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Everyone’s favorite time of the week is upon us and with it, a special GOG MIX sale that will fill your weekend with awesome gaming experiences!

With a variety of titles and genres, all with discounts going as high as -85%, you’ll find something great to play no matter what your taste is. The sale lasts until January 9th, 11 PM UTC.

Let’s jump right into it and take a look at some of the examples:

Turbo Overkill (-10%)
While still in development, this crazy sci-fi, FPP shooter is already bound to make our hearts pound faster with its savage, over the top gameplay. It’s heavily inspired by some of the all-time greats like Doom, Duke Nukem and Quake, and packed with stunning cyberpunk visuals. You play as half-metal, half-human, half-crazy Johnny Turbo, augmented with hidden arm rockets and a chainsaw that extends from your lower leg allowing you to kick-slice enemies wide open. Prepare to wall-running and dashing, sliding on your chainsaw leg, eviscerating foes and opening up bosses for critical damage, car-surfing on the hoods of flying cars, blasting enemies away with the Twin Magnums, teleporting and much more! All of that alongside two dozen stages filled with secrets, bonus arena stages, and white-knuckle combat puzzles is what makes this FPS an unforgettable, wild ride.

Steelrising (-40%)
The city burns and bleeds as it suffers the madness of King Louis XVI and his violent legions of automatons. Aegis, a mechanical masterpiece created by the engineer Vaucanson to be the queen's bodyguard, must save the French Revolution in this challenging action-RPG. Define your own style and upgrade your abilities as you progress through the game. You can play as a ruthless warrior, a hard-hitting bodyguard, a deadly dancer or a virtuoso of the elemental arts. Take advantage of a wide variety of weapons and skills to approach each fight in your own unique way.
Post edited January 06, 2023 by foad01
high rated
EnforcerSunWoo: Once I saw the title of the thread I knew exactly what was going on within it and I am not shocked to be right. They must really love shooting themselves in the foot and getting users angry at them. I mean talk about a tone deaf thread title.
Right? It feels like either someone at GOG wants "GOG Mixes" back so much that they insist to keep us talking about it. Or, that they're trolling us by keeping the topic painfully alive. I can't imagine posting this sale/topic and expecting it not to bring up discussion about the removed, beloved-by-many, feature.
high rated
paladin181: So report it to a mod and move on stop mini-modding the board.
foad01: I am not mini-modding here. I just opened the thread and read another derailed thread. When I read the title I haven't thought that people will use it as a reason to whine and bitch again.

paladin181: Perhaps if GOG stopped shooting themselves in the foot, many gamers wouldn't feel the need to tell them about it.
foad01: This is part of your personal point of view. Many gamers? Press X for doubts. In this forum you can find the same usernames in such occasions again and again.
You missed the italics. I don't purport to speak for anyolbody but me. As far as whining and bitching goes, you're following suit by whining and bitching about the whining and bitching. Because the same people speak about the same (still not fixed) issues doesn't make it whining. To me these are valid complaints. Trying to minimize and/or deride people's opinions you don't agree with by using derogatory language isn't helpful to anyone, as it only serves to escalate a confrontation, not diffuse it. Rather than quietly report the thread you perceive to be breaking the forum rules to a moderator, you'd seemingly rather confront people about their personal views that derail threads with opinions you don't care for.

Of course it's part of my personal views. Who's views should I express on a discussion forum? Yours? The King's? The President's? I don't know anyone else well enough to speak intelligently about their personal views.

So I will advance the conversation. I like GOG, and I continue to post here because I still like the community. I would like GOG to keep being a store I like because I have invested a fair amount of money here through the purchase of games. I complain because GOG doesthings I don't like, even though I still like the over-all product.

I wish to make my displeasure with certain actions GOG has taken known to them, and have done so with mailed letters, emails, support tickets and forum posts. I will continue to do so until GOG either fixes the problems I perceive them to have or change so much that I do not like the over-all product.

If this displeases you, then know you were never the target of my complaints, but yet you wish to interject on their behalf. Until you speak with the authority of someone at GOG who can actually change something, your "whining and bitching" about other people "whining and bitching" is worse than useless as it will further derail threads you perceive to already be derailed.
paladin181: [...]
Yeah. Yeah. I know. I am the bad apple here. I know this story. I have read it before.

OK. Here is what happened. I saw the news. I saw a specific game. I saw that there were more than 20 comments and I wondered whether the people here were also talking about that game. This is the reason why I clicked on the comments. You might assume that people are actually talking about games here. Is anything wrong until this point?

But then I saw that even the term "GOG MIX" triggers people here to continue where they left off in multiple past threads before. You see the same group of people with the same attitude and negativity again and again. If I had known that "GOG MIX" triggers people here I probably wouldn't have clicked on the comments button.

I did a mistake though. I commented the state of this thread.
Catventurer: (...)and got all excited that I'd be able to create the Ultimate Cat Mix. (...)
Seb7.9: Now it's personal. No, it was personal, now it's purposeful, right to do, and needs to be given back.
✆ hello!? Can. I speak to an agent? We need CatMIX immediately!
I think you meant to say, "Meow it's purrsonal!!"
Post edited January 06, 2023 by Catventurer
Seb7.9: Now it's personal. No, it was personal, now it's purposeful, right to do, and needs to be given back.
✆ hello!? Can. I speak to an agent? We need CatMIX immediately!
Catventurer: I think you meant to say, "Meow it's purrsonal!!"
So since we - as it has been explained to us already - have already hijacked the thread to make it a true GOG mix thread, what would your catmix games include? (If you don't include Gibbous and Kitteh, I won't talk to you ever again ;))
foad01: Yeah. Yeah. I know. I am the bad apple here. I know this story. I have read it before.

OK. Here is what happened. I saw the news. I saw a specific game. I saw that there were more than 20 comments and I wondered whether the people here were also talking about that game. This is the reason why I clicked on the comments. You might assume that people are actually talking about games here. Is anything wrong until this point?

But then I saw that even the term "GOG MIX" triggers people here to continue where they left off in multiple past threads before. You see the same group of people with the same attitude and negativity again and again. If I had known that "GOG MIX" triggers people here I probably wouldn't have clicked on the comments button.

I did a mistake though. I commented the state of this thread.
I didn't say you were the bad apple.I didn't assume you chose to read the thread for conflict; you chose to engage rather than to post on topic discussion. GOG Mix is a pretty big trigger here.

For the uninitiated, GOGMixes were a service GOG provided wherein users could present personalized collections of games, based on a theme, based on a genre, or just games they want to play. These collections could be linked to, and edited, and other users could search them. People used these to track different game releases, game features, and many many other things. It was a very useful feature that helped set GOG apart from other stores (think Steam's Curator system, except simpler, and earlier). Then one day the gogmixes were harder to access until they just disappeared quietly with no official statement, but then they later said to keep your eyes open because GOG Mixes may be back, or a similar feature will replace it. And here we are 7 and a half years later with nothing. Probably the best feature of their store besides the actual games, a feature that really set them apart at the time, and they quiet;y killed it, then lied about replacing it with something remotely similar.
paladin181: For the uninitiated, GOGMixes were a service GOG provided wherein users could present personalized collections of games, based on a theme, based on a genre, or just games they want to play. These collections could be linked to, and edited, and other users could search them. People used these to track different game releases, game features, and many many other things. It was a very useful feature that helped set GOG apart from other stores (think Steam's Curator system, except simpler, and earlier). Then one day the gogmixes were harder to access until they just disappeared quietly with no official statement, but then they later said to keep your eyes open because GOG Mixes may be back, or a similar feature will replace it. And here we are 7 and a half years later with nothing. Probably the best feature of their store besides the actual games, a feature that really set them apart at the time, and they quiet;y killed it, then lied about replacing it with something remotely similar.
First of all, thanks for the explanation. I see now that people are disappointed about the removal of this feature, but you also wrote something very important here.

"And here we are 7 and a half years later with nothing."

This is a long time since the removal. Isn't it better to get over it and move on in this specific case about the GOGMixes?
paladin181: For the uninitiated, GOGMixes were a service GOG provided wherein users could present personalized collections of games, based on a theme, based on a genre, or just games they want to play. These collections could be linked to, and edited, and other users could search them. People used these to track different game releases, game features, and many many other things. It was a very useful feature that helped set GOG apart from other stores (think Steam's Curator system, except simpler, and earlier). Then one day the gogmixes were harder to access until they just disappeared quietly with no official statement, but then they later said to keep your eyes open because GOG Mixes may be back, or a similar feature will replace it. And here we are 7 and a half years later with nothing. Probably the best feature of their store besides the actual games, a feature that really set them apart at the time, and they quiet;y killed it, then lied about replacing it with something remotely similar.
foad01: First of all, thanks for the explanation. I see now that people are disappointed about the removal of this feature, but you also wrote something very important here.

"And here we are 7 and a half years later with nothing."

This is a long time since the removal. Isn't it better to get over it and move on in this specific case about the GOGMixes?
Maybe. I don't obsess over it. I actually have posted in this thread A LoOT more than I originally intended discussing it with you. I only wanted to remind GOG (and customers) that they existed, were great, and were removed unceremoniously, with hints and teases at a return or replacement. I may not be in the negativity br8gade you were citing, maybe I am. But I did feel your post applied to me.
paladin181: Maybe. I don't obsess over it. I actually have posted in this thread A LoOT more than I originally intended discussing it with you. I only wanted to remind GOG (and customers) that they existed, were great, and were removed unceremoniously, with hints and teases at a return or replacement. I may not be in the negativity br8gade you were citing, maybe I am. But I did feel your post applied to me.
Everything is fine. You're explanation of the problem actually helped to understand it.

PS: I removed an earlier post and messaged that the reported post by _Auster_ should be ignored.
Dohi64: also, why would you start a sale announcement with a game discounted by a meaningless 10%?
10% is not meaningless. It means 10% off. Would you rather spend 10% more? I would, sometimes. If I really want something, I won't hesitate to pay full price. Most of the games I get discounts on are either newly released or they're maybes. My wishlist is only used to keep track of games I need to do research on.
Keep being surprised at how determined those telling others that what they're fighting for isn't worth it and they should just move on are to fight for that stance and not move on...

As for GOG either being tone deaf or trolling, I fear it's worse, that they know very well what they're doing, testing the waters every so often to see if people finally forgot about yet another thing that used to make GOG, GOG, and a promise made...
Catventurer: I think you meant to say, "Meow it's purrsonal!!"
MarkoH01: So since we - as it has been explained to us already - have already hijacked the thread to make it a true GOG mix thread, what would your catmix games include? (If you don't include Gibbous and Kitteh, I won't talk to you ever again ;))
What do you mean by not include Gibbous and Kitteh. Of course they're included. My Ultimate CatMix would be every game that I would give the "Cats" tag to in that open source game library manager.

Firstly, there's the blatantly obvious games that feature cats:
- Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
- Calico
- Cat Cafe Manager
- Cat Quest
- Cat Quest 2
- Catizens
- Catie in MeowmeowLand
- Chicken Police
- Gato Robo
- Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure
- Gori: Cuddle Carnage
- In Sound Mind
- Inspector Waffles
- Learning Factory
- Nine Noir Lives
- Timeline
- Warpaws
- While True: Learn ()

However there's lots of games where there's a cat somewhere in the game that you might otherwise not know about without an Ultimate CatMix. Such as....
- Cthulhu Saves Christmas: green cat alien that you can rescue from a pet shop
- Divine Divinity: lots of cats all over the place just living their cat lives oblivious to you, plus two cat NPCs you can interact with
- Agent A: there's an achievement in this game related to making good with Ruby's cat
- Costume Quest: besides the cat NPC at the beginning, there is a cat costume (meaning you can turn into a cat in battle)
- Donut County: one of the levels involves the cat NPC and his restaurant
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: when you're in Venice, there's one cat at the outdoor restaurant
- Inkulinati: Bishop Cats
- Master of Orion: Mrrshan are humanoid cat aliens
- There is No Game: Wrong Dimension: there's a few cats in the Loss of Control chapter

Games that would get excluded is where your only interactions with them is as an enemy.
*Takes off eyepatch

GOGmixes? I SEE NO GOGmixes!
Catventurer: [...]
Do you like or know Night in the Woods


Blacksad: Under the Skin


How about creating a thread to discuss this tag? I know that there is an Animal thread already, but I am sure that the tag "Cats" is definitely an interesting topic.
Post edited January 07, 2023 by foad01