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New features, local currency option, new payment methods, store credit, and an updated look for!

For almost six years now we strive to bring you not only the best in DRM-Free gaming, but also to give you the greatest experience possible. To that end we're always looking for ways to improve our site and service. Today, we're rolling out a vastly updated version of our store with an improved interface, sleek new look, and lots of handy new features. Let's take a quick tour, shall we?

Video: Welcome to the fresher, better!

First of all we are giving you more DRM-free content: movies! We are starting with 20 documentaries about internet and gaming culture but we aim high! You can find more on this in the appropriate newspost, so let's focus on the other features we're rolling out.

We wanted to give you more choice as to how you pay for things on Now it's up to you if you want to pay in US Dollars, or in the currency primarily used in your country, whether it's the Euro, Pounds Sterling, Australian Dollars, or Russian Roubles. That's four new currencies supported by for your convenience. Still - the choice is yours, so if you want to stick to US dollars, just switch to it - you find this option at the bottom of each page. To make buying things at an even more flexible process, we're introducing some new payment methods: Sofort, Giropay, Webmoney, and Yandex.

All this also means that users for whom the local currency pricing has been enabled will have an option to select one of two different prices for each game in our catalog. Of course, we stand by the simple truth that $1 does not equal 1€, so a game with a $5.99 price tag will cost 4.49 Euro, 3.69 British Pounds, 6.49 Australian Dollars, and 219 Roubles respectively. $9.99 translates to 7.49 Euro, 5.99 Pounds Sterling, 10.89 Australian Dollars, and 359 Roubles. In a perfect world we would apply the same method of pricing to all of the games we offer. However, things are a little bit more complicated, and there are some games in our catalog that follow a different region-based pricing scheme. However, we wouldn't be if we didn't find a way to make right by the users who end up paying relatively more for such titles. Here's where the Fair Price Package comes in!

The Fair Price Package applies to all of the titles which we couldn't include in our standard pricing scheme. If you end up paying more for a game than its standard US Dollar price, we'll refund you the difference out of our own pocket. The refunded value will be added to your account in Store Credit in the currency of your purchase. That's right, no more gift codes, you'll be getting Store Credit that you can use to purchase anything on or partially pay for an item that's more expensive. More choice, ease of use, and less limitations!

Finally, the store has gotten itself a substantial visual revamp. We went for a fresh, mobile-friendly design that should make it even easier to find the games you want, notice the hot promos, and see what's new. The main page, catalog view, product pages, and checkout have been updated and also lay the groundwork for even more overhaul, coming within the next few months together with many of the GOG Galaxy features. We hope you like it!

PS. Unfortunately, we need to drop some titles from our classic catalog. In such cases, we always do our best to give you an advance warning and a last chance to purchase such games - preferably with a considerable discount. Check this news post to find out which titles are being removed from our catalog, when will it happen, and what parting discounts for them do we currently offer.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by G-Doc
Last request from me about the changes.

Please give us the option to change the menu bar color. That gray is really hideous and repulsive. And the same for website background colour.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by Matruchus
At least the rest of you can still make purchases, which is something that I've been unable to do since the website got updated.

On top of that a gift code that I sent (which was redeemed) is now labeled as "sent" once again. So, excuse me if I roll my eyes concerning the fresher, better!
GOG peeps - no fix was better than "some" fix...

As the saying goes "If you're going to do it, do it right. Otherwise don't bother."

I seriously cannot believe you encouraged members to post ALL the things they wanted and you basically did a facelift to the game pages - why bother at all? Anyone that is new is bound to be unimpressed with a 1/2 finished website that NOW looks 1/2 finished. :-(

Anyway, I don't envy you guys. I know you are trying.
Matruchus: Last request from me about the changes.

Please give us the option to change the menu bar color. That gray is really hideous and repulsive. And the same for website background colour.
How dare you insult the gray? :P
Even with an extensive site overhaul, GOG still will not put links to the relevant forums on a game's store page. Is GOG ever going to explain exactly why they will not do this?
I like it, viewed on a PC the main page looks cleaner to me. I think the layout is better. It feels more organized. Maybe the bar at the top could be a little thinner though, it really seems to stick out.

The "Submit your movie", "Submit your Game", and "Work for Us" links at the bottom of the main page are cool. I like seeing those there.

The forums seem the same.

Browsing through the catalog looks better to me. I like being able to view the catalog as a grid, and still being able to switch back to a list. If there was the option for that before I didn't notice, but I do now.

Game store pages look good but I would change some things. I like that at least as my computer displays it everything is bigger, text is larger and it feels like there is less wasted empty space around the edges. The reviews feel like they are squeezed too much to the left of the screen though. On the right side of the screen the "people who bought it also bought", and "gog mixes: discover great titles" bars seem huge and are given almost as much space as the reviews. I think the reviews should be given more spacial priority in the layout and those bars along the right hand side of the screen should be a little smaller. Also, didn't screenshots used to popup in a separate window in the middle of the screen on selection? I don't browse games enough to remember for sure but I feel like they used to do that. Either way I prefer having a separate popup window to view screenshots as they show up larger that way and are nicer to view as they are in the center of the screen instead of a smaller window in the left side.

A link to a game's forum page as part of the game's store page would also be nice, I agree.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by WalterwickJack
Make the top bar attached to the webpage layout, and not attached to the top of our browser windows. We should be able to scroll down away from the top bar, or scroll left and right if on a smaller browser window. Look at Origin's store page or Steam's store page... no other digital store has their top bar stuck to the top of the screen, and no one uses such overly huge buttons either. If you're really intent on having it at the top, then the buttons need to be small.

Listen GOG, even if you want to keep your colour scheme, you need to change the top bar, period. The buttons need to be smaller, and not follow us around.

The mobile version's top bar is okay... it's not attached to the top of the screen, and it doesn't take up an obnoxious amount of valuable screen space. The desktop version with the huge buttons looks like some webpage template from a free webpage creator.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by TDP
Found another really funny bug I must say.

If I press to increase the size of the screenshot on the game page and close it then the small screenshot picture starts to shake like it was facing and earthquake. When I change the picture to the next one it also shakes :) lol

Also get the screenshot to normal zoom without having to open another tab to watch it zoomed out - that is just stupid and a big step back.
WTF happened?. WHy are 35 games being removed? (dont want to wade through 25 pages...)
Change is always jarring, so I'm not sure how much my negative reaction is that versus actually not being a fan of the new layout. I'm a desktop person and the phone/tablet-centric design always grates on me a bit (Ubuntu since Unity comes to mind).

Cons - From a more pragmatic stance, the Genre/OS support/Release date/size/Company are all things I liked seeing immediately at the top. I never minded scrolling past the summary so the "Read more" link there is slightly irritating to me. The top bar is a bit thick and takes up more room than it really needs to. I think the icon in my game collection/bookshelf to choose between list and boxes/cards would work better than the dropdown in the game search screen (I prefer list view). It feels like the list view takes up more room with fewer items than it used to as well, but that might just be subjective.

Pros - I appreciate that the EULA warning is more prominent now than it used to be, and I like the placement of the system specs too.

Indifferent - Everything else that's changed that I've noticed so far.

All that being said, some of it I may like better after using it for more than 5 minutes and the irritations aren't sufficient to change my shopping habits with regards to the site. Possibly a survey in a couple of months might be helpful to get better opinions with the "change = bad" reaction reduced?
IAmSinistar: Still coming to grips with the changes. Not sure why GOG decided to branch out to movies, nothing there interests me yet.

I like that the change cleaned up the Gifts list, though I do have one code on there with no game associated. I don't think it's a Fallout key, as I had Support remove those a while back. I can PM the code to someone if they want to test it for me.
I dont understand either. eBooks or Music would have been the way to go. Movies?.I get a bad feeling about this choice.
These new payment options, do they come in prepaid cards like paysafecard? Are they easier to find?
Also, are gog cards coming soon, I hope?
Post edited August 27, 2014 by jcoa
high rated
I just noticed while browsing the new movies section that you have to click "Read more".


Quite annoying.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by SmashManiac
avatar New features, local currency option, new payment methods, store credit, and an updated look for!

For almost six years now we strive to bring you not only the best in DRM-Free gaming, but also to give you the greatest experience possible. To that end we're always looking for ways to improve our site and service. Today, we're rolling out a vastly updated version of our store with an improved interface, sleek new look, and lots of handy new features. Let's take a quick tour, shall we?

Video: Welcome to the fresher, better!

First of all we are giving you more DRM-free content: movies! We are starting with 20 documentaries about internet and gaming culture but we aim high! You can find more on this in the appropriate newspost, so let's focus on the other features we're rolling out.

We wanted to give you more choice as to how you pay for things on Now it's up to you if you want to pay in US Dollars, or in the currency primarily used in your country, whether it's the Euro, Pounds Sterling, Australian Dollars, or Russian Roubles. That's four new currencies supported by for your convenience. Still - the choice is yours, so if you want to stick to US dollars, just switch to it - you find this option at the bottom of each page. To make buying things at an even more flexible process, we're introducing some new payment methods: Sofort, Giropay, Webmoney, and Yandex.

All this also means that users for whom the local currency pricing has been enabled will have an option to select one of two different prices for each game in our catalog. Of course, we stand by the simple truth that $1 does not equal 1€, so a game with a $5.99 price tag will cost 4.49 Euro, 3.69 British Pounds, 6.49 Australian Dollars, and 219 Roubles respectively. $9.99 translates to 7.49 Euro, 5.99 Pounds Sterling, 10.89 Australian Dollars, and 359 Roubles. In a perfect world we would apply the same method of pricing to all of the games we offer. However, things are a little bit more complicated, and there are some games in our catalog that follow a different region-based pricing scheme. However, we wouldn't be if we didn't find a way to make right by the users who end up paying relatively more for such titles. Here's where the Fair Price Package comes in!

The Fair Price Package applies to all of the titles which we couldn't include in our standard pricing scheme. If you end up paying more for a game than its standard US Dollar price, we'll refund you the difference out of our own pocket. The refunded value will be added to your account in Store Credit in the currency of your purchase. That's right, no more gift codes, you'll be getting Store Credit that you can use to purchase anything on or partially pay for an item that's more expensive. More choice, ease of use, and less limitations!

Finally, the store has gotten itself a substantial visual revamp. We went for a fresh, mobile-friendly design that should make it even easier to find the games you want, notice the hot promos, and see what's new. The main page, catalog view, product pages, and checkout have been updated and also lay the groundwork for even more overhaul, coming within the next few months together with many of the GOG Galaxy features. We hope you like it!

PS. Unfortunately, we need to drop some titles from our classic catalog. In such cases, we always do our best to give you an advance warning and a last chance to purchase such games - preferably with a considerable discount. Check this news post to find out which titles are being removed from our catalog, when will it happen, and what parting discounts for them do we currently offer.
Love the new design... now you have all those movies I want them all! D:
Other than breaking my bookmark to, this is a splendid redesign. Great work, guys!