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Let's just hope the micro-management won't be too much...making workers mate...:D

Music sample sounds good, Valentines card was funny!
Wow! Looks pretty cool! The wishlist has over 50 votes now!
Developers are making a first Twitch stream of the game-creation process today, be sure not to miss it!

The stream will begin here, 10PM GMT today.
Wow, the devs have just released Early Prototype!

From the description:

'This prototype is not the final game or alpha neither beta game. This prototype will give you a good sense of the overall mood of the game, and even allow you to discover a few easter eggs hidden around the planet. We're not supporting this prototype, it was made for our internal usage as early benchmark for our artists and developers. Final game will not necessarily look like that. Most of the models and mechanics was already reworked and improved.'

Getting to the download queue now! :-)
zeffyr: Wow, the devs have just released Early Prototype!

From the description:

'This prototype is not the final game or alpha neither beta game. This prototype will give you a good sense of the overall mood of the game, and even allow you to discover a few easter eggs hidden around the planet. We're not supporting this prototype, it was made for our internal usage as early benchmark for our artists and developers. Final game will not necessarily look like that. Most of the models and mechanics was already reworked and improved.'

Getting to the download queue now! :-)
I just checked out the prototype. It's very cool. The controls are crap, and the models simple, but hey, it's a prototype, not a working game. The developers certainly have a sense of humor. Apart from the logs you can find, there are several interesting things to notice. There are various different animals on the planet's surface. I've seen both rabbits, a wolf and a giraffe. Perhaps more interesting are the animals not on the planet's surface. There appears to be a live cow in orbit around the planet. I'm not sure, but I think it may be a deliberate reference to one of Will Wright's early demonstrations of Spore (before they ruined the game).
zeffyr: Wow, the devs have just released Early Prototype!

From the description:

'This prototype is not the final game or alpha neither beta game. This prototype will give you a good sense of the overall mood of the game, and even allow you to discover a few easter eggs hidden around the planet. We're not supporting this prototype, it was made for our internal usage as early benchmark for our artists and developers. Final game will not necessarily look like that. Most of the models and mechanics was already reworked and improved.'

Getting to the download queue now! :-)
Wishbone: I just checked out the prototype. It's very cool. The controls are crap, and the models simple, but hey, it's a prototype, not a working game. The developers certainly have a sense of humor. Apart from the logs you can find, there are several interesting things to notice. There are various different animals on the planet's surface. I've seen both rabbits, a wolf and a giraffe. Perhaps more interesting are the animals not on the planet's surface. There appears to be a live cow in orbit around the planet. I'm not sure, but I think it may be a deliberate reference to one of Will Wright's early demonstrations of Spore (before they ruined the game).
I was wondering what the boat at the bottom of the giant lake was supposed to be
The music is awesome, water areas are delightful. What only bothers me are huge disproportions between sizes of humans and cities/vehicles, I mean look at the people in the village and the city...

I managed to take the plane down :-) And a cow on the orbit is awesome :-) Anyway, I like that they're trying to give us some preview about the overall look. It's not much different that we saw in the trailer, but still.
zeffyr: The music is awesome, water areas are delightful. What only bothers me are huge disproportions between sizes of humans and cities/vehicles, I mean look at the people in the village and the city...
Well, the thing is that if they did make everything proportional, you wouldn't be able to see the people at all. Considering that you're supposed to be able to interact with everything (I think), then everything needs to be large enough to see and click on.
zeffyr: I managed to take the plane down :-)
Hehe, I took all of them down. At first I thought they respawned, but eventually I ran out of planes. I tried to take the satellites down as well, but it seems you can't interact with them. I have a feeling the plane thing is only for the prototype though.
I should be sleeping right now but I'll give the prototype a go :D
Did any of you back Universim by using PayPal?

I use PayPal all the time (I did not for this), but I don't think I will use them in the future if I plan on backing another game.
trentonlf: Did any of you back Universim by using PayPal?

I use PayPal all the time (I did not for this), but I don't think I will use them in the future if I plan on backing another game.
I backed it on KS, but WTF?!!?! If Paypal are doing that they're making sure people will want their money back, because they'll hamper development. Damn...
Reever: I backed it on KS, but WTF?!!?! If Paypal are doing that they're making sure people will want their money back, because they'll hamper development. Damn...
Fortunately it's only about 3% of the total backing that came from PayPal, but the fact that PayPal is not releasing the funds after a year is bad business practice in my opinion.
Reever: I backed it on KS, but WTF?!!?! If Paypal are doing that they're making sure people will want their money back, because they'll hamper development. Damn...
trentonlf: Fortunately it's only about 3% of the total backing that came from PayPal, but the fact that PayPal is not releasing the funds after a year is bad business practice in my opinion.
I don't know how did they count that 3%... Additional pledges after the end of KS campaign were funded via PayPal but you could also pay with PP for KS campaign, right? So it's definitely more than 3%.
Post edited May 16, 2015 by zeffyr
zeffyr: I don't know how did they count that 3%... Additional pledges after the end of KS campaign were funded via PayPal but you could also pay with PP for KS campaign, right? So it's definitely more than 3%.
The way the article read they were only counting what was collected during the KS campaign, so I would agree with you that there is probably more being withheld than the article lets on from those that donated after :-/
Can't you take some legal action against them? I mean, this is fucking shit!
Post edited May 17, 2015 by Reever