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Navagon: I wouldn't trust any 'guarantee' of a DRM-free version. It will either be abandoned (alongside any promised Mac and Linux versions) due to overestimating the scope their budget gave them. Or it will be released so long after the Steam version you'll have forgotten about it, or already gone with the Steam version just so you've got something to show for your pledge.

As for the game, it almost too faithful to the original. They didn't have to be so exact with the level design and monsters given that it's been over two decades since the original. But on the plus side, that should mean that the gameplay doesn't lose any depth.
I haven't had a chance to play the original, and I'd be very happy if the remake was identical in every aspect other than the graphics. That way I'd feel like I didn't miss out on something from the original. =)
Cadaver747: As for the DRM-free version, that is not yet confirmed
fronzelneekburm: No DRM-free version, no pledge.

And even if they promise a DRM-free version, my previous Kickstarter experiences have taught me to be very wary of promises that devs will try to weasel their way out of.
Pretty much what im considering as well.

Also isnt there record a bit spotty about games being released here vs on the evil empire store?
Post edited May 17, 2016 by Niggles
Navagon: I wouldn't trust any 'guarantee' of a DRM-free version. It will either be abandoned (alongside any promised Mac and Linux versions) due to overestimating the scope their budget gave them. Or it will be released so long after the Steam version you'll have forgotten about it, or already gone with the Steam version just so you've got something to show for your pledge.

As for the game, it almost too faithful to the original. They didn't have to be so exact with the level design and monsters given that it's been over two decades since the original. But on the plus side, that should mean that the gameplay doesn't lose any depth.
I'm sad to hear some kickstarter projects failed on their DRM-free promise. That is terrible. I hope that is a rare thing. I'd rather buy the game on release. That way I know what I get (e.g. Shenmue).

As for the level design, I noticed that too. Hopefully they imported the level models to get something running for show/tests, and for it to be a work base for further tweaks. It helps if the artists/designers don't start from zero.

I wonder if they'll redo the second one if this one succeeds.

BTW, the original System Shock seems to be based around the engine developed for Ultima Underworld. Is there any way to make these old games look and play better (mainly their interface)?
All I'm talking about is something less of a direct translation and a slight bit more of a reinterpretation. I certainly wouldn't want the remake to miss out on anything. But I don't think that boxy environments and slightly dodgy looking enemies (thinking of the zombie dude in the gameplay video here) are really necessary. It should be more about maintaining the spirit and keeping the depth of gameplay than just upping the polygon count.
Gede: I'm sad to hear some kickstarter projects failed on their DRM-free promise. That is terrible. I hope that is a rare thing. I'd rather buy the game on release. That way I know what I get (e.g. Shenmue).

As for the level design, I noticed that too. Hopefully they imported the level models to get something running for show/tests, and for it to be a work base for further tweaks. It helps if the artists/designers don't start from zero.

I wonder if they'll redo the second one if this one succeeds.

BTW, the original System Shock seems to be based around the engine developed for Ultima Underworld. Is there any way to make these old games look and play better (mainly their interface)?
Game development is by no means and exact science. A lot can go wrong and usually does. Kickstarter, for all the good it has genuinely done, only increases the likelihood of things not turning out as hoped. I'm not saying that there definitely won't be a DRM-free version. Just don't back it if you can't live with a Steam copy.

Yeah, I think you're right about where the project's at right now. Maybe how much they update it will depend on how far in excess of the goal the Kickstarter campaign gets.

They might well redo the sequel, but if you ask me, that one will need a far more expensive update. I don't think that a simple HD remastered version will cut it. It should be closer to AAA. As close as they can get it.

There are mods to improve SS. I think that their features have been implemented in the GOG version already. I don't know about UU though.
Post edited May 17, 2016 by Navagon
I hope this remake is as player-friendly as the original, and lets the PLAYER decide how we want to play.
In my case, in the original System Shock, I focussed on the puzzles and the story, so I set them to HIGH. And I set the combat side to low - so I played it more as an adventure game with great story, instead of just another 'Shoot Everything That Moves' game. ( :

Hope the remake offers that same choice. SS2 never gave you that choice, which always disappointed me.

And of course, I want it to be DRM-free. ( :
Have you tried playing the game with hi-res textures and enhanced models? I know of at least one mod pack of hi-res/hi-poly models for weapons and AI/NPCs.
FrodoBaggins: I hope this remake is as player-friendly as the original, and lets the PLAYER decide how we want to play.
In my case, in the original System Shock, I focussed on the puzzles and the story, so I set them to HIGH. And I set the combat side to low - so I played it more as an adventure game with great story, instead of just another 'Shoot Everything That Moves' game.
That is awesome! I really like multi-difficulty sliders. I hope they keep it too.
Fantastic early footage... :o
Navagon: They might well redo the sequel, but if you ask me, that one will need a far more expensive update. I don't think that a simple HD remastered version will cut it. It should be closer to AAA. As close as they can get it.
Why do you consider that a simple facelift is insufficient? Better looks, better sound, better interface... profit! And more players will be able to appreciate a nice game.
It would be only a marginal improvement, true, but one none the less.