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Bloodygoodgames: Yep. I joined one once against an insurance company that ripped its customers off of millions of dollars. If I remember correctly, I finally ended up with a check of around 35 bucks.

Not even close to the amount of money they had scammed me of :)
I'm sure you didn't have to come stand in court, but the idea of getting a pittance for such things just goes to show how worthless this could be, even at a corporate level.
Will they remove their games from the store?
Wishmaster777: Will they remove their games from the store?
I think we're all waiting for that announcment. Linko mentioned earlier there will be an announcment as to whats happening. Considering we haven't had one yet, I'm assuming GOG still doesn't know either.
paladin181: Yeah. Class action suits are a scam. The lawyer takes some huge % (sometimes upwards of 50%) and the winning plaintiffs get pennies on the dollar for what they're actually owed.
The one class-action lawsuit I was ever part of had to do with alleged price-fixing on the part of ATI (before they were bought by AMD) and nVidia. I had bought a new ATI X800 card at apparently the "right" time, so I was informed I had to be part of the suit unless I opted out. I was figuring on a $0.25 payout like you hear about, so I thought "whatever," and a couple years went by where I forgot about it. So imagine my surprise when I eventually got a check for several hundred dollars, in fact about $50 more than I had paid for the card. Some "scam," eh?
Wishmaster777: Will they remove their games from the store?
IwubCheeze: I think we're all waiting for that announcment. Linko mentioned earlier there will be an announcment as to whats happening. Considering we haven't had one yet, I'm assuming GOG still doesn't know either.
Pure speculation on my part but since they haven't yet filed for bankruptcy and a skeleton crew is still working there is no reason for them to pull the games yet.
eric5h5: The one class-action lawsuit I was ever part of had to do with alleged price-fixing on the part of ATI (before they were bought by AMD) and nVidia. I had bought a new ATI X800 card at apparently the "right" time, so I was informed I had to be part of the suit unless I opted out. I was figuring on a $0.25 payout like you hear about, so I thought "whatever," and a couple years went by where I forgot about it. So imagine my surprise when I eventually got a check for several hundred dollars, in fact about $50 more than I had paid for the card. Some "scam," eh?
It's all anecdotal. I was recently a part of a class action wherein I received a check for $0.32. I was out over $400. It largely depends on the settlement and number of complainants, as well as the actual value of the settlement. It more often ends in no one getting much of anytyhing except the lawyers who brokered the deal.
MarkoH01: Which two do you mean? We already have two episodes afaik.
Yeah, they're out. But available right now only to those who already bought the game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bloodygoodgames: I just feel sorry for GOG, if it comes down to some kind of refund or compensation. As they don't deserve to be out money due to Telltale Games management's abysmal business skills.
MarkoH01: Also true. Then again it is the same with every regional priced game. The wallet funds GOG are offering for those they have to pay by themselves. They simply decided to treat us GOGers as fair as possible. That is one reason why I will stay loyal to them.
This is off-topic but that's not really how it all happened.
If you check back you can find GOG making statements that games should have one price worldwide. The current wallet thing and all that is just GOG's way of trying to keep their old customerbase happy even now when they no longer follow their own earlier pricing policies.

And yes, that price compensation is nice, but same price for everyone was nicer.
I'm sad about this. They seemed quite successful, they helped bring back adventure games to the AAA level even if they took the genre in another direction and they were the biggest adventure game player (despite the second point).

So is it a case of the genre dying circa 2000 and dying again now? I don't know
MarkoH01: Also true. Then again it is the same with every regional priced game. The wallet funds GOG are offering for those they have to pay by themselves. They simply decided to treat us GOGers as fair as possible. That is one reason why I will stay loyal to them.
PixelBoy: This is off-topic but that's not really how it all happened.
If you check back you can find GOG making statements that games should have one price worldwide. The current wallet thing and all that is just GOG's way of trying to keep their old customerbase happy even now when they no longer follow their own earlier pricing policies.
I never said anything about HOW it happened or how this came to live. I just said THAT it happened. And even though they refused regional pricing before I am happy that they made this compromise. I still don't like regional pricing but I do undersstand that GOG does not have much of a choice here.

PixelBoy: And yes, that price compensation is nice, but same price for everyone was nicer.
So is world peace ;) - but sometimes you simply cannot get the most perfect thing. GOG decided to not refuse those games/publishers completely and offer compensation which no other store I know of is doing. So yes, I blame the publishers for doing this but not GOG since I prefer this way to the actual alternative, not getting the game on GOG at all.

However: As you said, this is completely OT so if you want to discuss this issue maybe we should open a new thread for it? I am sure there are many different opinions regarding this matter.
supplementscene: So is it a case of the genre dying circa 2000 and dying again now? I don't know
No, it is not. Yes, Telltale started in the adventure game genre but as an adventure player yourself you probably are aware that the games they made since TWD (including this one) could hardly be called adventure games anymore. I dont want to say that these games were bad but imo Telltale created a different genre (which you may like or dislike). However - luckily since we have so many independent devs now and with those new possibilities for them like crowdfunding ect. I would not say the genre died the second time. Many indies have focused on point and click adventures. Big AAA studios are mostly not willing to do them but we have people developing them - so I am not scared to not get enough point and click stuff which still is and probably always will be my favorite genre.
Post edited September 27, 2018 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: No, it is not. Yes, Telltale started in the adventure game genre but as an adventure player yourself you probably are aware that the games they made since TWD (including this one) could hardly be called adventure games anymore.
Since Jurassic Park. That was their first non-adventure game.
MarkoH01: No, it is not. Yes, Telltale started in the adventure game genre but as an adventure player yourself you probably are aware that the games they made since TWD (including this one) could hardly be called adventure games anymore.
seppelfred: Since Jurassic Park. That was their first non-adventure game.
Ah yes, I forgot this nearly only QTE game.
paladin181: It's all anecdotal.
Yes, that was my point. Rather than making blanket statements that aren't necessarily true.
supplementscene: I'm sad about this. They seemed quite successful, they helped bring back adventure games to the AAA level even if they took the genre in another direction and they were the biggest adventure game player (despite the second point).

So is it a case of the genre dying circa 2000 and dying again now? I don't know
I wouldn't say adventure games are dead again, but rather that this revival helped reevolve them.

Kinda like what's happening to VR.
supplementscene: I'm sad about this. They seemed quite successful, they helped bring back adventure games to the AAA level even if they took the genre in another direction and they were the biggest adventure game player (despite the second point).

So is it a case of the genre dying circa 2000 and dying again now? I don't know
Darvond: I wouldn't say adventure games are dead again, but rather that this revival helped reevolve them.
But who is going to make them?

Telltale and Daedalic have been the big names for the last decade or so.
Now Telltale is fighting (possibly a losing battle) for its survival, and Daedalic is cancelling their game projects too.

There will always be some people putting out some indie games, but I don't really see any bigger games coming out anytime soon. After all, what was the last major release that wasn't either Telltale or Daedalic? Broken Sword 5?