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So how's Reddit? (also how's GamingOnLinux?)

I recently signed up on 2 places that I followed for a little while: Reddit and GamingOnLinux.
In regards to reddit, the discussion on the linux subreddits seems decent enough, I have to admit though the layout is a bit confusing when one's posting instead of just reading the stuff written by others (I just made my 1st post 5 mins ago-wonder how that will go...)
In regards to GamingOnLinux, it suggested I go to the introduction thread after I signed up but I hope I don't have to as most people there give out their real names while mine is not exactly common so I could be easily found by it (which means I don't want to give it).
So what I wonder is: What do you people think of these places? Regarding Reddit in particular, what subreddits do you suggest (other than r/gog and some r/linux ones I've already subscribed to)?
P.S Fyi, my username on Reddit is lmintmate ("Treasure" was already taken :-/) and on GamingOnLinux it's Treasure (it wasn't taken there thankfully)-just so you know in case you want to come in touch with me there...
P.S 2-I'm not sure if this warranted its own thread, that's wny I'm posting here...

edit- Is it normal that reddit doesn't show my post when I'm logged out??
Post edited July 18, 2016 by Treasure
Maybe I should've made a new thread...

Treasure: So how's Reddit? (also how's GamingOnLinux?)

I recently signed up on 2 places that I followed for a little while: Reddit and GamingOnLinux.
In regards to reddit, the discussion on the linux subreddits seems decent enough, I have to admit though the layout is a bit confusing when one's posting instead of just reading the stuff written by others (I just made my 1st post 5 mins ago-wonder how that will go...)
In regards to GamingOnLinux, it suggested I go to the introduction thread after I signed up but I hope I don't have to as most people there give out their real names while mine is not exactly common so I could be easily found by it (which means I don't want to give it).
So what I wonder is: What do you people think of these places? Regarding Reddit in particular, what subreddits do you suggest (other than r/gog and some r/linux ones I've already subscribed to)?
P.S Fyi, my username on Reddit is lmintmate ("Treasure" was already taken :-/) and on GamingOnLinux it's Treasure (it wasn't taken there thankfully)-just so you know in case you want to come in touch with me there...
P.S 2-I'm not sure if this warranted its own thread, that's wny I'm posting here...

edit- Is it normal that reddit doesn't show my post when I'm logged out??
Treasure: So how's Reddit? (also how's GamingOnLinux?)
I don't use either, Reddit just confuses me every time someone links to it.
I made an account there once... I wonder if I can delete it.

I've followed GamingonLinux for a while, wasn't even aware there was a forum.
omega64: I don't use either, Reddit just confuses me every time someone links to it.
I made an account there once... I wonder if I can delete it.

I've followed GamingonLinux for a while, wasn't even aware there was a forum.
Thanks for answering at least. I think an account can be deleted -and in the meanwhile I might just delete my reddit account because I still can't see my comment while logged out, and there's a possibility it was deleted because it wasn't high-voted enough or something (when I click embed it says "This comment was deleted" and I also only see the comment itself via a link I had created as soon as I posted it) - no idea why it might have been deleted as it was a pretty normal post. This so that people who complain about the rep system will know that there's worse, where apparently someone's post never showed up because it wasn't high-rated (while here on gog posts show up regardless).
I'm also probably going to post in the introduction thread of gamingonlinux, explaining why I'm not giving my real name.
Hopefully, someone else will also reply shedding a bit more light to this reddit issue of mine...

P.S There's indeed a deactivate tab in the preferences.. probably not a total delete but pretty close...
Post edited July 18, 2016 by Treasure
Treasure: and there's a possibility it was deleted because it wasn't high-voted enough or something (when I click embed it says "This comment was deleted" and I also only see the comment itself via a link I had created as soon as I posted it) - no idea why it might have been deleted as it was a pretty normal post.
It might just be the subreddit you posted in?
I think each has its own mods.
The one you posted in might just be a bit weird or hostile to new users.
omega64: It might just be the subreddit you posted in?
I think each has its own mods.
The one you posted in might just be a bit weird or hostile to new users.
I posted in r/linux. It had seemed alright enough from the outside, but I don't know -maybe my comment was deleted because it wasn't critical enough towards Windows? I'm attaching a pic of my comment, as I can only see it when logged in and only via the aforementioned direct link, so that you can get an idea and show me what they might have not liked that I don't see myself...
comment.jpg (147 Kb)
Treasure: I posted in r/linux. It had seemed alright enough from the outside, but I don't know -maybe my comment was deleted because it wasn't critical enough towards Windows? I'm attaching a pic of my comment, as I can only see it when logged in and only via the aforementioned direct link, so that you can get an idea and show me what they might have not liked that I don't see myself...
That might be it.
Maybe you didn't praise Linux enough.
Like the first sentence for example. :P
omega64: That might be it.
Maybe you didn't praise Linux enough.
Like the first sentence for example. :P
I see now how my syntax there might have vexed someone -to my defense however, most people indeed aren't even aware of the very existence of linux, and especially not in Cyprus - I haven't asked but most people I know in r-l aren't tech-savvy... So, it's not my fault if that guy is an American who doesn't realize there are places that haven't heard of linux... I'll probably deactivate my account later today then, because this thingy kind of soured me (nothing of the sort would've happened here on gog...)
Post edited July 18, 2016 by Treasure
Treasure: I see now how my syntax there might have vexed someone -to my defence however, most people indeed aren't even aware of the very existence of linux, and especially not in Cyprus - I haven't asked but most people I know in r-l aren't tech-savvy... So, it's not my fault if that guy is an American who doesn't realize there are places that haven't heard of linux... I'll probably deactivate my account later today then, because this thingy kind of soured me (nothing of the sort would've happened here on gog...)
Yeah, some people just go crazy when you slightly criticize Linux sadly.
Even if it is based in facts.
omega64: Yeah, some people just go crazy when you slightly criticize Linux sadly.
Even if it is based in facts.
Noted. When I start using Linux, I shall go crazy.
Dessimu: Noted. When I start using Linux, I shall go crazy.
Good luck with that. :P
Dessimu: Noted. When I start using Linux, I shall go crazy.
Well, I already use Linux part-time (as I mentioned in my apparently semi-deleted aforementioned comment on reddit), maybe I should start going crazy as well? o_o And also, if every linux user starts going crazy after using it, someone outside linux noticing this phenomenon will conclude that hallucinogenics come preinstalled with the iso or something :P
Dessimu: Noted. When I start using Linux, I shall go crazy.
Treasure: Well, I already use Linux part-time (as I mentioned in my apparently semi-deleted aforementioned comment on reddit), maybe I should start going crazy as well? o_o And also, if every linux user starts going crazy after using it, someone outside linux noticing this phenomenon will conclude that hallucinogenics come preinstalled with the iso or something :P
I did say some, not all. :P
That reminds me, there's supposedly a guy that spends all his time on Steam searching for posts about wanting Linux ports and saying it won't happen.
omega64: I did say some, not all. :P
That was kind of my point as well -that I already use linux part-time but I'm not crazy, I guess...

omega64: That reminds me, there's supposedly a guy that spends all his time on Steam searching for posts about wanting Linux ports and saying it won't happen.
I also saw that - GamingOnLinux mentioned it I think. It doesn't sound too unlikely to me though, as there are bad seeds in these forums that search for all posts from users they don't like and downvote them... there are unfortunately bad apples everywhere...
Post edited July 18, 2016 by Treasure
Treasure: Well, I already use Linux part-time (as I mentioned in my apparently semi-deleted aforementioned comment on reddit), maybe I should start going crazy as well? o_o And also, if every linux user starts going crazy after using it, someone outside linux noticing this phenomenon will conclude that hallucinogenics come preinstalled with the iso or something :P
You just described a new kind of a cyber drug. Genius!

If more seriously, I used Linux for a while when started coding Java. I was told and taught how to use Linux for my advantage and how awesome it is. For that moment I used Lubuntu. After a while I told myself: "When I get a second, better computer, I shall use that one with Windows for gaming and this one with Linux for work." In other words, I liked Linux.