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Up to 75% off TotalBiscuit's favorites: Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Pharaoh + Cleopatra and more.

Love him or hate him, TotalBiscuit is a force to be reckoned with. He's the guy that millions of gamers listen to on a daily basis - whether it's first impressions, reviews, or his trademark cynical commentary on industry news, ins and outs - The Cynical Brit's influence on a generation of gamers can be hotly debated, but never denied. Today, we take a look at some of his favorites, his top bites, the 30+ games that <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span>:

From the creative minds of Chris Avellone, Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer comes Pillars of Eternity, where adventure continues beyond the gate. It's a critically lauded revival of the classic cRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, to call it Obsidian Entertainment's spiritual sequel would be an understatement. Of course, that's not the only modern revival of old school favourites - Wasteland 2 is a sequel to the historic 1988 title that redefined RPG gameplay and inspired legendary titles like Fallout - full of multipathed quest solving, choice, consequence and maturity. Brilliant storytelling isn't just an RPG domain - classic point and click adventures like The Longest Journey or its big, action-adventure sister Dreamfall: The Longest Journey are known for featuring some of the most unique universes and best written tales in gaming. The list just goes on with some of absolutely top releases in gaming history including S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, Mount & Blade, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and so much more!

See TotalBiscuit's own take on this promo's biggest highlights!
<iframe width="775" height="436" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This weekend, <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span> some of his favourite games ever. Check them out in our weekend promo, with deals up to 75% off lasting until Tuesday, July 21, 3:59 AM GMT.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Konrad
TotalBiscuit: Well I discuss windowed mode for new games but unfortunately it wasn't as common on games from 10 years ago. There are tools you can use that in some situations will let you force windowed mode, google dxwnd, that's what we used to get Pax Imperia to run in windowed mode. Also works with Chaos Gate.
Hey TB! 'Love your show! I would say, "Welcome to GOG," but I see your sign-up date is from 2008! Are you one of the first users on GOG? :)

Yeah, I've used DxWnd for some games, but sometimes it can be wonky. I still wish more games would have a windowed ability built-in. I usually stay away from 3rd-party programs, unless it's a mod that has to be used with a game. Have you used the "Kentie" mod at all with Unreal-based games like Rune or Deus Ex? It allows windowed mode and prevents the games from running too fast.
high rated
Telika: Out of curiosity. Are you allowed to tell us which other games you had suggested but didn't manage to get a sale ?
That... is a good question actually, I'll have to ask GOG first.

I will say that if its on my strategy Gogmix, I probably asked for it and if I've done a "Nice Things" episode on it, then I definitely asked for it. I was essentially asked to submit a list of 50+ games well in advance and then GOG would approach each publisher and ask if they were willing to put their game on sale. Some obviously were not, which I imagine is completely standard practice.
Are you one of the first users on GOG? :)
Yes. I was a very early invite to GOGs beta because we were covering them in our podcast at the time (which is where my outdated avatar comes from, its the logo for my old show).
Post edited July 17, 2015 by TotalBiscuit
What a cool idea for a sale!
I have most of the games from this list that I wanted already, but I really enjoyed listening to TB's opinion on some of them.
TotalBiscuit: That... is a good question actually, I'll have to ask GOG first.

I will say that if its on my strategy Gogmix, I probably asked for it and if I've done a "Nice Things" episode on it, then I definitely asked for it. I was essentially asked to submit a list of 50+ games well in advance and then GOG would approach each publisher and ask if they were willing to put their game on sale.
That's kind of what I figured. Ah well, we can still recommend HoMM 3, right? =)
high rated
summitus: I agree , not everyone is a Total Biscuit sycophant. Wouldn't buy anything if he's involved in it.
The owners of Sea Dogs should have known at its release that 15 years later the Internet would be an essential household utility, a video service inspired by Janet Jackson’s breasts would arise, and the endorsement of a critic on that service would lose them your sale.
high rated
summitus: I agree , not everyone is a Total Biscuit sycophant. Wouldn't buy anything if he's involved in it.
markrichardb: The owners of Sea Dogs should have known at its release that 15 years later the Internet would be an essential household utility, a video service inspired by Janet Jackson’s breasts would arise, and the endorsement of a critic on that service would lose them your sale.
Pretty much this.

Whether you like TotalBiscuit or not (I personally tend to agree with his opinions and I actually enjoy the way he expresses them), you shouldn't be dissing an entire selection of excellent games on the basis that "he's involved in it". Which, as matter of fact, he isn't. If you miss out on Psychonauts, Pharaoh, The Longest Journey or Sea Dogs just because someone you don't like recommends them, then you're the one being childish and you *are* ultimately skipping some of the best games ever made just because of what looks like a tantrum.
high rated
summitus: I agree , not everyone is a Total Biscuit sycophant. Wouldn't buy anything if he's involved in it.
markrichardb: The owners of Sea Dogs should have known at its release that 15 years later the Internet would be an essential household utility, a video service inspired by Janet Jackson’s breasts would arise, and the endorsement of a critic on that service would lose them your sale.
I mean really this should qualify as a superpower. I can declare I like anything and then people like summitus will automatically hate it. It's a very specific form of mindcontrol.
groze: Whether you like TotalBiscuit or not (I personally tend to agree with his opinions and I actually enjoy the way he expresses them), you shouldn't be dissing an entire selection of excellent games on the basis that "he's involved in it". Which, as matter of fact, he isn't. If you miss out on Psychonauts, Pharaoh, The Longest Journey or Sea Dogs just because someone you don't like recommends them, then you're the one being childish and you *are* ultimately skipping some of the best games ever made just because of what looks like a tantrum.

THANK YOU for saying that. You sir deserve a +1.
If I had more cash on hand, I'd jump on the POE deal... but alas, the recent summer sale has depleted the funds...
groze: Whether you like TotalBiscuit or not (I personally tend to agree with his opinions and I actually enjoy the way he expresses them), you shouldn't be dissing an entire selection of excellent games on the basis that "he's involved in it". Which, as matter of fact, he isn't. If you miss out on Psychonauts, Pharaoh, The Longest Journey or Sea Dogs just because someone you don't like recommends them, then you're the one being childish and you *are* ultimately skipping some of the best games ever made just because of what looks like a tantrum.
This. I don't understand so much of the negativity in this thread. It's unsubstantiated and having popular, pro-gamer, pro-pc gaming voices in the industry is a good thing.
low rated
Echoing others in this thread, I'm disappointed that GOG would feature/promote TB. If this is the type of individual that GOG wants to pseudo-endorse, I question doing any future business here. :(
whorrak: Echoing others in this thread, I'm disappointed that GOG would feature/promote TB. If this is the type of individual that GOG wants to pseudo-endorse, I question doing any future business here. :(
I've read that people can play it fine at minimum specs. there are options to cut the graphics down too. but yeah if you think it's better to wait value-wise then that's your choice/your $$$. I paid 45...I think the first time I ever paid that for a game on gog and no regrets.

at the same time iffy specs can make you reluctant. I understand that. I can't tell you if your specs are iffy or not. I'm not computer savvy. I will say pillars is one of my favorite crpgs ever. it's got a few flaws but what it does does very well.

do digital-only games take longer for price drops than similar physical copies (say pillars of eternity versus dragon age or similar comparisons)? I guess it partially depends on how well the game sells.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by JLH
I pretty much have it all (exquisite taste), but welcome to the forums, tb.
MrFortyFive: This. I don't understand so much of the negativity in this thread. It's unsubstantiated and having popular, pro-gamer, pro-pc gaming voices in the industry is a good thing.
Because people are free to voice their opinions (good or bad) about everything else, while we live in an era where it's "cool" to hate stuff (ex. the usual youtube comment "Thumbs up if u think Justin Bieber is a fag, lulz") it doesn't mean that there isn't valid complains against someone and i'm sure that even the beloved/hated TotalBiscuit isn't devoid of such things as you imply.

As for people that boycott this sale or even the store, well, it's their call but i would say that there is better reasons to do that, if someone takes a tour on this forum should be enough to realize it's problems...
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Cyraxpt