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Food for thought: up to 80% off The Wolf Among Us, the Tex Murphy classics, Praetorians, Etherlords 2, and more!

Going on a big Adventure often requires proper planning, the ability to think on your feet, and making the right calls. Coming up with the best Strategy to neutralize your opponents demands much the same, albeit in a grander scale. The joined catalogs of <span class="bold">Telltale + Nival + Wordplay + Merge</span> offer plenty of opportunities to handle big decisions in order to either unlock the rest of the story or the rest of the map. Start with the easiest one: to take advantage of the up to 80% discount waiting for you inside. Your backlog will remember that.

Prep your heavily modified DeLoreans and re-calibrate your flux capacitors: we're going Back to the Future! We'll have the time of our lives tampering with the space-time continuum, meeting old pals, and helping Marty knock some sense into Doc Brown's younger self.

How did Tex become this cynical, beatdown gumshoe that we love? To find out, we must look into his very first solo case, which involved a fateful encounter with a femme fatale, an introduction to several bad habits, and a dramatic battle of wits with the enigmatic Overseer.

Manipulating magic and commanding fantastic creatures is no simple undertaking. Aspiring Etherlords must be ready to plan each turn, carefully position their forces, and fearlessly explore the map, while looking for opportunities to expand their power.

Put your decision-making hat on and get ready to manipulate the stories of all the unlikely heroes and nations that live inside the <span class="bold">Telltale + Nival + Wordplay + Merge</span> catalogs: Tales from the Borderlands, Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon, Evil Islands, Imperial Glory, and many more! Their fates are in your hands.
The promo will last until September 27, 3:59 AM UTC.
First promo in a while where I don't own any of the games... And I think I'm good here. Might revisit it later today.
PaterAlf: Everytime I see the price for Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive people ($31.19) I can't stop laughing.
micktiegs_8: What currency does Christmas Island use?
Santas :P
I'm waiting for a better discount on Evil Islands so my wallet is safe. :D
high rated
Ghorpm’s "don’t miss this hidden gem" recommendation

Etherlords series

This is one of the best strategy games with card-based combat I’ve ever played. It can be enjoyed by both novice and hardcore players. On easier difficulties you don’t have to bother about building your deck too much. Just add some strong cards when you acquire them, make a few adjustments here and there and you should be fine. Don’t get me wrong though - the game will still be quite challenging as the combat is complex and you should use your cards wisely.

For more experienced players (and you can become one relatively fast by choosing auto battles and thus learning a lot of useful tricks!) rearranging your deck before every fight is the best fun you can imagine. Do your enemy come with a lot of weak and aggressive enemies? Invest heavily in defense and prepare for a war of attrition. Do you expect to see a rare but ultra-powerful monster on the field? Remember to take a few spells that can neutralize it. Is your opponent heavily guarded? Take a few spells that can bypass his defenses and directly hurt him. Does your enemy rely on monsters that get bonuses based on the number of a specific monster that are present on the battlefield? Take a lot of weak monsters to kill them before they get a chance to multiply their stats! Or you know what? Take similar monsters yourself and be first to accumulate a huge number of them! Individually they might be weak but if you manage to summon at least five of them they will be unstoppable!

Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg! There are more valid strategies waiting for you to be discovered! And don’t get overwhelmed - it may seem to be complicated and for a few battles it will probably be (and as a result you’ll get crushed) but after some short time you will start to understand how the things go. I can assure you the satisfaction is just enormous! Trying new techniques is extremely rewarding!

So what’s the difference between these two games? The first one plays more like a standard TBS game. You have a castle, hire heroes, capture resource producing sites, fight stationary monsters and enemy’s heroes. The second one is more story oriented - you have a single hero to control and you roam the map to gain experience, find new clues about your quest etc. Some prefer the former, others the latter. At that price I think you should really buy and play both of them. It’s not necessary to know the story of the first game to enjoy the second but it’s still beneficial.

TL;DR buy both Etherlords games
paladin181: First promo in a while where I don't own any of the games... And I think I'm good here. Might revisit it later today.
Then it's time to take a dip into the strange world of unknown works and wild beasts, ol' dude! :P
JudasIscariot: Santas Elves :P
Fixed it for you :)
BlackThorny: It seems Gog published this in the Gog Steam group first, then posted in the forums. that's... peculiar?
JMich: GOG doesn't have a Steam group. There are at least 3 Steam groups goglodytes made for GOG, and I am (usually) posting announcements in two of those. And today I was a bit slow, since I saw the RSS feed at 4 minutes past the hour instead of the usual 1 minute after it.
I was wondering about that - as I did seem to believe the Steam group was unofficial. But you being the poster does make sense :)
oldgameryeah: Noting for me this week.
Noted ;D
Will Commandos 2 and 3 ever get non-English audio?
Russonc: If my backlog wasn't so huge, I'd grab Tales from the Borderlands.... .... give me a day or two and I might grab it anyway....
Tales from the Borderlands was a totally unexpected blast, and I'm not even a fan of the Borderlands games.

Random_Coffee: How is that Monkey Island-game by Telltale? I don't expect it to be better than LucasArts-MI of course, but is it any good?
Honestly? From a huge MI fan who - like you - did not expect a LucasArts level of fun and quality?
I would recommend it. I remember having a lot of fun. I might have been in my OhMyGodSamAndMaxAndNowMonkyIsland euphoria phase, but I know I immediately felt right at home with the characters, the humor, the narrative and to a lesser extent the art direction.

At this price don't hesitate a second.
Russonc: If my backlog wasn't so huge, I'd grab Tales from the Borderlands.... .... give me a day or two and I might grab it anyway....
Do it, I'd say it's Telltale's best game by far.
Nice promo, though it needs more games for linux. I already have all parts of Tex Murphy, so nothing to buy for me in this promo.
JudasIscariot: Reindeer Droppings :P
blotunga: Fixed it for you :)
Fixed again
blotunga: Come on, Rage of Mages II only 33% off and reviews say it's broken :(
I own it on GOG though haven't played it since I bought it here. Didn't realise there was a bug. Good to know, I'll hold onto my CD copy if it can work with modern windows. I had a lot of hours of fun with this game years ago. One of the few I got around to completing. Guess it was a time where I had more time.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by deonast
Maybe i'm wrong but only 65% off discount after 17 games ( all newly released Telltale games + Albedo + the three Rage of Mages games ) ?