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Up to 75% off TotalBiscuit's favorites: Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Pharaoh + Cleopatra and more.

Love him or hate him, TotalBiscuit is a force to be reckoned with. He's the guy that millions of gamers listen to on a daily basis - whether it's first impressions, reviews, or his trademark cynical commentary on industry news, ins and outs - The Cynical Brit's influence on a generation of gamers can be hotly debated, but never denied. Today, we take a look at some of his favorites, his top bites, the 30+ games that <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span>:

From the creative minds of Chris Avellone, Tim Cain and Josh Sawyer comes Pillars of Eternity, where adventure continues beyond the gate. It's a critically lauded revival of the classic cRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, to call it Obsidian Entertainment's spiritual sequel would be an understatement. Of course, that's not the only modern revival of old school favourites - Wasteland 2 is a sequel to the historic 1988 title that redefined RPG gameplay and inspired legendary titles like Fallout - full of multipathed quest solving, choice, consequence and maturity. Brilliant storytelling isn't just an RPG domain - classic point and click adventures like The Longest Journey or its big, action-adventure sister Dreamfall: The Longest Journey are known for featuring some of the most unique universes and best written tales in gaming. The list just goes on with some of absolutely top releases in gaming history including S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, Mount & Blade, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and so much more!

See TotalBiscuit's own take on this promo's biggest highlights!
<iframe width="775" height="436" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This weekend, <span class="bold">TotalBiscuit Recommends</span> some of his favourite games ever. Check them out in our weekend promo, with deals up to 75% off lasting until Tuesday, July 21, 3:59 AM GMT.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Konrad
high rated
So I read this main post before looking at the games, then made the mistake of looking at the comments lmao.
Guess no one should expect better from an internet forum though...Not many people glad that GOG actually added games back at discounts due to TBs asking and publicity, no thanks for more chances at good deals...Just bitching and whining about TB and GOG for TB.
If you don't like the guy fine, but to waste your time just replying to every post you can with why he sucks (IYO) is sad at best :/

(P.S. For all the TB haters, he has sent alot of business to this site that would have never come here otherwise, myself included. I watch his stuff, and don't have to agree with everything he says, but alot of the comments here are perfect examples of why he no longer has comments on his videos :/)

Lets all just be friends and play some fu**ing games like we came here to do!
Breja: I literally have no idea what this thread is about anymore. Total Piracy Steam Gate Sale or something. It's like half the people here have PhD in internet drama.
Hatred 2: The Triggering.
Gonchi: Hatred 2: The Triggering.
Surprisingly more entertaining than the original Hatred.

I don't even care about TotalBiscuit, but man this thread is something else.
jamotide: I don't want anything from them, I was criticizing the gog fanboys in that thread who reflexively defended these practices , so I don't see how what I want from CDP matters for this conversation.
After glancing through the thread, I'm pretty sure there are more people calling CDP out for this, than supporting them.
And even if not: "Abmahnungen" is a very German issue, I feel, that many non-Germans will simply not know enough about, to know how horrible these practices are. They simply read "CDP sues pirates" - and while I still don't support that, it's easy to sea the appeal of such a headline.
Breja: I literally have no idea what this thread is about anymore. Total Piracy Steam Gate Sale or something. It's like half the people here have PhD in internet drama.
I actually have one of those framed hanging on my wall. It was a really easy class because it was mostly browsing Reddit and Twitter.
low rated
Viper0hr: So I read this main post before looking at the games, then made the mistake of looking at the comments lmao.
Guess no one should expect better from an internet forum though...Not many people glad that GOG actually added games back at discounts due to TBs asking and publicity, no thanks for more chances at good deals...Just bitching and whining about TB and GOG for TB.
If you don't like the guy fine, but to waste your time just replying to every post you can with why he sucks (IYO) is sad at best :/

(P.S. For all the TB haters, he has sent alot of business to this site that would have never come here otherwise, myself included. I watch his stuff, and don't have to agree with everything he says, but alot of the comments here are perfect examples of why he no longer has comments on his videos :/)

Lets all just be friends and play some fu**ing games like we came here to do!
Oh please ... just fuck off will you ?
Breja: I literally have no idea what this thread is about anymore. Total Piracy Steam Gate Sale or something. It's like half the people here have PhD in internet drama.
deshadow52: I actually have one of those framed hanging on my wall. It was a really easy class because it was mostly browsing Reddit and Twitter.
You know, I actually had a "certified gamer" diploma from the (no longer existing) first polish gaming magazine over my desk way back when.
deshadow52: I actually have one of those framed hanging on my wall. It was a really easy class because it was mostly browsing Reddit and Twitter.
Breja: You know, I actually had a "certified gamer" diploma from the (no longer existing) first polish gaming magazine over my desk way back when.
Awesome. Was that just in every print of that issue or was it a contest?
high rated
summitus: Oh please ... just fuck off will you ?
Perfect example of what Viper0hr was talking about. Sure, go on and insult somebody who calls for mutual respect. Great job!

I once had a lot of respect for the GOG community, and considered it the prime example of a good internet forum and discussion culture. I dunno when that changed - was it the whole Gamergate fiasco? The Witcher 3 release? tinyE joining*? Or even earlier? No idea, but it's really sad to see what became of this once respectable gaming community. Now it has become a cesspool like the rest of the internet.

* I'm joking! I love the guy, seriously.
deshadow52: Awesome. Was that just in every print of that issue or was it a contest?
I think it was a gadget from some anniversary special edition. I'm not quite sure, it's been like 14 years ago. I don;t think it was a contest, as the only one of their contests I remember entering I definately did not win. Unless it was some special mention thing for the participants?

Anyway, good times. I loved that magazine. They had a great sense of humor, but also treated gaming with a lot of thought and insight, something not often seen back then. Often started with hilarious fictionalised accounts of staff meetings, and there was a section with short stories about a group of buddhist-like Gaming Monks that asked quasi philosophical questions about games.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by Breja
deshadow52: Awesome. Was that just in every print of that issue or was it a contest?
Breja: I think it was a gadget from some anniversary special edition. I'm not quite sure, it's been like 14 years ago. I don;t think it was a contest, as the only one of their contests I remember entering I definately did not win. Unless it was some special mention thing for the participants?
Ah I see. I just figured it was just in every print. I never got into video game magazines, but I do know Nintendo Power used to have posters and stuff in every issue.
The promo I've been waiting for, after having snatched up Wasteland 2 from an earlier half-off sale. The patience wasn't painful; This War of Mine is the most addictive and engaging game I've played in years.

Now the only question is: Hero or Champion? I can probably stick with Hero. The extras look like mostly frosting--download, unpack & forget. Paying $30 for a computer game is my upper gastrointestinal limit anyway.
Viper0hr: Guess no one should expect better from an internet forum though...Not many people glad that GOG actually added games back at discounts due to TBs asking and publicity.
I'm sorry, what? So, one day TotalBiscuit decided to contact gog and said "Hey, i was making my morning coffee and it just occured to me, how about you guys make a sale and mention my name, eh? eh? eh? What do you say?".

Dear lord, the whole anti-totalbiscuit crusade is annoying but the white knights can be equally pathetic...
deshadow52: Awesome. Was that just in every print of that issue or was it a contest?
Breja: I think it was a gadget from some anniversary special edition. I'm not quite sure, it's been like 14 years ago. I don;t think it was a contest, as the only one of their contests I remember entering I definately did not win. Unless it was some special mention thing for the participants?

Anyway, good times. I loved that magazine. They had a great sense of humor, but also treated gaming with a lot of thought and insight, something not often seen back then. Often started with hilarious fictionalised accounts of staff meetings, and there was a section with short stories about a group of buddhist-like Gaming Monks that asked quasi philosophical questions about games.
Ah I see. I figured it was in the every print of the issue. I never got into video game magazines, but I do know Nintendo Power used to have posters and stuff in every issue.

That magazine sounds amazing by the way. Sounds like it was really creative and better than most gaming mags we had here in NA.

Edit: damn I replied twice to you with practically the same comment, my bad. didn't realize the comments moved to a new page so I thought it didn't go through.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by deshadow52
Thank you for this promo GOG and for TotalBiscuit for recommending these games to inspire the promo. It's been awhile since I posted anything, but I wanted to express my regards for this unique promo. While I do not follow TotalBiscuit (just don't have the time to follow others as much as I use to), I appreciate the effort in recommending these games for this promo. I picked up Stalker, since I missed picking any of them up during past sales such as during the summer one (I managed to snag a much desired System Shock 2 at least during the summer sale). It's the kind of game that didn't hit my radar at first, but after seeing a few videos, it appears to be the type of game I would like to experience for its open world survival setting. While it isn't the first game in the series, I'll probably hold off starting it until I can get the other two in time. I look forward to see if a trend can be set for promos that feature community mixes of all sorts of themes from other users such as the ones expressed in this thread:

One of my favorite ones is the late for work one by JudasIscariot here. Anyways, I may have veered off topic a bit so thanks again for this promo guys. :)