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It's quiet and there is no activity.

Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior took a long while to get somewhat bearable, but unexpectedly, in later levels the game grew on me a bit. This is no recommendation though: Fire Warrior is pretty terrible. Frustratingly spaced-out checkpoints, weapon spread like your little sister is yeeting a fistful of peas at a far wall and gun feedback overall feels like Comic-Con-sanctioned larp arsenal that at the worst leaves you with a minor foam burn. Not the most awful FPS you could get, but prepare for a good dose of annoyance in case you are tempted.
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Post edited June 14, 2023 by chevkoch
Everdream Valley has been treating me to some pleasant fun... How wholesome it is to play as a young lad and be surrounded by a pair of adorable alpacas! :) I'd love to be presented with a spin-for-your-dream wheel right before bedtime. xD Such a great idea!
Dead Space Demake looks and feels very neat, too bad I can't get very far due to some bug. But what I'm reading from others who were able to complete it, this appears to be one of the most interesting demake projects done. Love the PSX aesthetic.

[EDIT] Got it to work. Simply using the original version (not the updated one) was the solution for me. The game's short, but quite an achievement still.
Post edited June 15, 2023 by chevkoch
Catie in MeowmeowLand - an insanely adorable adventure puzzle game, it's basically Alice in Wonderland, but with a looot more cats :)
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Post edited June 15, 2023 by EB4BDB971676
Finally delved into the depths of METAL in Brütal Legend.
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Elden Ring: Look, ma, I'm Elden Lord now! (and in NG+2 already)
My Time in Kamurocho... aka Yakuza 0

Them mini-games can be quite the distraction... Wait, there's an actual plot? =P To say this game is very Japanese would be a severe understatement. Some of the overly serious Yakuza melodrama wouldn't feel too out of place in an actual soap opera. ;)
Neverwinter Nights - I'm playing a series of user created modules called Swordflight and on chapter 2. In this scene, two liches argue among themselves, then ultimately decide to let the player (plus the guy you're looking for) go free to avoid the hassle of having their secret base turn into the next Undermountain and the constant hassle of dealing with adventurers throwing themselves at certain death.

I haven't finished this module or the series, but this has already become my favorite moment in any module that I've played.
"Protest this, miner!"

Was promised extensive tunneling through the environment via heavy weaponry, and was a bit surprised that this widely advertised feature (new then) felt underutilized. Red Faction is a fun classic first-person experience I was always curious about since I saw it on shelves back when. Quite a short campaign though.
Japan Be Weird, Yo!... aka Yakuza 0

At least in this game, anyway. So many kooky characters. That's one way to lighten up the main plot's drama. Just barely unlocked the real estate and hostess business features. The latter plays like a diner dash for adults. ;)
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Virtual Organized Crime Tourism... aka Yakuza Kiwami 2

Finished 0 and Kiwami in the meantime, with only spending less than half the time with the latter that I spent with 0. The side activities in Kiwami were quite a bit reduced, and what was there was mostly a carbon-copy from 0. Even the arcade was a letdown with that weird sexy battle girl game that simply reused the cat-fight girl models for its mini-game and no actual SEGA arcade games otherwise. So I mainly just played it for some of the side stories and the main story. *shrug*

Anyway, I definitely appreciate the engine upgrade in K2. Even more detailed world and going into restaurants and shops is mostly loading-free as I can just walk into the places from the street without the awkward transitions, including street brawls. I also much more like this new progression system and not having to cycle styles mid-combat, which I was kind of bad at for the first two games. Inventory Tetris is also not a real concern anymore and the way weapons are handled is also a plus.

Not sure whether bowling or pool is available in this version - it doesn't look like it being already 5 chapters in - which were my favorites aside from the awesome retro arcade(s) in 0.

It'll be weird going back to older methods in 3-5, so I may just mainly stick with the main plot and some side stories for those. Either way I'm getting plenty of game for my bucks with each entry being essentially less than five a pop. Good times. :)
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Having some jolly goo' ol' fun with microsoft 'ere.

Rise of Legends, 2010 re releaese
I'm the finger down your spine when all the lights are out. I'm the name on all the men's room walls. When I pout, the whole world tries to make me smile. And everyone always wants to know, who... is... that girl?

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is a way of re-entry into the World of Darkness for me (having played the TCG ages ago), and I'm really enjoying myself. The combat is a bit clunky, while the writing is where it mostly shines. I'm not that far into the game (stop calling me Fledgling already), but there were some great missions, genuinely scary in places (which I didn't expect).

Interesting to see what playing a Nosferatu is like and how the game world is reacting to a member of that clan. I am still hoping for a Nos sewer empire to open up, that would fit the lore so well... Encountered several memorable NPCs already on top.

Thanks again to Random_Coffee for the gift via one of Random's recent giveaways.
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Post edited July 16, 2023 by chevkoch
Zimerius: Having some jolly goo' ol' fun with microsoft 'ere.

Rise of Legends, 2010 re releaese
That's a game I'd really love to see here (together with its predecessor Rise of Nations).

Extremely unlikely because Microsoft but a guy can dream.
[i]One thousand soldiers alone are something to take into account.
Add one hundred armored personal carriers equiped with high speed machineguns and you create a highly mobile force.
Add one hundred light tanks to that mechanized infantry brigade and all hell breaks loose.

As this farming community is about to find out! [/i]

The 3d light infantry brigade supplemented by the 1st mechanized infantry brigade and a small batch of recovered pre-assention war heavy tanks is about to start their assault on a solitaire community grown large.

Shadow Empire .....

Also ....

Managing troops in the cute jrpgs indie strategy title 'Himeko Sutori' is quite the choir.
Deciding on Jobs, equipment, Upgrade Paths and troop formation.