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low rated
this thread reminds me of this meme :)))))))))) tits pussy ass - total damage norris style hope OP is alright :DD


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Post edited July 30, 2015 by Norris
low rated
real.geizterfahr: Love you too, asshole.
fr33kSh0w2012: You too, Strawberry shitcake!
A Strawberry shitcake, indeed with little shit sprinkles on top.

tinyE: "I don't know phases."
Creating a gang of people to attack me is escalating shit to a higher level. Is that what you want?
Post edited July 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
fr33kSh0w2012: You too, Strawberry shitcake!
monkeydelarge: A Strawberry shitcake, indeed with little shit sprinkles on top.

tinyE: "I don't know phases."
monkeydelarge: Creating a gang of people to attack me is escalating shit to a higher level. Is that what you want?
I am not going to be a party to coaxing your paranoia monkey.

Good night.
monkeydelarge: A Strawberry shitcake, indeed with little shit sprinkles on top.

Creating a gang of people to attack me is escalating shit to a higher level. Is that what you want?
tinyE: I am not going to be a party to coaxing your paranoia monkey.

Good night.
Oh, it's easy. You just need a banana and a ton of LSD.
tinyE: I am not going to be a party to coaxing your paranoia monkey.

Good night.
hedwards: Oh, it's easy. You just need a banana and a ton of LSD.
Well I have lots of bananas but I gave up drugs years ago. :D Shit, that's why I play games now. :P
if you can't make allusions to somebody's equus asinus romantic proclivities on the internet, where can ya?

but in all seriousness.

you could cut the sexual tension in here with a dildo. seriously. just go from arguing and attacking each other and innuendos to the sex already so that this thread can get back to whatever it was about.
low rated
johnnygoging: if you can't make allusions to somebody's equus asinus romantic proclivities on the internet, where can ya?

but in all seriousness.

you could cut the sexual tension in here with a dildo. seriously. just go from arguing and attacking each other and innuendos to the sex already so that this thread can get back to whatever it was about.
Your avatar at least satisfies the "ASS ASS ASS ASS" part. The only missing now is the "TITS TITS TITS TITS TITS TITS TITS".
johnnygoging: if you can't make allusions to somebody's equus asinus romantic proclivities on the internet, where can ya?

but in all seriousness.

you could cut the sexual tension in here with a dildo. seriously. just go from arguing and attacking each other and innuendos to the sex already so that this thread can get back to whatever it was about.
monkeydelarge: Your avatar at least satisfies the "ASS ASS ASS ASS" part. The only missing now is the "TITS TITS TITS TITS TITS TITS TITS".
some gog user out there has the avatar we need, surely. who will answer the call?
low rated
Here you go, everyone. Some tits.
tits01.jpg (41 Kb)
tits02.jpg (22 Kb)
tits03.jpg (91 Kb)
Post edited July 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
johnnygoging: if you can't make allusions to somebody's equus asinus romantic proclivities on the internet, where can ya?

but in all seriousness.

you could cut the sexual tension in here with a dildo. seriously. just go from arguing and attacking each other and innuendos to the sex already so that this thread can get back to whatever it was about.
johnnygoging: if you can't make allusions to somebody's equus asinus romantic proclivities on the internet, where can ya?

but in all seriousness.

you could cut the sexual tension in here with a dildo. seriously. just go from arguing and attacking each other and innuendos to the sex already so that this thread can get back to whatever it was about.
I thought you meant THIS kind of action.
Cyraxpt: FF7 man, can't you recognize Cloud's big head? :p
tinyE: I've never played FF. Should I hand over my 'Gamers Card' now? :P
No you should play THIS while you get FFVII.
Post edited July 30, 2015 by LoboBlanco
Post edited July 30, 2015 by Sage103082
All quiet on the northern front.
gunsynd: All quiet on the northern front.
I wouldn´t mind so much about the northern one as..............the rear front.
gunsynd: All quiet on the northern front.
LoboBlanco: I wouldn´t mind so much about the northern one as..............the rear front.
Don't worry, we're all behind you, 100%.