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I know GOG doesn't give a fart about scammers and alts, and I cherish freedom of speech above all else, but can we do something about Pat Robertson here?

If he wants to voice his opinion fine but this is ridiculous and he is perfectly capable of expressing himself without beating us to death those terms. Tell him to clean it up and show a little more respect to the forum or boot his ass.
catpower1980: As expected, some of the terrorists came from Brussels (Molenbeek):
(French-speaking only for the moment)

Also, the found Syrian passport was apparently registered as "refugee" in Greece:
Well, do you know through how many hands could this passport gone?

Do you know how many refugees were killed, robbed out of everything during their travel from Greece to Hungary/Slovenia/Austria/Croatia by Mafia?

Do you know how many of them were killed and robbed on their way through Turkey? Because of some Europeans politicians saying, that Syrian people will automatically get the status of immigrants, Syrian passports have become very hot commodity in crime underground...
Shadowstalker16: Rape rates in Muslim countries are quite low.
timppu: When comparing rape statistics between countries, you must take into account:

- how probable it is for a rape victim to report the incidence
- for the police to react and not just semi-automatically dismiss the case
- what is even considered as rape in said country

Here there was some months ago a case where a group of young men (yes they were somalis, but that's beside the point) allegedly raped a woman, after following her from a train station. The public was outraged, having the mental image of a gang rape.

Later when more data came of the case, it apparently was so that one or two of said men had put their hand inside the girls pants when they passed her. The whole incident took maybe a few seconds, and they let the woman go after that. This wasn't quite what the outraged public had in mind when they first read about the rape.

Now, I do agree that can be called a rape (a finger rape if you will) and the offenders should be punished, but I am unsure if an incident like that would end up in the rape statistics in many countries, especially the less developed ones. After all, in many countries it is considered that the victim was asking for harassment if she was not wearing her hijab.
So from the incident I read out that Western Europeans think that it's normal when men do this kind of shit? Wow, I really hope my country doesn't let those churkas with no self-control in. Women should be kept in hijabs/burkas/whatever because some churkas/sandpeople can't keep it in their pants/imagination? Even touching a woman that way without her permission is wrong and you should know it. Those people don't belong here, they are from a different cultural background which doesn't match ours.
Some countries have been taking too big number of those churkas in to assimilate them and teach them our morals (or lack of them) and customs/habits and that's the end result, they try to make our countries like the shitholes they came from.
Just my 2 cents.
Post edited November 14, 2015 by dewtech
011284mm: I feel deeply for the families of those who have lost someone. My partner has spent all morning calling friends in Paris and the rest of France and whilst all are okay atm, many have said they feel shaken up.

Yes lets mourn the victims, but I warn you the rest of what you say is basically retarded "lets bury our heads in the sand".
While people are angry no rash decisions should be made.
But to just say they do not know, these terrorist knew. They planned this, they deliberately took to soft targets. These maggots are being brought here en mass by loonies who believe these people will be their new bff's. Those stupid people need to learn and stop to with all this crap about "they just do not understand", "it is a misunderstanding of cultures", "we forgive them" and "they are not all like this" I do not care, stupidity like that does not stop actions like these. You want to stop this, do something - at the very least write to your local politicians and tell them that these dangerous criminals need to be removed.
People are dying, _innocent_ people are dying because the belief of some utter morons that we should just accept anyone without checking that they are a) not dangerous, b) not fucked up, c) want to actually contribute towards humanity.

Merkle, Holland, Lofven and many other politicians should be facing charges of treason against their people. Merkle opened the flood gates, I say we use her as our first step to control the flood.

Nothing will bring back these innocent people, nothing will stem the heartache for their loved ones. Nothing can put right the past.
But I swear when Germany has their terrorist attack it will just get burred by those fucking morons like Merkle because it does not fit with their "happy migrants" line of crap. Unless we start to be proactive in the removal of these treacherous morons from positions of power.
Sockerkaka: You make a very complex problem way too simple. These terrorist attacks are not the result of the immigrant crisis in europe but an escalating conflict, that has been going on for many years, between the west and anti-western ideologies. Innocent people are caught in the crossfire of this conflict, those who emigrate from the middle east and europeans alike, and by limiting the solution of the conflict to tighter border controls you miss the root of the problem: radicalization.
I agree I only understand a small amount of this problem, as no one could understand the entire thing. Yet I really think there is a subtle difference in how these are worded and how these play out.
The "refugee" problem is a problem because most of those coming are not fleeing persecution so they are not real refugees, they are migrants. Migrants migrate for a reason. Now, because there are no checks being carried out on those entering through this open border for everyone but the Europeans, we have no idea who is migrating. Nor what types of unwanted people are coming.
We also need to understand that many of these people have greatly differing views to those of the countries they are now entering. For one, we now have more people in Germany who agree with Shia Law and that they can just ignore the law of any land if the law is not Islam, maybe it will be common over there like it is here in the UK within a year or so. We have areas in the UK where there are patrols of muslims carrying out their little Shia Law patrols like the police would otherwise.

Your idea that radicalization is the problem, is a problem. Were the IRA radacalised, or angry to the point they were willing to fight? Were the ETA radical fighters or just people willing to fight for their cause?
"Radicalization" is just people trying to push the blame from those who carry out the attacks onto some pinnacle of power.
Now, you can say there are people influencing them, but they carry this out because they do believe, and the belief stems from within. Else you might as well render anyone who ever goes out and kills someone as "radacalised" by something. Yes, I know the media really enjoys saying that people cannot think for themselves.
No one held a gun to their heads, they held guns to other people. Not radical, just people willing to fight for their believed cause.

France has been dealing with the problem of non-interacting "minorities" for two decades or more. Some of those people believe that they live in the land of heathens, they do not require radaclising, they just require an excuse. Plenty of those going about these days.

Just my 2c though.
catpower1980: As expected, some of the terrorists came from Brussels (Molenbeek):
(French-speaking only for the moment)

Also, the found Syrian passport was apparently registered as "refugee" in Greece:
MMLN: Well, do you know through how many hands could this passport gone?

Do you know how many refugees were killed, robbed out of everything during their travel from Greece to Hungary/Slovenia/Austria/Croatia by Mafia?

Do you know how many of them were killed and robbed on their way through Turkey? Because of some Europeans politicians saying, that Syrian people will automatically get the status of immigrants, Syrian passports have become very hot commodity in crime underground...
So why don't these politicians recognize that these "refugees" are merely migrants looking for wealth and benefits at the expense of the native populations? Oh wait. It's because the politicians over in Europe are like the ones here in the United States. They just want cheap labor and votes and they will throw the native population under the bus just to get it. Whenever people call them out, their media supporters shout out "racism" and go on and on about how "skin color should not make a difference" while leaving out the pragmatic-based complaints or the side fact that there is more to race and ethnicity than just skin color or physical features.

This is what happens when people support blind altruism. They get taken advantage of to the point of horrible consequence.

By the way, the final image I share is my suggestion of how to bring peace.
Speaking as an objective, neutral, unattached outsider who is looking at the disaster that has been going on in Europe, it seems to be a common sense to see Europe is destroying themselves with their foolish immigration policies and the influx of Muslims from Africa and Arabia. Those migrants and Muslims follow cultures and belief systems that are very aggressive, domineering, and drastically different from Europe. They have been flooding into Europe, but instead of adopting the modern cultures and progressive attitudes of Europeans, the Muslim migrants are actually changing Europe. Some do adapt and assimilate, but many refuse to change to adapt to their host countries; instead, they are forcing Europe to change to change - to become more conservative, more backward, more medieval - to adapt to Islam. Ultimately, the influx of migrants is destroying the modernization and liberalization that Europe has achieved for the past few hundred years.

I am East Asian. I am neither Christian nor Muslim - I am not religious at all. I was raised in an environment that was completely absent of any religion, so I have no religious affiliation or attachment. Ultimately, whether Europe rises or falls will have very impact on me personally: "nobody is on my side, so I am on nobody's side". I see a lot of Muslims here are all up and arm and get pissy over what I said, but you guys are hardly objective, neutral or personally unattached on this matter. I am just a Chinese here looking at the train wreck in Europe. But I am just telling you as it is, as I see it.
Post edited November 14, 2015 by ktchong
I know none of you give a shit about American Football, and there is no reason you should, but this was taken this morning as two of our college teams took the field.

I know, stupid symbolism, but I still admire the gesture.
tinyE: I know none of you give a shit about American Football, and there is no reason you should, but this was taken this morning as two of our college teams took the field.

I know, stupid symbolism, but I still admire the gesture.
There's been loads of demonstrations of respect and union throughout the world. There are many monuments currently displaying the french tricolore:
tinyE: I know none of you give a shit about American Football, and there is no reason you should, but this was taken this morning as two of our college teams took the field.

I know, stupid symbolism, but I still admire the gesture.
Siegor: There's been loads of demonstrations of respect and union throughout the world. There are many monuments currently displaying the french tricolore:
Yeah but as am American I'll be the first to admit we typically don't give a shit. I do but I tend to get lost here.
tinyE: Yeah but as am American I'll be the first to admit we typically don't give a shit. I do but I tend to get lost here.
If I'm not mistaken the Us were the first to put the tricolore on the One World trade center last night.
tinyE: Yeah but as am American I'll be the first to admit we typically don't give a shit. I do but I tend to get lost here.
Siegor: If I'm not mistaken the Us were the first to put the tricolore on the One World trade center last night.
We have our moments, but we have a lot of work to do.
ktchong: Speaking as an objective, neutral, unattached outsider who is looking at the disaster that has been going on in Europe, it seems to be a common sense to see Europe is destroying themselves with their foolish immigration policies and the influx of Muslims from Africa and Arabia. Those migrants and Muslims follow cultures and belief systems that are very aggressive, domineering, and drastically different from Europe. They have been flooding into Europe, but instead of adopting the modern cultures and progressive attitudes of Europeans, the Muslim migrants are actually changing Europe. Some do adapt and assimilate, but many refuse to change to adapt to their host countries; instead, they are forcing Europe to change to change - to become more conservative, more backward, more medieval - to adapt to Islam. Ultimately, the influx of migrants is destroying the modernization and liberalization that Europe has achieved for the past few hundred years.

I am East Asian. I am neither Christian nor Muslim - I am not religious at all. I was raised in an environment that was completely absent of any religion, so I have no religious affiliation or attachment. Ultimately, whether Europe rises or falls will have very impact on me personally: "nobody is on my side, so I am on nobody's side". I see a lot of Muslims here are all up and arm and get pissy over what I said, but you guys are hardly objective, neutral or personally unattached on this matter. I am just a Chinese here looking at the train wreck in Europe. But I am just telling you as it is, as I see it.
That's exactly how it is and I'm seeing the results every day in my "culturally enriched" town. :/
Do people really have to get gang-raped or lose a loved one themselves to wake up? Is this really necessary? Nobody cares if it's happening to others...
With all this political correctness, people are putting the lives of countless innocents on the line and continue to do so no matter the cost as long as others have to pay it.
Next month, people will have forgotten about this again as always and are preparing the next even bigger incident by misplaced altruism.
Post edited November 15, 2015 by Klumpen0815
low rated
News reports show that these attackers labeled "terrorists" said "revenge for Syria" before killing the Frenchies.

So this attack is revenge motivated.

I don't have anything against Frenchies or these Muslims but at the same time I do not sympathize with either side.

Both sides are guilty of causing air strikes, massive innocent deaths, war-mongering, resource stealing, genocide and other heinous things.

France takes there resources and kills, then Muslims kill them back as revenge. So continues the vicious cycle.
So, Marie Le Pen will be the next French president in 2017?
Sockerkaka: You make a very complex problem way too simple. These terrorist attacks are not the result of the immigrant crisis in europe but an escalating conflict, that has been going on for many years, between the west and anti-western ideologies. Innocent people are caught in the crossfire of this conflict, those who emigrate from the middle east and europeans alike, and by limiting the solution of the conflict to tighter border controls you miss the root of the problem: radicalization.
011284mm: I agree I only understand a small amount of this problem, as no one could understand the entire thing. Yet I really think there is a subtle difference in how these are worded and how these play out.
The "refugee" problem is a problem because most of those coming are not fleeing persecution so they are not real refugees, they are migrants. Migrants migrate for a reason. Now, because there are no checks being carried out on those entering through this open border for everyone but the Europeans, we have no idea who is migrating. Nor what types of unwanted people are coming.
We also need to understand that many of these people have greatly differing views to those of the countries they are now entering. For one, we now have more people in Germany who agree with Shia Law and that they can just ignore the law of any land if the law is not Islam, maybe it will be common over there like it is here in the UK within a year or so. We have areas in the UK where there are patrols of muslims carrying out their little Shia Law patrols like the police would otherwise.

Your idea that radicalization is the problem, is a problem. Were the IRA radacalised, or angry to the point they were willing to fight? Were the ETA radical fighters or just people willing to fight for their cause?
"Radicalization" is just people trying to push the blame from those who carry out the attacks onto some pinnacle of power.
Now, you can say there are people influencing them, but they carry this out because they do believe, and the belief stems from within. Else you might as well render anyone who ever goes out and kills someone as "radacalised" by something. Yes, I know the media really enjoys saying that people cannot think for themselves.
No one held a gun to their heads, they held guns to other people. Not radical, just people willing to fight for their believed cause.

France has been dealing with the problem of non-interacting "minorities" for two decades or more. Some of those people believe that they live in the land of heathens, they do not require radaclising, they just require an excuse. Plenty of those going about these days.

Just my 2c though.
The problem isn’t that most aren’t real refugees, we know that they are and we know why they’re here, they’re arriving from the conflict in Syria and Iraq as well as from political oppression and war in central Africa. No one spends thousands of dollars to get the chance to risk their own and their families lives on tiny boats on the mediterranean, or walk across Europe, without a life threatening situation at home. The refugee problem is a problem because Europe wasn’t prepared for the amount of people seeking shelter, agreements such as the Dublin Regulation weren’t meant to handle these numbers of people, this is why we label it a problem.
Europe have the economical means though to give these people places to stay and in the long run it will benefit economical growth in the EU, but political will is missing. Those who arrive aren’t that different from us, they are doctors, engineers, teachers, farmers etc. We need them, refugees or migrants, to sustain the living standards we have today with dwindling birth rates and increasingly older population.

Sharia Law is not present anywhere in Europe unless people practice it in their own homes. Germany, UK or any other state in Europe have the power, through police or military, to uphold law and control in it’s own territory, with violence if necessary.

Radicalization doesn’t have anything to do with pushing away the blame for these actions but to understand them, because a person who haven’t gone through a radicalization process will not be a violent extremist. Extreme ideas about society are central when talking about radicalization, without these a person can’t be defined as radical. A terrorist is radical, he have adopted extreme ideas about how society should be and through violent means he tries to change it. These ideas may arise by reading extremist websites on his bedroom PC or in an IS-training facility, but we need to figure out why some people who are attracted to these ideas turns violent, rightwing, leftwing or religious, and what we can do to stop that.

Many famous persons through history can be labeled as radical though, Voltaire, Marx etc. Someone who have gone through a radicalization process do not have to be violent, and anyone who is violent do not have to be a radical.

It's saturday and late so I hope this got out of my head in a somewhat understandable form.
Post edited November 15, 2015 by Sockerkaka