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On December 5th 2023, the same day Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition hits the shelves, our friends from CD PROJEKT RED will release a free Update 2.1 for Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty, introducing new and hotly anticipated gameplay elements.

If you’d like to learn more about the update join them for REDstreams on December 1st, 3 PM UTC on their Twitch channel. Their hosts, Amelia Kołat and Alicja Kozera (Senior Community Managers) will be joined by Paweł Sasko (Quest Director) and Monika Janowska (Producer) to talk about new features and changes.

There are a few nice surprises in this patch so don’t miss it!
high rated
Ok it's official this, this right here is spam, it's not like CP2077 wasn't mentioned a dozen times already during the black friday sale.

And no i'm still not interested in this game!
avatar On December 5th 2023, the same day Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition hits the shelves, our friends from CD PROJEKT RED will release a free Update 2.1 for Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty, introducing new and hotly anticipated gameplay elements.

If you’d like to learn more about the update join them for REDstreams on December 1st, 3 PM UTC on their Twitch channel. Their hosts, Amelia Kołat and Alicja Kozera (Senior Community Managers) will be joined by Paweł Sasko (Quest Director) and Monika Janowska (Producer) to talk about new features and changes.

There are a few nice surprises in this patch so don’t miss it!
Looking forward to the update.
high rated
A Cyberpunk 2077 developer stream?

It will be a perfect opportunity to ask the team if they ever plan to make Galaxy-bound "My Rewards" and the Pre-Order Lottery Car available via offline installers, at the very least for the Ultimate Edition. I look forward to the team completely ignoring this question.
high rated
2.02 is still so buggy, the new game file started with 2.0 (pre phantom liberty release) couldn't progress to Silverhand/Kerry side quest no matter how many days are skipped (even all quests other than the one to point of no return are cleared), even after completing the phantom liberty, I guess that save file is done for good, that reminds me how buggy it was when cyberpunk first release 3 years ago.... 1.62 was far more stable, in terms of flag management of story progress.
Post edited November 30, 2023 by ingramli
high rated
00063: Ok it's official this, this right here is spam, it's not like CP2077 wasn't mentioned a dozen times already during the black friday sale.

And no i'm still not interested in this game!
techically, as this is gOg's own forum, which they use the promote their own products, they cannot spam these forums. they are using the forum for exactly the purpose that it was made for
high rated
00063: Ok it's official this, this right here is spam
amok: techically, as this is gOg's own forum, which they use the promote their own products, they cannot spam these forums. they are using the forum for exactly the purpose that it was made for
It's not GOG's own product, of course...but it's CDPR's product.
And since both - GOG and CDPR - are subsidiary companies of CD Projekt S.A. - "CP 2077" (in all its versions) gets promoted here.

Edit. Fixed a typo
Post edited November 30, 2023 by BreOl72
high rated
Except for the fact that the dlc is not available to me. I would like to express my regret that cd red has started to change its principles and there are more bonuses unavailable offline and pre-order bonuses.

P.S. I also want to add - I do not understand what is fixed in the patches. In the last patch it was stated that now in the stash will be displayed weapons, but in the new game the problem still remains.
Post edited November 30, 2023 by RekontVerlon
high rated
SargonAelther: A Cyberpunk 2077 developer stream?

It will be a perfect opportunity to ask the team if they ever plan to make Galaxy-bound "My Rewards" and the Pre-Order Lottery Car available via offline installers, at the very least for the Ultimate Edition. I look forward to the team completely ignoring this question.
We should finally all start to demand refunds. We have in writing from GOG that the pre-order bonus should have been available as OL installers as well (something one clearly would assume when buing on a DRM-free store like GOG). Since this is still not the case GOG has not fulfilled their part of the contract and therefore getting a refund is perfectly valid.
high rated
introducing new and hotly anticipated gameplay elements
There's one and only one gameplay element that could still be considered "hotly anticipated" three years after the game released: an official, functional 3rd person mode.

Which won't be coming.
high rated
SargonAelther: A Cyberpunk 2077 developer stream?

It will be a perfect opportunity to ask the team if they ever plan to make Galaxy-bound "My Rewards" and the Pre-Order Lottery Car available via offline installers, at the very least for the Ultimate Edition. I look forward to the team completely ignoring this question.
MarkoH01: We should finally all start to demand refunds. We have in writing from GOG that the pre-order bonus should have been available as OL installers as well (something one clearly would assume when buing on a DRM-free store like GOG). Since this is still not the case GOG has not fulfilled their part of the contract and therefore getting a refund is perfectly valid.
Good luck with the attempt but outside of 30 days you will get nowhere with demands for a refund.

That is precisely how long you can trust gog for: 30 days.
Hey CD Projekt RED thank you for continuing to update Cyberpunk 2077, even though you said you are moving to Unreal Engine 5 for the next The Witcher video game.

Continue updating Cyberpunk 2077 for a few more years please. At least please release two more expansion packs for sale for Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt RED please. Thank you.
MarkoH01: We should finally all start to demand refunds. We have in writing from GOG that the pre-order bonus should have been available as OL installers as well (something one clearly would assume when buing on a DRM-free store like GOG). Since this is still not the case GOG has not fulfilled their part of the contract and therefore getting a refund is perfectly valid.
lazydog: Good luck with the attempt but outside of 30 days you will get nowhere with demands for a refund.

That is precisely how long you can trust gog for: 30 days.
Well the contract is invalid so I guess I have pretty good chances ... also there are lawyers available and GOG is not above the law. In any case, I still simply hope that they'll simply fix it since it is not my goal to refund, but to get what I purchased.
high rated
You know, "RedStreams" sort of strikes me as more the name of a salacious Vtuber type, who wouldn't actually be allowed on Twitch.
lazydog: Good luck with the attempt but outside of 30 days you will get nowhere with demands for a refund.

That is precisely how long you can trust gog for: 30 days.
MarkoH01: Well the contract is invalid so I guess I have pretty good chances ... also there are lawyers available and GOG is not above the law. In any case, I still simply hope that they'll simply fix it since it is not my goal to refund, but to get what I purchased.
The single most effective message you can send to gog and cdpr is to stop buying their games.

Witcher 3 retroactive DRM sent a clear message.

Don't pre-order and don't fall for the gog DRM free fallacy.