I am midway Dungeon Keeper 2. Got nostalgic and wanted to replay it. I beat it back in the day, but not GOG's version... It has some extra content that i really want to try (spider lady?) and the new graphics patch, is so great!

Also, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I was stopped dead in my tracks, at roughly 2/3 of the game back in the day, in Normal. Now, on easy, i finally hope to finish it! Funny thing, only FEAR 1 i was able to beat in Normal, from all those shooters that i have... Guns was never my thing, but gimme melee weapons...
Talin_Warhaft: Sounds good, but just remember, Dark Souls 2 enemies are finite I think. Don't keep losing souls or dying. Your health bar gets decreased with each death as well. Definitely a difficult game.

I've got almost 70 games, but I just can't decide what to play.
Yeah, the enemies in Dark Souls II only respawn a certain number of times. Maybe 12? Something like that. The only way to get them to respawn after that is to move on to NG+ or use a bonfire ascetic, which essentially makes the area connected to a bonfire raise to NG+. I actually thought this was a really neat mechanic, and it certainly incentivizes playing carefully (so as not to permanently lose one's souls). But it also offers some reprieve. I remember one boss kicking my butt time and time again, and the run up to the boss arena was grueling. Worse, it was difficult for me to just run past enemies, so I had to go through and kill all the enemies in one segment of the run up. It was tedious and frustrating, but after doing it over a dozen times, I had despawned all those enemies, make subsequent runs less annoying. I can see the mechanic being bothersome to people wanting to farm for souls and/or items, but farming has never been my thing, so it never bothered me.

The health bar thing, on the other hand, was something that greatly bothered me when I first played the game. I had played Dark Souls and beat it twice, so I was accustomed to the inevitability of death and the learning experience it provided. However, I found DSII's health mechanic to be unnecessarily punishing. I hated that every death was even more costly than in the first game and made the game just a little bit more difficult by reducing my max health. It annoyed me to no end, and I almost quit the game several times because of it. Once I adjusted my expectations, though, and got better at playing, I discovered that the health reduction was less of a problem than I had initially thought. Plus, even though the human effigies (which restore humanity and thus restore your max health) are somewhat limited in quantity, the game does provide a means later on of restoring your humanity if you run out of effigies, which I thought was a nice touch.

All in all, though I did not finish the game (that had more to do with the fatigue that resulted in too many missteps in stat allocation, which resulted in a poorly optimized character), I do consider it a good game. For all its weird design choices and rough edges, it did a lot of things that I liked, and it tried things the rest of the series didn't. Plus, now that I have more experience with the series as a whole, I think this coming run will go a lot more smoothly.
I always like to go to that witch merchant in the Cardinal tower asap and get the Traveler's hat. It gives you a 10 % higher chance of finding items on normal enemies. I think I even found a halberd one time. Plus, I save all my items because I guess you can sell them later on. Never fully played through though.
Daedalus1138: Making a little progress in Ocarina of Time on the 2DS. I’m taking a little more time to explore and engage in some side activities I straight up ignored my first go around, and while that hasn’t made much difference so far, I know it will later. I just got the bracelet from the Gorons that allows me to pick up the bomb flowers, and I’m about to head and and start working toward getting the fire stone thingy. (Zelda enthusiasts are probably pulling their hair at my lack of knowledge regarding the names of things, but I’m tired and just can’t remember things right now.)

I think I’m done with Dark Souls III. I considered doing a NG+ run or a challenge run of some kind, but I think I want a slight changed of pace. I’ve downloaded Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. This one is the black sheep of he Dark Souls games and the only entry in the trilogy that I haven’t finished. I intend to make another go of it. I’m excited to give t another try.
Talin_Warhaft: Sounds good, but just remember, Dark Souls 2 enemies are finite I think. Don't keep losing souls or dying. Your health bar gets decreased with each death as well. Definitely a difficult game.

I've got almost 70 games, but I just can't decide what to play.
hahaha, the more games you buy, the more problematic it becomes to make up your mind as to what to play. :D
Haha, yeah. I've got I think 32 games on my wishlist even. I buy all the games when they go on sale and keep them aside for when I finally get some time off. I'm thinking I might start playing Neverwinter Nights EE online.
I had a little time to actually sit down and play Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. I didn’t make much progress; I spent way too long in character creation (especially considering that when I was done, my character didn’t look all that different from the preset I chose). I normally go for dexterity builds in the Souls games, but after having so much fun with a strength build in DSIII, I decided to try it in this game. I chose the Knight as my starting class, mainly because it starts with a decent amount of vigor, adaptability, and strength, all of which are the primary stats I want to level. Dexterity isn’t too shabby either, which I intend to level to some extent just to have greater variety in weapon choice. Some of the weapons I want to try also have slight dexterity requirements, so I don’t want to completely neglect it.

At any rate, I rushed through Things Betwixt just for the items and the small amount of souls, and I’m currently getting everything I can in Majula. I don’t know yet if I’ll head to Forest of Fallen Giants first or if I’ll tackle Heide’s Tower of Flame first. Heide’s Tower allows for quick and early access to a relatively easy boss which will be nice for some early leveling, but killing the Dragonrider will cause the Heide knights to become active, and I rememver those being terribly difficult to fight. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem, but I intend to kill as many of the optional bosses as I can, and the active Heide knights will make the run to Old Dragonslayer a nightmare.

I don’t know. Considering it will probably be a little while before I have an opportunity to play again, I’ll have plenty of time to think about it.
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim.
Mostly been playing Hitman 2 for months now, but started playing Control recently. If you like third-person shooting and System Shock style exploration I highly recommend it, it's a very solid game. Has a cool X-Files meets Twin Peaks vibe to it as well. Only real negatives I see are somewhat repetitive combat while exploring since enemies respawn, and the lack of quicksave, but these don't hinder gameplay too badly. Also it's "DRM free" after you download it through the Epic client, you don't need the client running to launch the game. Whether you could copy the files and play them directly on another PC though, I can't say.

P.S. Hitman 2 is amazing and the final map is coming soon and you all should support it. Thank you goodnight tip your waitress.
Daedalus1138: I had a little time to actually sit down and play Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. I didn’t make much progress; I spent way too long in character creation (especially considering that when I was done, my character didn’t look all that different from the preset I chose). I normally go for dexterity builds in the Souls games, but after having so much fun with a strength build in DSIII, I decided to try it in this game. I chose the Knight as my starting class, mainly because it starts with a decent amount of vigor, adaptability, and strength, all of which are the primary stats I want to level. Dexterity isn’t too shabby either, which I intend to level to some extent just to have greater variety in weapon choice. Some of the weapons I want to try also have slight dexterity requirements, so I don’t want to completely neglect it.

At any rate, I rushed through Things Betwixt just for the items and the small amount of souls, and I’m currently getting everything I can in Majula. I don’t know yet if I’ll head to Forest of Fallen Giants first or if I’ll tackle Heide’s Tower of Flame first. Heide’s Tower allows for quick and early access to a relatively easy boss which will be nice for some early leveling, but killing the Dragonrider will cause the Heide knights to become active, and I rememver those being terribly difficult to fight. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem, but I intend to kill as many of the optional bosses as I can, and the active Heide knights will make the run to Old Dragonslayer a nightmare.

I don’t know. Considering it will probably be a little while before I have an opportunity to play again, I’ll have plenty of time to think about it.
Keep an eye out in Majula for a secret by the cliffside.