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Get 80% off the Unreal Epic Pack:
The day of destruction gets nearer, can you feel the atmosphere growing thicker? To get in the right mood (and maybe practice a little if you're planning to be the lucky 13th) for the upcoming tournament, you can now get your hands on the entire bloody series in a bundle for as much as 80% off!

Unreal Gold, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament GOTY, and Unreal Tournament 2004 are available 80% off in a bundle today (or if you complete your collection), or you can get 60% off each title individually!

More heroes. More bullets. More awesomeness.

It’s been a while since our Stream Team faced off to the death on a virtual arena, so we decided to bring Unreal Tournament 2004 back to where it belongs: With twelve participants hosted by Mat of the MatCat duo, everything about this event screams insane awesomeness and awesome insanity.

As in the previous edition of the tournament, the awesome Mat of MatCatPlays will be your hosts.

We will also be starting with two teams of trigger-happy streamers ready to cause some ‘splosions! Team Red will feature Outstar, Piranjade, Donis, Senteria, Sharien Radaik, and Metal Addict, while Team Blue will feature Memories in 8bit, GeordyJones, ScreamingJoypad, Ryusenshu, Judas, and VideoGameCarnage.

A special extra player has been drawn from willing participants in the chat - congrats to ChrisTX4, who will be joining the killing fun!

Date: Saturday, July 18th
Time: 6pm GMT / 8pm CEST / 2pm EDT / 11am PDT
Updates: @GOGcomTwitch

See the awesome trailer below, prepared by Mat himself, and get hyped with us:

<iframe width="775" height="436" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Heroes will rise and noobs will fall once again - join us at this Saturday, July 18th at 6pm GMT for a show very well worth your time.
Wishbone: In other words, this is for hardcore Twitch-heads only. No others need apply.
The doors are open for anyone to be part of the GOG Twitch community.
Wishbone: In other words, this is for hardcore Twitch-heads only. No others need apply.
I can see where you're coming from but there's a lot you may not be aware of.

Keep in mind that there is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. I dare say the amount of hours put into organising an event of this scale easily rises to a hundred to two hundred hours if you combine all the preperation from all participants. Yes, a tournament where every gog person can compete sounds great, but how would you go about it? Remember this is a gog community service. It's not like an MMO that hosts tournaments so it would be very hard to tackle.
Holding a contest sounds more in the right direction, but there are conditions that must be fulfilled by participants in order to make such a thing work. I'm not against the last idea, but setting something up on that scale requires even more work and preperation. Also the whole tournament is ran by people that love GOG and are doing this as a service, not as payment.
This will be fun to watch. Good luck everybody guys/girls :)
evilnancyreagan: I don't even care all that much for FPSers but, I was going to buy the game just to join in and blast (and be blasted by) my fellow goglodytes.
But you can still do that! Just like the GOG Blood Bowl League was created and organized by users here on the forum, you can organize a GOG UT League (or just meet one time and shoot each other). :-D
Wishbone: Now, if you did a tournament for forum regulars, announcing it on the forum well in advance, and giving people a chance to qualify somehow, maybe through a series of qualification matches, you know, an actual tournament, then the participants would be people I cared about, perhaps even myself. If you then also recorded the stream and made it available later on, so people didn't have to watch it live, but could watch it whenever they had the time, then I'd be interested.
If that's something you want, go for it! Make it happen! :-D

And if for example you'd want to watch our last Championship, it's available on the GOG youtube channel:

Wishbone: Yes, only on Twitter and Twitch, neither of which I follow. And one slot out of 13 is not enough to raise my interest, sorry.
On Twitter, on twitch, here on the forum in the twitch thread, on reddit, on facebook...

Wishbone: Live streaming in a global community seems like a failed idea from the start, to be honest. No matter when you stream, you are going to be excluding large parts of your potential audience.
We're covering more and more hours of the day, and also people can watch the VODs for 60 days on the twitch channel, as well as many streamers upload them to their youtube channels. :-)

Wishbone: But hey, I'm a grumpy old man, and if you believe that enough people are interested to make it worth your while, you certainly don't have to take my curmudgeonly opinions into account.
IIRC last time we had somewhere between 500-700 viewers which was cool, but it also took place during the hype for The Witcher 3, so it remains to be seen if we can repeat it this Saturday.

Wishbone: You don't exist to serve me, and as such I'm not complaining. I'm merely telling you the reasons why I personally have no interest in your events. It annoys me, true, because I love UT2004, and I wish you'd chosen ways of doing it that would allow me to enjoy it, but I'm one guy, and I'm not so conceited that I think I should dictate what you should and shouldn't do.
The thing is that if you're not interested in twitch at all, think that the streaming is failed idea to begin with, if you don't care about the streamers and what we do on twitch, we will have trouble reaching you with whatever we do on twitch. :-)
We do care about your criticism though. That's why we decided to include a non-streamer this time for example, although it added a new level of difficulty and risk for us when creating the event. (We got lucky though, he's a really nice and cool guy!)
But I don't see how even from an organizational point of view it would be possible for us to turn a twitch event into a forum event.

And to what Senteria said. Yes, it is a lot of work for the streamers. Especially for MatCat who creates those trailers and all that stuff, for our commentators who need to prepare a lot before the tournament, and for Outstar who creates the pictures. The rest of streamers "only" has to be there for training and rehearsals (where we check sound levels, test maps, balance teams etc.). And then there's all that organizational stuff in the background with arranging dates for everything, collection information and pictures from the participants.
well, I am looking forward to the match and have high hopes a certain hoppity hopper will get in some bloody head shots or three. i worry all that work will limit these kind of events in the future as it may start to feel like a job rather than fun. If others in the forum community want to organize/host their own unreal tournaments I would love to watch those too. more the merrier
Wishbone: Yes, only on Twitter and Twitch, neither of which I follow. And one slot out of 13 is not enough to raise my interest, sorry.
Piranjade: On Twitter, on twitch, here on the forum in the twitch thread, on reddit, on facebook...
So basically everywhere but the one place I actually follow, the forum itself. No, the twitch thread on the forum doesn't count. Since it's about twitch, I don't read it. If I had to read every thread on the forum just in case an important announcement was made in one of them, I wouldn't be doing anything else. If there is an important announcement to be made on the forum, I expect it to get its own thread, as that is the only way to make more than a select few aware of it.

But hey, like I said, you're not here to serve me. I think it's cool what you do, I'm just not part of your target demographic. I don't have time for things I can't pause and then return to later, so Twitch is not for me, nor is the live chat feature there.
Wishbone: You don't exist to serve me, and as such I'm not complaining. I'm merely telling you the reasons why I personally have no interest in your events. It annoys me, true, because I love UT2004, and I wish you'd chosen ways of doing it that would allow me to enjoy it, but I'm one guy, and I'm not so conceited that I think I should dictate what you should and shouldn't do.
Piranjade: The thing is that if you're not interested in twitch at all, think that the streaming is failed idea to begin with, if you don't care about the streamers and what we do on twitch, we will have trouble reaching you with whatever we do on twitch. :-)
Well, I could care about the streamers, if I had any idea who they were, but as they have chosen a service and format the central concept of which is time-centric, I am not likely to ever watch any of their stuff, thus finding out who they are. They could be making the greatest streams the world has ever seen, and I'll still never find out who they are. They could upload all their streams to their respective YouTube channels, but since I don't know their YouTube channels, I'll still never see them.
Piranjade: We do care about your criticism though. That's why we decided to include a non-streamer this time for example, although it added a new level of difficulty and risk for us when creating the event. (We got lucky though, he's a really nice and cool guy!)
But I don't see how even from an organizational point of view it would be possible for us to turn a twitch event into a forum event.

And to what Senteria said. Yes, it is a lot of work for the streamers. Especially for MatCat who creates those trailers and all that stuff, for our commentators who need to prepare a lot before the tournament, and for Outstar who creates the pictures. The rest of streamers "only" has to be there for training and rehearsals (where we check sound levels, test maps, balance teams etc.). And then there's all that organizational stuff in the background with arranging dates for everything, collection information and pictures from the participants.
I don't doubt there is a lot of work involved. I don't see any need to "turn it into a forum event" though. I just wish you would include the forum users somehow. It seems that there are now several completely separate GOG communities, without a whole lot of overlap between them. I think this is sad.

But look, I've derailed this enough. Enjoy your tournament. I hope you have a blast :-)
A last thing: if you actually follow gog's youtube channel you would've seen the announcement and paid extra attention or asked questions, but as you said it. If you don't have any interest in it, you would not know it.

I've noticed most of the twitch gog chat community is actually not that active on the gog forums to begin with, so rather than splitting up the community, we've established a new one.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Senteria
mintee: well, I am looking forward to the match and have high hopes a certain hoppity hopper will get in some bloody head shots or three. i worry all that work will limit these kind of events in the future as it may start to feel like a job rather than fun. If others in the forum community want to organize/host their own unreal tournaments I would love to watch those too. more the merrier
Certain hoppity-hopper grew to be a really competitive, awesome shooter. AND SHE'S ON MY TEAM. <3

And although we have to (Mat, mostyl!) work a lot of hours to make these events happen, we have endless fun with it. Previous championship was simply the best thing I've participated in during my whole lifetime, and I spent some time in pro leagues like ESL. Fun there in comparison to what we do here is like comparing grand-aunt's nameday with old pie (and no wine!) to music festival where your favorite band plays. It's simply awesome.

And yeah, we can't satisfy everyone. Let's just keep in mind that we satisfied over 12,000 unique watchers during previous championship.

...And that sounded bad.

*runs away*
Shadowcat: What's a "streamer" when it's not accompanying balloons and party hats?
micktiegs_8: I feel there's a hidden message I just can't put it together... Not enough imagination at the moment :)
You think you're confused?
evilnancyreagan: I don't even care all that much for FPSers but, I was going to buy the game just to join in and blast (and be blasted by) my fellow goglodytes.
Piranjade: But you can still do that! Just like the GOG Blood Bowl League was created and organized by users here on the forum, you can organize a GOG UT League (or just meet one time and shoot each other). :-D
Yeah, I tried my hand at organizing goglodytes, remember my GOG Minecraft server (which is still up and running, by the way)?

The experience was tantamount to one of herding cats.
Hm, the only game from this bundle that I don't own is Unreal 2: Electric Boogaloo. Would anyone recommend that?
Of all the Unreal Tournaments, of which all I have played to death from the first through 3, UT2k4 is my all time favorite with a lot of fond memories, from mods and skins to the raw fun and action of Onslaught mode and Deathmatch. It always makes me happy to see them on sale, and I adore these annual GOG tournaments.

That said, I would love to see Unreal Tournament 3 here, even if it's not the most loved one. I think it's a good time for it to come now that Galaxy is available and last I heard it's DRM-free anyway, unless I'm mistaken (I still have an original hard copy).

Love this series!
micktiegs_8: I feel there's a hidden message I just can't put it together... Not enough imagination at the moment :)
Shadowcat: You think you're confused?
It's hard to tell what people are trying to say on here most of the time. It's one of the reasons I don't change my avatar because it's so apt.
I never play an Unreal. Which one do you recomend me?