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timppu: Yeah I'd like a synopsis too. What exactly is the controversy here?
wpegg: No idea who the person he was talking about was, but as a Brit I could understand TB fine (we talk really fast, it's a common complaint).

Basically, I understood from that video, that Quantum Break was billed as being an XBone exclusive title, and that you wouldn't be able to play it unless you had an XBone (hence exclusive). They then reneged on that and said there would be a PC release too, thus annoying those who felt they were entitled to loyalty returns for being an XBone user.

Apparently the guy in question initially stated that simply for this reason he was cancelling his pre-order. This in itself is incredibly silly as there's no reason to believe others should be denied a game simply because they chose the wrong console, and the "poeple who think and believe this way" were those that do argue that.

Apparently the guy later clarified he was cancelling on a matter of principle that they were deceived, not because he feels he is entitled to a game, and nobody else is. I assume the guy in question is some youtube commenter.

Hope that helps.
Not exactly. It seems they never said it would be an xbox exclusive.
TLDR (from what I could gather from TB's video):

Microsoft never said the game will (or won't) be an XB1 exclusive and since they never mentioned other platforms, some fans got the idea it will be an XB1 exclusive and now they're cancelling it with the PC version announcement.

Nothing to make such a big fuss about if you ask me, exclusives are crap.

The Windows version will be a Windows Store game only (not even Steam), MS is really trying to push Win10 but as usual they're doing it the wrong way.
Hahaha! I've been following this drama with that "crap gamer" guy on Twitter who tried to call out Phil Spencer. Very amusing.

He says he's not a Xbox fanboy, yet repeatedly makes fun of Sony and says "PC doesn't exist". Yeah okay, PC gaming goes way back, and tons of great games and genres and developers spawned from it, but it simply doesn't exist.
"Stop preordering video games."
vemin: Microsoft never cared about pc gamers and pc as a platform...
That's an exaggeration for sure. They certainly changed their priorities for some time, but to say never... Age of Empires, Flight Simulator, Close Combat, Freelancer, Zoo Tycoon, Dungeon Siege, etc. beg to differ. They even have become more lenient as far as some of their console-only (mainly indie) games in recent years.

Also, one of the biggest reasons for continued development of DirectX is games. Other software does not nearly require all those enhancements it brought with it over the years.
Post edited February 14, 2016 by mistermumbles
Great Scott! The stupidity levels in this thread are off the charts! Total Biscuit! Console exclusives! Pre-orders! Ridiculous entitlement! Overlong rants no one sane would watch! It's all collapsing in on itself, forming a singularity of stupid! Quickly, somebody has to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow! We need to escape the lack-of-any-actual-event horizon!
Isn't EntirePastry the same guy who put the word "overrated" in his 5 words I don't like cuz I'm stoopid? Clearly this is irrefutable evidence of WholeWafer's unethical crusade against our correct opinions. Also, as the OP of the most objectively objective thread on this forum I take great offence to this.
Why exactly this minor cause deserves thread?
Thread with no opening comment on top of that.
catpower1980: TLDR? (the reddit thread doesn't really explain the content)
From what I gathered, TB was saying Microsoft never actually said Quantum Break would be Xbox exclusive, and denounced mindless fanboyism (Playstation vs. XBox, Windows Store vs. Steam, etc.) while suggesting it's understandable to want exclusives if you like a platform and want to see it continue to be supported. And don't pre-order.

People seem salty I shared this. I like to share stuff here from time to time. :-P
Post edited February 14, 2016 by tfishell
itchy01ca01: "Stop preordering video games."
It just keeps becoming more and more true :P
Why people are upset, can be summarized in two words: Windows Store.

TLDR version: The game requires Windows 10 and the game can only be launched from there. No Steam integration and absolutely no DRM-freedom. Why they dislike that Windows Store is crucial if they want to play Quantum Break, is because Windows Store is kinda like Origin or Uplay, but even worse. (Perhaps the most accurate comparison is the dreadful Games for Windows Live)

A reddit (I believe) copypaste why Windows Store is crap:
"No SLI/Crossfire,
Windows 10 store download is buggy,
No refund policy explained,
Vsync is always on,
Always borderless fullscreen,
Game files are protected,
Can't launch it via the exe (So adding it as a non steam game will not work)
No fps/hardware monitor software works with it,
You need to take control of the folder as admin if you want access to the files
Mouse software which lets you create custom binds for each game doesn't work
Say bye to using sweetfx and mods"

People on a certain Finnish forum are openly saying they will not be buying the game because using Windows Store is mandatory, and I believe they aren't the only ones who will do this. I would be amazed if the game is anything but a huge bomb once it's released. The Microsoft exclusivity will definitely cost Remedy tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of sales. I don't understand what the hell they (and MS) are thinking.
itchy01ca01: "Stop preordering video games."
It's mind boggling why gamers still do this.
itchy01ca01: "Stop preordering video games."
You know what you get for preordering a game?
Also, I just finished watching the TB video. Basically, I understood that some undisclosed person had gotten butthurt because he found out Quantum Break wouldn't be an Xbone exclusive, but that it would also appear on PC. The person believed MS had thus been lying about the matter, and so he had cancelled his pre-order. TB then theorizes those sort of people get upset because they want their choice of platform to be "more valuable" on the basis of more (and maybe better) exclusives than the rest of the platforms. I.e. the platform doesn't diminish as fast as a gaming system but instead stays competitive for a longer time. When the topic briefly switched to pre-ordering in general, TB has in multiple occasions stated that everyone should stop pre-ordering games on the principle of not, as a customer, being entirely sure of the quality of the product they will then receive. Games usually ship "unfinished" (and need a patch to fix bugs, performance issues, etc.) but publishers don't fret about it because they already have tons of sales, even before the game is even released. Sometimes the games might stay unfinished, if the developer doesn't care. If there weren't any pre-orders, developers and publishers would have to work extra hard to ensure the quality is the best it can be, from the get-go. Otherwise, when the first (negative) reviews are published, people are not going to buy the product.
As I've said before, even had a long thread to discuss this, it's clear the biggest threat to GOG and Steam is MS with the store. MS will strong arm people into using it and it will likely work for them.

Even though my only real complaint with the w10 store is you have to search through crap to find the real gems and I find the Xbox app to be decent enough... I worry about developers favoring w10 Store over GOG or even Steam to a lesser extent in the future.
Post edited February 15, 2016 by BKGaming