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timppu: And I always thought it is dog pee.
tinyE: You're half right.
... it's dog?
morolf: When I read the title of your post I thought it would be something about Trump ("the orange clown"). Or maybe the Orange order taking over and hunting down papists?
But thankfully it's just about autumn. That's a relief.
This was my thought as well, apparently he's still coming, and likely still meeting with the queen? It just won't be a State Visit. Ow to be a microwave listening in on that conversation, I doubt the Queen has much respect for the Orange.
Post edited October 16, 2017 by Pheace
I feel going clockwork orange would be cooler.
Yeah it was dark outside all day where I am in Scotland. Typically, the new PC case for my kids PC arrived this afternoon so I had a full build to do in the crappiest light ever. Switched on first time though so it was all good in the end.
morolf: Maybe in the middle ages people would have regarded this as a sign the end of the world and the Last Judgment were approaching...mabye some still do even today...
DebbieL: Just looked out my window (I'm in London) and it's not that dramatic, honestly. I think even people in the Middle Ages would have found it hard to interpret 'slightly orange-looking sky in late autumn' as a sign of the Apocalypse.
You would not be that wrong. From what I have read, it is a mix of storms, dust and smoke from forest fires in Portugal. Every year we have a tough time with fires, but this year we have an all-time record.
For countless families, the end of the world has arrived.
durandl: Even in this day and age people tend to believe this stuff, just last month stories about Planet Niburu popped up again and told of the end of the earth.
*sigh*, I thought we weren't going to hear about that crap anymore after 2012. But hey, they'll get it right eventually, right?

Anyways, I've heard from very reliable sources that a massive space toaster just collided with a rare planet called Planet Bread. Planet Bread is getting toasted and the orange light from the toaster has reached the Earth. This can only mean that this massive space toaster is on it's way to Earth right now and will turn the Earth into a giant piece of toast by 2022!!!! That is unless everyone sends me massive amounts of money to my Paypal account so I can begin research on Anti-giant space toaster missiles. So send me money now or enjoy a firey death of death and burning death of intense burning death of burning.
morolf: When I read the title of your post I thought it would be something about Trump ("the orange clown"). Or maybe the Orange order taking over and hunting down papists?
But thankfully it's just about autumn. That's a relief.
mechmouse: There is the violent remains of a Hurricane hitting the west side of the UK and Ireland, as well as bringing deadly wind speeds its also dragged up a lot of sand from the Sahara. Its not autumn leaves, the sun light has a red orange hue.
Fascinating! and seeing how your island is the original birthplace of cloudy weather I would guess that the light has filtered the entire sky!...And yes, I love cloudy weather BTW...
ZFR: How do you know he's not a Linux/IOS user?
mechmouse: The winds not too bad here, so I shouldn't end up with xWindows
I am an ex-Windows system user, now I use the X Window System.