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Visiting Hawaii, not on vacation though...
Total War Warhammer 3

With a lull in hostility in 3k (Three Kingdoms), I found some time today to dive into WH 3. The current state of the game can only be described as laughable. More in terms of optimization and QOL additions then actual gameplay. It seems you need a minimum of a 3000 series RTX card to enjoy the game on 1080p with decent fps, and i ain't talking about a 3050 here.

At least they seemed to have managed to get their ai scripting right from the start in this game, though that might as well have something to do with the i9 i'm using then anything else (which in its self is pretty awkward).

Reviewers from around the globe seemed to have captured the positive points quite right this time, scores might be debatable though, especially if you take into account the whole TW series, but you can't go wrong in any way. I would suggest you'd google one if you're especially interested in grabbing a copy for yourself.

I do like to point out that sieges are now indeed of a more special character than ever before in their Warhammer branch, which is a good thing.

A personal challenge atm is finding the right rhythm to steer those demonic forces in real time. For years and years i'd accustomed myself to pause & play in total war, but from now on i will try to see if this rusty mind can still be up to the challenge of creating some form of cohesion and sense on the field of battle.

TL&DR :p

No, just no, not even if you like Warhammer
i bet you guys ain't bored for some more Warhammer 3 screenshots!

especially the scenery picture came out quite nicely, all things considered
Choo Choo Fever... aka Transport Fever 2

Been quite a while since I last played this, and I think I'll do a mulligan on my current game. Starting in the mid-19th century just takes forever for things to pick up. Plus, I'll start over in medium mode since hard makes things quite tedious as well.

Anyway, one of the nicest looking transportation games around - even if that sky box is completely inanimate - and it often feels like playing with an evolving model train set. The way that towns organically grow on is always fun to watch, too, as I keep connecting passenger lines and boost their economy with goods.

Lastly, I love that steam tram. Even long after I got electric ones I just didn't bother to replace them just because they look so cool chugging around town. They really are like mini trains. To my delight I also found out that there's still a working model around. :)
choo_choo.jpg (426 Kb)
horse_jam.jpg (475 Kb)
going_up.jpg (465 Kb)
smokin'!.jpg (486 Kb)
Metro Line Manager... aka Traffic Giant

Taking a break from TF2 to do a little more goal-oriented city traffic designing. Well, at first I actually went for Cities in Motion, but after about 6 hours of what feels like beating my head against a wall I gave the fuck up. In the latter I must have restarted the first map four times trying all sorts of things and it's seemingly impossible to become profitable and satisfy stop demand. It also doesn't help that the city traffic has a habit of bugging out bringing everything to a stand still. Nope, that game is no fun at all.

Anyway, Traffic Giant on the other hand is a considerable smaller and simpler game, and I actually quite enjoyed playing through the first two maps. The interface is kinda oddly partitioned, but it took me maybe only five minutes to get adjusted to knowing what does what. As said, it just isn't as complicated a game. Thankfully, I can scroll via holding down the right mouse button because edge scrolling is ridiculously fast (and can't be adjusted). So, yeah, fun little game. :)
bus_jam.jpg (496 Kb)
Post edited February 24, 2022 by Mr.Mumbles
Mr.Mumbles: Metro Line Manager... aka Traffic Giant

Taking a break from TF2 to do a little more goal-oriented city traffic designing. Well, at first I actually went for Cities in Motion, but after about 6 hours of what feels like beating my head against a wall I gave the fuck up. In the latter I must have restarted the first map four times trying all sorts of things and it's seemingly impossible to become profitable and satisfy stop demand. It also doesn't help that the city traffic has a habit of bugging out bringing everything to a stand still. Nope, that game is no fun at all.

Anyway, Traffic Giant on the other hand is a considerable smaller and simpler game, and I actually quite enjoyed playing through the first two maps. The interface is kinda oddly partitioned, but it took me maybe only five minutes to get adjusted to knowing what does what. As said, it just isn't as complicated a game. Thankfully, I can scroll via holding down the right mouse button because edge scrolling is ridiculously fast (and can't be adjusted). So, yeah, fun little game. :)
No way...

I don't think I've ever come across anyone else who even knows about this game, much less who played it, and much much less who was actually busy playing it!

I bought it many years ago hoping for some more transport tycoon action, but was dismayed at the time to learn that it was only/chiefly passenger transport. Dropped it and never picked it up again. I did find the presentation very charming though.

But Traffic Fever, Cities in Motion, Transport Giant? How about cutting out the middle man and joining us in the openttd fold? ;)
I've got over 550 trains at the moment, and will probably have at least 1000 before the game is through (if ever) :)
Matewis: But Traffic Fever, Cities in Motion, Transport Giant? How about cutting out the middle man and joining us in the openttd fold? ;)
First I'd have to get used to OpenTTD's crusty and extremely fiddly UI. So many menu boxes. =P That aside, I just like playing different transport management games because no two are the same. As stated in my previous posts, I enjoy Traffic Giant because it has a much narrower focus and Transport Fever 2 for its feel of playing with a computerized model train set.
Matewis: But Traffic Fever, Cities in Motion, Transport Giant? How about cutting out the middle man and joining us in the openttd fold? ;)
Mr.Mumbles: First I'd have to get used to OpenTTD's crusty and extremely fiddly UI. So many menu boxes. =P That aside, I just like playing different transport management games because no two are the same. As stated in my previous posts, I enjoy Traffic Giant because it has a much narrower focus and Transport Fever 2 for its feel of playing with a computerized model train set.
I belief i read somewhere how mods really bring out the best side of those games you mentioned, in like the most educated response to your musings you will ever have :D


Some more Warhammer 3 Sillyness

1. Loading screen, I really really, Like, my Chaos undivided Loading Screen
2. Scenery. Kislev town before the assault
3. Kislev town gate during the assault, the moment i suddenly remembered i wanted to present a screenshot of something in action.
This really was a horrible siege, the Kislevotians released some ice spell calling forth some major attrition to the demonic hordes assembled to assault this walled settlement. The choice was either to wait for more deaths or to construct ample amounts of siege equipment (towers, storm rams). I choose the middle path resulting in some major (predicted) losses, the loss of all the siege equipment before it reached a position of functionality and the loss of a daemon gift namely a Slaaneshi Keeper of Secrets
Mr.Mumbles: First I'd have to get used to OpenTTD's crusty and extremely fiddly UI. So many menu boxes. =P That aside, I just like playing different transport management games because no two are the same. As stated in my previous posts, I enjoy Traffic Giant because it has a much narrower focus and Transport Fever 2 for its feel of playing with a computerized model train set.
I think it quickly becomes second nature :) But yes, now that you mention it, all the ones I'm aware of seem highly distinct from one another. I might have to give Traffic Giant another go some day.

PS be sure to check out Industry Giant if you haven't already. It's also far more focused than openttd, and on the manufactured goods side of things.
Going to play a bit of Steambound (pun-tastic joke, I know) because I'm playing a modpack (that does not include FU! \o/ ) and a LAN server is yet to be set up.
A screen shot wouldn't accurately reflect what I was looking at, so here's a picture taken from my phone. This is exactly what it looks like when I tried to play The Caligula Effect: Overdose on a laptop, but my cat has other ideas...

edit - attachment didn't work so....
Post edited February 26, 2022 by LordCephy
DSR DL modes work in Warhammer 2 and Fallen Jedi too!

a bit of sharpening, drop to 21xx x xxxx and voila, no more gpu drawing like hundreds of watts for nuthing!

this might mean i won't need that 4070 afterall!

In Warhammer 2 this means i can enable higher shadows, SSA and alias times 2 mode for that 4k bling bling
LordCephy: I tried to play The Caligula Effect: Overdose on a laptop, but my cat has other ideas...
LordCephy: attachment didn't work so....
The file size is about 1.2 MB. The forum limit is 500 KB per file and 2 MB per post.
Temple of Vendora. We need temples like that here on Earth.
unreal.jpg (173 Kb)