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Punington: Hopefully Osen will be able to take Mr. Fiddlesticks' and every other tavern-dweller's banner and entertain you as much as they'd have.
Osen has done Mr. Fiddlesticks a favor by practically taking his place in the round 2.
Mr. Fiddlesticks gives Osen a supporting pat on the back and says he'll be keeping his part of the beer keg as fresh as possible. But if he doesn't hurry back, no strong promises can be made, Mr. Fiddlesticks gets mighty thirsty around holidays. Especially after those fresh cookies someone baked. Maybe that hot warrior chick made them, turned into a housewife after suffering MoaMiL's treatment.
Post edited December 22, 2020 by BranjoHello
wow blue lighting is very powerful
Great to see Blue Lightening classifying to the next round, those fights are always unique. :) Loved how fight 7 was resolved and how Mechanizer is no longer malevolent. Kayla grooming the multitude of cats in the tavern had me laughing out loud! xD Calad will have to be careful not to further anger the shadowy ringmaster.

EDIT: The Fight Club page has been updated with the latest fights.

matterbandit: Three-headed Malicia gulps thrice at this unfortunate observation.
Katmeleonpus has been hiding under the bed and making grumpy noises since she heard the news of yesterdays fights.

Cavalary: Might work better if you'd just bold the winners? Or only use one of the two icons?
Thanks for the suggestions. I replaced the icons with red and green circles, hopefully it looks better now. :)
Post edited December 22, 2020 by krugos2
Jack the Knack (#95) looks forward to face 9) Grndrgnrrgrlbdr, a.k.a. Dr. Stone, that by all means seems to be what you would call an alien sentient rock. Not a soft contender, to be sure. Yet, rocks can be handled and even bulldozed, and sentients can be befuddled. This should be interesting. Maybe he can talk with this xenoarchaeologist about Uluru and Dwayne Johnson, after the fight.
Doc0075: The amazonian picks up the battered Henry and tosses him over her shoulder before heading purposefully towards the exit. Henry whimpers "help".
Won the fight, only for death by Snoo-snoo ;)

Was Henry the same guy that won with pineapple pizza?
Doc0075: A naked and confused human stands in front of McCadbury who smiles and lets his aura do its job. Mechanizer wails as he slowly melts into a pool of dairy milk chocolate. The purple one smiles, pulls out his straw and promptly slurps all the chocolate up. "Yummy!"

McCadbury walks out of the arena seeming to be taller than when he entered. Mechanizer is an AI presence in the tavern but no longer malevolent.
LOL. Sorry Mech... :-)
Blue Lightening is like the little marble that could... Impressive. That battle of egos... perfect matchup lol. And now I see we're 8 fights away... Lily is studying the arena intently between her regular eating intervals.

Removed Brigador from list, since it's now a free giveaway. Thank you GOG! :)
Doc0075: Calad dusts himself off, takes a deep breath and leaves the arena appreciating the cheers from the crowd but also noticing the shadowy ringmaster glaring at him.
Having noticed the shadowy ringmaster's glare, Calad becomes increasingly concerned about what may be in store for him as the battles will continue, resolving to try to stay even further out of sight and observe with even more attention, hoping to be prepared for anything that may happen.
Yay! Calad the hero of the Eastern Tunnel makes it to the next round! Maybe we can get a rematch with Og'rialt for the 3rd round. :D

Too bad April Ryan didn't last long. That kitty had 9 lives and she spent them all to come back for that 2nd round. :(
RIP to the evil Mechanizer, we hardly knew ye. That was a great fight though, and a pretty happy ending for him. His creator gets to live again, or at least end up not possessed anymore, and he even got the evil purged right out of him. Now, Mechanizer can work for good, by deleting the hard drives of only criminal organizations and such.

And I also went ahead and organized my list on my first post on page 3 in order of what games I'd be happy to win the most.
Doc0075: Mr. Fluffy Death is in the tavern, showing his teeth to any cat (or cat-person) that gets too close.
Ohhhhhh! Poor Mr. Fluffy Death :'(
While waiting to next fights please enjoy that master piece

Dönence · Barış Manço

Hal Hal


Released on: 1989-12-22
Great fights!. Can't wait for the next ones! ^_^
Amazing POGO. Way to go!
Uzerumeral is still speechless how he possibly could have lost against a mere Canadian.
Luckily time his on his side and there will be a lot of time to contemplate his defeat. For the timebeing Canada will remain a no fly zone though.
Uzerumeral vouches to return one day though and retake possession of the Amulet at a convenient time.
Maybe patience will be his biggest virtue and he will just wait until Gerald of Red Deer will die out of old age leaving the Amulet for a reclaiming.
Even if Gerald should foster descendants and tell them about the secret of the amulet and his old enemy the patience will prevail. Uzerumeral will just wait until the descendants of Gerald of forgotten about the tale of the amulet and it will be just a mere trinket for them which they might pawn for money or throw away because it's taking away precious space.
Then Uzerumeral will be there and be free once again.