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sunshinecorp: Take a dialogue in the first episode as an example, between the main protagonists. In five sentences, they exchange every single cliché that they used to say to each other in all nine series!
First episode was written by Chris Carter. Chris Carter is a massive hack who is incapable of writing good dialogue. Morgan and Wong were what made The X-Files great. Seriously, take a look at any episode list, you'll notice that those two guys were involved with the majority of memorable (in a good way) episodes. Which also explains the massive nosedive the show took after their departure, with Carter and his assorted gang of bootlickers being incapable of filling the void they left.

Good thing they got Morgan and Wong back for this new season (despite their departure being less than amicable, considering they took the serial killer-of-the-week mess of a show that was Carter's Millennium and turned it into arguably the best show of the Nineties when they became showrunners for Season 2, only to be collectively shat upon by the rest of the staff in the retrospective DVD special features). I expect episodes 2, 3 and 4 to be decent at the very least.
Post edited February 01, 2016 by fronzelneekburm
bad_fur_day1: The name X-files has almost turned into the Alien-Files. What happened to the "X" I'm not interested in the Alien-Files. You've seen one grey alien, you've seen them all.
sunshinecorp: That's alienism.
Isn't that being an alien? What about Nonterranphobia?

bad_fur_day1: I felt the X-files devolved into finding aliens almost exclusively. I much preferred the mysterious episodes, I think I remember a early firestarter one perhaps. I felt it was better when it didn't focus on aliens and alien viruses and alien conspiracies, secret organisations and just focused on all things mysterious.

The name X-files has almost turned into the Alien-Files. What happened to the "X" I'm not interested in the Alien-Files. You've seen one grey alien, you've seen them all.
Exactly. The first series had some great angles, then it became all conspiracy this, conspiracy that, ooooh alien.
Post edited February 01, 2016 by nightcraw1er.488
sunshinecorp: That's alienism.
nightcraw1er.488: Isn't that being an alien? What about Nonterranphobia?
Sometimes you have to go with what people will understand.
The new series seems pretty meh to me, trying to convince itself that convoluted conspiracy theories from the Nineties are still as relevant as ever. The Snowden files proved that conspiracy is bullshit, because reality is worse than we imagined - apart from the all the U.F.O. crap.
sunshinecorp: Take a dialogue in the first episode as an example, between the main protagonists. In five sentences, they exchange every single cliché that they used to say to each other in all nine series!
fronzelneekburm: First episode was written by Chris Carter. Chris Carter is a massive hack who is incapable of writing good dialogue. Morgan and Wong were what made The X-Files great. Seriously, take a look at any episode list, you'll notice that those two guys were involved with the majority of memorable (in a good way) episodes. Which also explains the massive nosedive the show took after their departure, with Carter and his assorted gang of bootlickers being incapable of filling the void they left.

Good thing they got Morgan and Wong back for this new season (despite their departure being less than amicable, considering they turned the serial killer-of-the-week mess of a show that was Carter's Millennium and turned it into arguably the best show of the Nineties when they became showrunners for Season 2, only to be collectively shat upon by the rest of the staff in the retrospective DVD special features). I expect episodes 2, 3 and 4 to be decent at the very least.
Very true. They also made Space: Above and Beyond (Special effects done on a Amiga . :) ) which is a great TV Show. It haven't aged well unfortunately but if you can look past the visuals there's still a remarkable good show in there.
Post edited February 01, 2016 by Tarm
when they burned Mulder's office, that was a perfect ending of x-files for me. After that, everything was shit.
Watching the third episode right now, and if I'm to judge from the intro, we're back to the funny stuff! YEAH! That's more like it!
And by funny I meant comedic, not weird. Well it is weird, since it's the X-Files. But I meant comedic.

EDIT: Oh hell yeah, episode 3 was great fun!
Post edited February 02, 2016 by sunshinecorp
Is it really that bad?I was looking forward to this since i loved original series and i dont have tendencies to follow series of any kind...
RottenRotz: Is it really that bad?I was looking forward to this since i loved original series and i dont have tendencies to follow series of any kind...
Eps 1 and 2 really sucked, well for me at least. But I really liked ep 3.
I'm so glad to see that X-Files Fans (X-Fans?) are agreeing that the season is off to a bad start. Why? Because I've never watched a single episode until the start of this season. I had bought the series on DVD just a bit ago and planned to watch the whole series, but didn't get around to it before the new season came out. (Unfortunately, some of the exposition in the new season blew some spoilers, but oh well.)

So, I watched the first one and thought "WTF did I do?? I bought 9 seasons of this shit?!?!" the plot was very confusing and disjointed--plot movement for the sake of movement. Perhaps because I'm new to the series there's some learning curve? Second episode was better, but looks like nearly everything they were working on in the first episode was forgotten or pushed aside.

Despite my momentary buyer's remorse, I'm still interested in watching seasons 1-9 (along with Millennium), so I'm kind of relieved others are disappointed in the first episode of this new season. Like the show's motto, I want to believe (that I'll enjoy my DVD collection!)
Apparently, there is a problematic aspect to the new episode:

From what I can tell, this is just one small aspect of the episode, but it still is problematic and that detail could have been omitted without adversely affecting the episode.

With that said, I should probably end with this link:
dtgreene: Apparently, there is a problematic aspect to the new episode:

From what I can tell, this is just one small aspect of the episode, but it still is problematic and that detail could have been omitted without adversely affecting the episode.

With that said, I should probably end with this link:
Apparently mentioning trans people is problematic as well as not acknowledging their existence. Sometimes I think some people find outrage in everything...

I found the episode itself pretty humorous, but my problem is how does this off-the-cuff episode fit into a 6 episode mini-series. 3 episodes to go, right? Is this going anywhere?
Post edited February 03, 2016 by RWarehall
dtgreene: Apparently, there is a problematic aspect to the new episode:

From what I can tell, this is just one small aspect of the episode, but it still is problematic and that detail could have been omitted without adversely affecting the episode.

With that said, I should probably end with this link:
Apparently, "politically correct" people will eventually ruin the fun in everything, everywhere, ever. Watch some South Park before it's too late.
RWarehall: I found the episode itself pretty humorous, but my problem is how does this off-the-cuff episode fit into a 6 episode mini-series. 3 episodes to go, right? Is this going anywhere?
Probably not, but I'm glad they did an episode like that. I'm preeeeeetty sure it's going to be the mini-series high point.
Post edited February 03, 2016 by sunshinecorp
And let's face it. My take is the show was trying to be inclusive. You might not like the fact the transgendered individual was a sex worker, but if that person wasn't, should we even know that person's sexual orientation? Tell me about extra #3 in the 4th scene, was he gay, straight, transgender or otherkin? Does it matter? It sure didn't to the story.

So tell me how the show was supposed to "do it right"? Should it have spent 15 minutes a quarter of the show talking about transgender issues? I love how these activists are so good at finding problems but as usual don't have any real solutions...
RWarehall: I found the episode itself pretty humorous, but my problem is how does this off-the-cuff episode fit into a 6 episode mini-series. 3 episodes to go, right? Is this going anywhere?
sunshinecorp: Probably not, but I'm glad they did an episode like that. I'm preeeeeetty sure it's going to be the mini-series high point.
I think it does fit in, as the whole purpose of the 6 episode arch is to give a full spectrum taste of all kinds of episodes X-Files had on its full run and the kind of comedic episodes the Were-Monsters was were among the most well liked.