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mrkgnao: Unable to create a new "question" topic in General Discussion. When I click post, the text window just stays there and the thread does not appear. Did not try a regular (non-question) topic. Am I the only one?
Works for me:
mrkgnao: Unable to create a new "question" topic in General Discussion. When I click post, the text window just stays there and the thread does not appear. Did not try a regular (non-question) topic. Am I the only one?
adaliabooks: Works for me:
Thanks for checking. I can't create any new topic, question or otherwise, regardless of title or body. Will try again later.
Guessing some odd symptom of the usual behavior that makes it not do anything if you have tags improperly closed or close the tab with the topic you're posting to (or moved to another page in it) before posting? Odd that it's just you though...

Oh, sorry, forgot (did it now to make sure). If the other tab is closed or moved it will post, but the one with the post will get stuck.
Post edited March 04, 2016 by Cavalary
mrkgnao: Thanks for checking. I can't create any new topic, question or otherwise, regardless of title or body. Will try again later.
This seems to be a problem that sometimes occurs here. I know that for example Tallima sometimes had that problem as well.
mrkgnao: Thanks for checking. I can't create any new topic, question or otherwise, regardless of title or body. Will try again later.
moonshineshadow: This seems to be a problem that sometimes occurs here. I know that for example Tallima sometimes had that problem as well.
It did eventually resolve for me too.
This page:

links to the FAQ at the following link:

which in turn brings up a 404 page. The second link instead should point to:

The "/support_view" is what is missing from the FAQ URL.
Post edited March 07, 2016 by skeletonbow
skeletonbow: (...)
Oh, I see where the link is. We'll look into it. Thanks!
Johny.: Oh, I see where the link is. We'll look into it. Thanks!
no prob
found that I can't currently post from my tablet, tested both Chrome and UC Browser. Both say posting with a spinning wheel, but won't post
te_lanus: found that I can't currently post from my tablet, tested both Chrome and UC Browser. Both say posting with a spinning wheel, but won't post
When I first read your post I had no such problem. Now I do too, no posts are getting through for about 10 minutes now.

Update: Ok, this one made it through so that's one. I'm unable to post in the community giveaway thread right now, it acts as if it posts but my post never shows up.
Post edited March 08, 2016 by skeletonbow
skeletonbow: Update: Ok, this one made it through so that's one. I'm unable to post in the community giveaway thread right now, it acts as if it posts but my post never shows up.
That is a problem in threads that had posts removed because they were reported as spam. The first post on a new page only shows if a second post is done. And of course you can not do it on your own, since gog just merges your posts. Happens in some threads all the time, really annoying.
moonshineshadow: That is a problem in threads that had posts removed because they were reported as spam. The first post on a new page only shows if a second post is done. And of course you can not do it on your own, since gog just merges your posts. Happens in some threads all the time, really annoying.
Wow, first time I ever experienced it that I'm aware of. The GOG forum code is pretty lacklustre overall for features/functionality and user friendliness though. :) I hope they replace it with a whole new system some day, but that probably is unlikely for ages due to much more pressing matters. :)
Current weekend promo announcement page using HTTPS ( links to order page using a HTTP url.

Not HTTPS everywhere yet, as it seems...
Post edited March 11, 2016 by elgonzo
elgonzo: Current weekend promo announcement page using HTTPS ( links to order page using a HTTP url.

Not HTTPS everywhere yet, as it seems...
Thanks, it should be fixed now! :)
Has nobody reported that the chat is hopelessly broken at the moment, or is this the wrong thread, or did I just missed the long thread which was started for this already?