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Radiance1979: I'm still figuring out to how to present low quality high res pictures.... really the best ones i have in my arsenal i just can't get any smaller then 3,5 mb
Just shrink them down till they're small enough(MS Paint is even good for this), or post them as url links(On imgur or whatnot).

Radiance1979: i do wonder btw gamechanger.. you have one of the most awfull reps i've ever seen here. are you such a disgusting person?
Offtopic, but some(a very few) here have a chip on their shoulder concerning me(likely due to me holding an opinion or posting in a way they dislike) so those others use alts and bots and such to low rate me every day(it's been going on for over half a year now).

Heck they even hit others as well that they dislike for various petty reasons.

I just pay them little mind at this point, or rep for that matter(some with high reps are not so nice and some with very low reps are very nice, so the number isn't a good indicator of character).

(Of course that is not to say some likely don't low rate me for legitimate[to them] reasons, but those people don't low rate me nearly as much)
Post edited June 10, 2020 by GameRager
Radiance1979: I'm still figuring out to how to present low quality high res pictures.... really the best ones i have in my arsenal i just can't get any smaller then 3,5 mb
GameRager: Just shrink them down till they're small enough(MS Paint is even good for this), or post them as url links(On imgur or whatnot).

Radiance1979: i do wonder btw gamechanger.. you have one of the most awfull reps i've ever seen here. are you such a disgusting person?
GameRager: Offtopic, but some(a very few) here have a chip on their shoulder concerning me(likely due to me holding an opinion or posting in a way they dislike) so those others use alts and bots and such to low rate me every day(it's been going on for over half a year now).

Heck they even hit others as well that they dislike for various petty reasons.

I just pay them little mind at this point, or rep for that matter(some with high reps are not so nice and some with very low reps are very nice, so the number isn't a good indicator of character).

(Of course that is not to say some likely don't low rate me for legitimate[to them] reasons, but those people don't low rate me nearly as much)
i would end at the smallest size, 640 x 480 which is really not my intention, i will get there some day....

regarding the other subject, it does seem that there is a very fanatical line present, almost religious in a way, online with a very specific set of mind.
Radiance1979: i would end at the smallest size, 640 x 480 which is really not my intention, i will get there some day....
You could still link from other sites(like imgur) like others and I said....good luck with that, at any rate.

Radiance1979: regarding the other subject, it does seem that there is a very fanatical line present, almost religious in a way, online with a very specific set of mind.
It's likely trolls who like to antagonize or those who disagree with me and others on some points/stances who want to drive us off or make our time here less than enjoyable.....but let em low rate....I ain't going anywhere, and most others they low rate don't seem to be going anywhere either.
Radiance1979: i would end at the smallest size, 640 x 480 which is really not my intention, i will get there some day....
GameRager: You could still link from other sites(like imgur) like others and I said....good luck with that, at any rate.

Radiance1979: regarding the other subject, it does seem that there is a very fanatical line present, almost religious in a way, online with a very specific set of mind.
GameRager: It's likely trolls who like to antagonize or those who disagree with me and others on some points/stances who want to drive us off or make our time here less than enjoyable.....but let em low rate....I ain't going anywhere, and most others they low rate don't seem to be going anywhere either.
you are right in a way... every decent person who spends some time online should have acces to an imgur account of his own.... lemme see how that will check out
Radiance1979: i would end at the smallest size, 640 x 480 which is really not my intention, i will get there some day....
Yeah normal paint won't win you a lot in that way.

Gimp works very well though: 'File > Export as' then save it as a .jpg. A window will pop up in which you can reduce the quality down from 90 to something lower. You can set to view a preview of it and check how it affects the image quality. Usually from 90 down to 80 makes barely a difference to the image quality, but makes it much smaller.
Of course you can only go so far with a massive image, so you might first have to 'Image > Scale Image' to change it to 1600x900 / 1366x768 first.

I only use imgur if I want to share something truly massive, like this composite screenshot I made of my final Anno1503 island:
Radiance1979: i would end at the smallest size, 640 x 480 which is really not my intention, i will get there some day....
Matewis: Yeah normal paint won't win you a lot in that way.

Gimp works very well though: 'File > Export as' then save it as a .jpg. A window will pop up in which you can reduce the quality down from 90 to something lower. You can set to view a preview of it and check how it affects the image quality. Usually from 90 down to 80 makes barely a difference to the image quality, but makes it much smaller.
Of course you can only go so far with a massive image, so you might first have to 'Image > Scale Image' to change it to 1600x900 / 1366x768 first.

I only use imgur if I want to share something truly massive, like this composite screenshot I made of my final Anno1503 island:
That is indeed a very nice picture..... I might have to secure settings for downloading gimp btw, just can connect to their fileserver for either direct or torrent download.

guess i will stick to the afterburner program which allow you to make screenshots with said reduction, usually jpeg 75%... i also have photoshop lying around somewhere... that should do the trick if i ever feel the need to share some pcitures out of my legendary screenshot collection ;)

bloody spell almost due to release \o/ \o/ \o/

fits nicely into the k-stuff mania i find myself into atm....

-watching k-girls on dating sites ;)
-watching k-historical drama's ( My Country, Arthdall )
-enjoying k-music :p
Post edited June 11, 2020 by Radiance1979
The New Roman Empire ... aka The Settlers 2

I haven't played this one in a good long while, so I'm starting again from the beginning. Still slow-burning goodness. :)

A curious thing I hadn't remembered: the first hostile tribe of Nubians consists of black fighters but all-white workers. Things that make one go "hmmmmm".
attacking.jpg (397 Kb)
Mr.Mumbles: The New Roman Empire ... aka The Settlers 2

I haven't played this one in a good long while, so I'm starting again from the beginning. Still slow-burning goodness. :)

A curious thing I hadn't remembered: the first hostile tribe of Nubians consists of black fighters but all-white workers. Things that make one go "hmmmmm".
This reminds me to give 4 a try again with integer scaling! But yea 2 is huge, i have the remaster and played head to head ( well in different homes ) against my mother who would succeed first.. in the end she turned out to be the better puzzler ( i did not succeed in the 9th or 10th mission.. succumbed by fatigue, lets leave it at that ;) )

They don't make them like that anymore.... I have settlers 7 too but there it feels like the magic is gone


Started the battle of France. Troops have been fighting for a couple of days now with mixed succes. PanzerGruppe Miami Shore is advancing steadily along the coastline. While armygruppe Center grinded to a halt besieged by the bulk of the French forces. armygrupp b responsible for the encirclement on the eastern flank ran into heavy brigades supported by tanks and anti tank formations so no real progress atm either. The luftwaffe rules the sky with the Messcherschmidts being the superior birds and dive bombers weakening the static defenses wherever they can

Edit: could not add center picture for being to large in filesize... damn you gog !
Attachments: works well on Windows. The picture programs in the office program packages work too. Sure, GiMP works too but the bog standard Paint..... ugh, not so well.
Post edited June 12, 2020 by Themken
Space: The Last Frontier... aka No Man's Sky

The newest update encouraged me to finally go beyond the beginning stages and drag it back out of my backlog. So I started a new game, but I've yet to make it out of the very first system. I've just been planet-hopping a bit between the 3 worlds there. I definitely like the nifty base teleporter... even if I have pretty much not been back since my first few runs between the space station and there.

I was pleasantly surprised by how well it runs on my lappie with its GTX 1650 Max-Q. Sure I had to compromise on the graphics settings a bit since it can't run it with all the game's bells-and-whistles like my beefy desktop PC can, but it runs really quite smooth. :) Pics taken from my lappie session.
porthole.jpg (346 Kb)
Post edited June 12, 2020 by Mr.Mumbles
Amazing Discoveries on Kharak and slowly increasing limitations in Ashes of Singularity

How far can we go? find out in the next part of RTS weekend!!!!
Checking out Hitman Absolution. The first level consisted of small stages, which unfortunately next to the open design of Blood Money I'm definitely not a fan of. I'm hoping the implementation of this becomes better in subsequent stages, or at least, less of an irritation. It's also got this weird instinct ability that feels incredibly out of place, which tries to be something similar to the detective mode from Batman. Perhaps I'm just too much of a purist :P
I am however really impressed so far with how well it runs.
How do I attach multiple images?
Post edited June 13, 2020 by PLASMA97
PLASMA97: How do I attach multiple images?
You just add them to your post one by one with a limit of 5 maximum (must be smaller than 500KB each).