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CharlesGrey: Hum, interesting. I doubt I'll buy it at release, after this mess, but it's none the less good to see it will be available here.
And why would you do this? The less Stoic is selling on GOG the less they are interested in another release. Seems legit, doesn´t it?

You can be disappointed as much as you like, but If you planned to instabuy it before and wouldn´t want Stoic to act the same once again with part III you have to instabuy it once it get released to reach your goals.
CharlesGrey: Hum, interesting. I doubt I'll buy it at release, after this mess, but it's none the less good to see it will be available here.
kokosabre: 2nd that. I may wait for the trilogy to appear before buying.
Same goes for you!
Based on Stoic's terrible PR regarding a DRM-free version (and regarding customers who were not willing to buy the DRM version) I was also unsure whether or not I'd buy TBS2 if it was released on GOG, but in my opinion the more intelligent response would be to purchase it here, as based on the less-than-stellar sales of the game, money seems to be the only language the devs understand.
Which is all well and fine, everyone should get paid for their work, but the way they seemed to refer to the DRM-free customer base as some sort of negligible and second-rate market came off very standoffish and unintelligent - and of course now that the game is not selling as well as they had hoped we are suddenly good enough for them again...
Anyway, if the sales will improve after the GOG release, maybe the devs will consider changing their ridiculous stance on DRM-free versions/piracy, and TBS3 will be available on GOG upon release.
Post edited April 27, 2016 by szablev
high rated
szablev: Based on Stoic's terrible PR regarding a DRM-free version (and regarding customers who were not willing to buy the DRM version) I was also unsure whether or not I'd buy TBS2 if it was released on GOG, but in my opinion the more intelligent response would be to purchase it here, as based on the less-than-stellar sales of the game, money seems to be the only language the devs understand.
Which is all well and fine, everyone should get paid for their work, but the way they seemed to refer to the DRM-free customer base as some sort of negligible and second-rate market came off very standoffish and unintelligent - and of course now that the game is not selling as well as they had hoped we are suddenly good enough for them again...
Anyway, if the sales will improve after the GOG release, maybe the devs will consider changing their ridiculous stance on DRM-free versions/piracy, and TBS3 will be available on GOG upon release.
Tough call, really. On the one hand, I agree with what you're saying and will likely buy it as soon as it drops here.

On the other hand, doing so tacitly endorses them treating us like second-class "We don't need your DRM-free monies" citizens.

But I'm generally willing to give second chances, so I'll probably grab this one and then wait and see what happens with the third episode.
MacArthur: You guys want some explanation, it's fairly simple :

Here is Banner Saga :

Here is Banner Saga 2 :

BS2 launch have been a disaster and they are looking in a hurry at ways to mitigate it.
Wow. Shocker. What actually happened?
[in my best Rorschach voice] Alienate a fair portion of your customers. Good work, should reap benefits.
MacArthur: You guys want some explanation, it's fairly simple :

Here is Banner Saga :

Here is Banner Saga 2 :

BS2 launch have been a disaster and they are looking in a hurry at ways to mitigate it.
Niggles: Wow. Shocker. What actually happened?
I don't know. Maybe the candy eye graphics lost its charm, or the game is too short and most people don't think it's worth 20 bucks. That could be that with something like 5 hours in median of playtime... To be honest, I'm interested in the game, but not for 20 dollars too.

EDIT : Reading this thread, it does seem to be a pricing/hours played ratio problem :
Post edited April 28, 2016 by MacArthur
Super excited to see this one on the Upcoming List - thanks for the thread bumps or I might not have noticed.
Anybody knows about an approximate date for launch on GOG? I suppose to get a drm - free build doesn't take too much time...

I hope they offer an option to get the OST too. Episode 1 soundtrack was awesome!
Post edited April 28, 2016 by menganogog
menganogog: I hope they offer an option to get the OST too. Episode 1 soundtrack was awesome!
They seem to hold a very tight grip on the OST. No availability on GOG, and extra charge on steam.

I found a really cheap retail collectors edition for the first episode that comes with the OST, and supposedly some bonus tracks that came with the mad viking pack DLC.
menganogog: Anybody knows about an approximate date for launch on GOG? I suppose to get a drm - free build doesn't take too much time...

I hope they offer an option to get the OST too. Episode 1 soundtrack was awesome!
The first time around, they took their sweet time getting a DRM-free release out, so it might take a while.

As for the OST, you can buy it from Austin Wintory's Bandcamp and support the artist directly.
My opinion on that matter:

Ideal situation: DRM-free version released from the very beginning - didn’t happen this way.
Very good situation: an honest confession "we were terribly wrong with our assumption about DRM-free version, we are sorry, we hope you will accept our apology" - neither
Actual situation: sales were apparently bad, most probably the game got pirated a lot despite DRM so the game will arrive here to increase the sales. The only comment is something like "we have never actually said that…"

Sure, such a behavior is a childish and bad PR. My first reaction is similar to many of you: to not support them when the game arrives here. But I have to be honest with myself. I have done many things in my life that I’m not proud of. And in many, many cases I tried to solve those problems by pretending that nothing bad really happened. So yeah, I know how difficult it is to admit I was wrong. It is easy to say "they should have known better" but I’m not better. If my financial situation allows it I will get the game on release.
menganogog: I hope they offer an option to get the OST too. Episode 1 soundtrack was awesome!
Titanium: They seem to hold a very tight grip on the OST. No availability on GOG, and extra charge on steam.

I found a really cheap retail collectors edition for the first episode that comes with the OST, and supposedly some bonus tracks that came with the mad viking pack DLC.
Based on steam prices for the game, yeah, it's a good one in my opinion.
menganogog: Anybody knows about an approximate date for launch on GOG? I suppose to get a drm - free build doesn't take too much time...

I hope they offer an option to get the OST too. Episode 1 soundtrack was awesome!
de_Monteynard: The first time around, they took their sweet time getting a DRM-free release out, so it might take a while.

As for the OST, you can buy it from Austin Wintory's Bandcamp and support the artist directly.
Post edited April 28, 2016 by menganogog
de_Monteynard: As for the OST, you can buy it from Austin Wintory's Bandcamp and support the artist directly.
I already paid for the first one's OST a second time via a bundle, so I'll probably fall back to my old standby of "I already paid for this music, so I'll exercise my right to format-shift using tools like UnXWB, Unity Assets Explorer, etc."
In case anyone's interested, @stoicstudio, @BannerSaga and even their Publisher @vs_evil have blocked people whose have Tweeted about the lack of a DRM-free copy of a game whole Kickstarter Project clearly stated it would be DRM-free.