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Shadowstalker16: On a school trip to a water park, me; not knowing how to swim just hung around ogling around the pool, which was in itself, being bathed in by 100+ people. A fat bully and his buddies dragged my down to the deep end and dunked me a few times before a friend of mine diplomatically had the 5 guys let me go. I ran to the changing room and showered 2 times. After the trip, 80% of the class had some sort of water-borne infection. I didn't. So I was NOT stupid, change is good FTW. This happened last year.
Good to hear you made that out alive!

Bad to hear there are still bullies out there who find a 'casual' swim a good chance for a drowning. At a 'football' (not soccer) practice one time, people decided to play "pile on" with me, when enough kids were on top, I felt as if my spine snapped or something and I was breathing really weird, the finally got off and I just never fellt normal after that.

If you get the chance, enjoy the water, it's the best form of exercise and for adults, it's not OK to try and drown people nor to intentionally break their backs.
sinugie: hanging around on the backside of moving car (is a school transport) and jump to the street after it, thanks fully it wasn't quick enough and only causing half of my face injured (non permanent scar luckilly) when i face the ashphalt that and some bone on my legs broken
I heard a story of a friend who was inebriated with his friends, riding slowly on the hood of a car just moving around the block. As he explained, he rolled off the hood of the car in the from as it slowly moved over him, he got his head caught between the road and the transmission pan. After much yelling, they backed up the car, he said he felt as if his head were going to pop.

Fortunately for him, he ended up with a swollen head.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by JDelekto
awalterj: I did one of the classics, sticking your tongue to a metal rail in the middle of winter when it was -20°C (-4°F).

All in all, I've done more stupid things as a grownup than as a kid.
We've all done our share of stupid things as children and adults. You can't judge a person lest they walk a mile on your shoes. That way, if they get upset, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :)

In all seriousness though, I stuck my tongue to cold metal once... it wasn't a light pole, but a spoon i the freezer. I'm not sure how many cells I tore off my tongue but they weren't happy and my taste was off for a week or so.
bad_fur_day1: I like your idea for a thread, but stupid things I did as a kid is not something I would like to revisit.
Well, the idea was more for people who made the wrong choices and almost ended up 'dead'.

If you made the wrong choices while still alive and made it out alive (without the fear of death), I don't want to hear them. As a wise man once told me, let sleeping dogs lie.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by JDelekto
I spun it off in a new thread...
Thanks to this thread I now realize what a boring childhood I had. :P
My American neighbors from Florida were devout Christians. They were a young couple in late 20s.

I was 8 back then.

One day when the husband left for work on Saturday morning, I was in the front yard of the house watering the plants.

A few minutes after the husband left, another tattooed man came over and knocked on their door. The Christian wife opened the door and quickly pulled him in.

A week later, another one of our neighbor was having a barbeque in his backyard. We all were sitting in a circle(24 of us) and I kept looking at the Christian wife. Finally her husband asked me in a joking tone,

"You are not interested in Cathy are you?"

Like an innocent kid I just asked who was the tattooed man was that came into the house after the husband left.

The wife became red-faced.

The husband asked her "what is Ken talking about?" Everyone in the circle was quiet and started suspecting the wife of being a cheating slut.

Arguments began and the couple left the barbeque area to do some talking.

A few weeks later, they got divorced, and both moved out and went to separate places.

I am sure, the "christian" wife till this day curses me for revealing her secrets although innocently.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by sasuke12
Filling up empty fire extinguishers with paint, water and air pressure for tagging (Using petrol station tire pressure pumps to put air pressure into the extinguisher which can result in them going bang luckily never happened). Hanging one armed off freeways while tagging. Hanging onto trains while there going. Chasing after snakes that could easily of killed me and the friends that where chasing said snakes.

That is just the stuff off the top of my head. I was sober for all of them as well. My not so sober times where even more crazy.
tinyE: Thanks to this thread I now realize what a boring childhood I had. :P
I wouldn't believe that for a moment unless you were inside some guided cage... the original rush by freewill
I climbed a 15 meter tall tree in the school yard (I was 10-11) with very thick branches so it was hard to see me. Then, for some stupid reason, I gladly gave a happy shout and a wave to a teacher I knew very well. After that incident, we got a new rule on school to not climb trees above 2 meters to me and one of my friend's annoyance. Of course, we didn't stop climbing, only we kept to the rule for the most part and made sure no teachers were around. At least I learned a life lesson not to attract unwanted attention.
I saw other kids from school running on the crosswalk because they didn't want to wait for the light to change so i decided to do the same... All i remember is seeing the ground and sky in a fraction of a second before i realize what happened.
JDelekto: We've all done our share of stupid things as children and adults. You can't judge a person lest they walk a mile on your shoes. That way, if they get upset, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :)
I have 25 pairs of shoes (not including ski boots and snowshoes), this is to confuse people who are thinking about walking in my shoes.

All of my shoes have a practical function, none of them are for fashion or decoration.
JDelekto: We've all done our share of stupid things as children and adults. You can't judge a person lest they walk a mile on your shoes. That way, if they get upset, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :)
awalterj: I have 25 pairs of shoes (not including ski boots and snowshoes), this is to confuse people who are thinking about walking in my shoes.

All of my shoes have a practical function, none of them are for fashion or decoration.
You've been working those elves pretty hard haven't you? :)
tinyE: Thanks to this thread I now realize what a boring childhood I had. :P
I really find it difficult that you didn't get into some sort of mischief even if it didn't put your life in danger.

There was this one time they were tearing down the woods behind our cul de sac, and they left behind a large tractor tire. I was with the usual "friends" in the neighborhood when they thought it would be a good idea to take the smallest in our group and roll him "down the hill".

He climbed inside the tire, and not more than a few feet after it started rolling, he tumbled out onto the street and the tire kept on going. From what I saw, it took almost a 90 degree turn, took out a neighbor's mailbox (which was a cemented 4x4 chunk of wood) then rolled off and disappeared into the woods.

We looked, but couldn't find the accursed thing. However, I recall going to school the next morning and the neighbor coming out to get their paper and cursing up a storm about that mailbox. It started with something like "What tha...."

I didn't actually put my shoulder behind the wheel, but I was guilty by association. I still bad for not telling the truth to this day.
Post edited May 30, 2015 by JDelekto
awalterj: I have 25 pairs of shoes (not including ski boots and snowshoes), this is to confuse people who are thinking about walking in my shoes.

All of my shoes have a practical function, none of them are for fashion or decoration.
JDelekto: You've been working those elves pretty hard haven't you? :)
tinyE: Thanks to this thread I now realize what a boring childhood I had. :P
JDelekto: I really find it difficult that you didn't get into some sort of mischief even if it didn't put your life in danger.
Not really. I was so damn reclusive I never had the chance too.
JDelekto: You've been working those elves pretty hard haven't you? :)

I really find it difficult that you didn't get into some sort of mischief even if it didn't put your life in danger.
tinyE: Not really. I was so damn reclusive I never had the chance too.
I am going to ask gently, you weren't one of those people who was chained up in a cellar or closet, made to live under a bed or just abused as a child not being allowed to contact others?

Or, were you a monk, who took a vow of silence and only came to GOG to fill in the gaps?

Inquiring minds want to know....
tinyE: Not really. I was so damn reclusive I never had the chance too.
JDelekto: I am going to ask gently, you weren't one of those people who was chained up in a cellar or closet, made to live under a bed or just abused as a child not being allowed to contact others?

Or, were you a monk, who took a vow of silence and only came to GOG to fill in the gaps?

Inquiring minds want to know....
No. XD What people should know is that while I am loud and obnoxious in here, I am the total opposite it real life. I never speak to people if I can help it and avoid going out whenever I can.

Okay this is slipping into Dr. Phil territory here so let's get back on topic. :P
Thanks for the laugh sasuke, that was post of the month material for sure :'D

awalterj: I have 25 pairs of shoes (not including ski boots and snowshoes), this is to confuse people who are thinking about walking in my shoes.

All of my shoes have a practical function, none of them are for fashion or decoration.
JDelekto: You've been working those elves pretty hard haven't you? :)
Made in China, must be Chinese elves.

Another not so smart thing we used to do as kids is forcing the doors of the 6-person Alpine gondolas open and dangling our feet out for a little adrenaline kick. We also used to raise the safety bar on the chairlifts, fortunately no one ever fell out.
The vertical drop at the highest points was enough to kill if anyone had fallen out.

Another semi-intelligent thing we liked doing was skiing next to the prepared tracks through the forest, very much not recommended. One time my skis got caught underneath tree roots and I continued above, without skis that is.
Post edited May 31, 2015 by awalterj