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In which we talk about our relationship with you.

Refunds, terms of use, customer support - it's the hot button issue right now and it's been on our minds as well. We thought this might be a pretty good time to say a word or two about how we do things, recent changes, and our approach to your customer experience.


We've got 'em, and here are the basics you might need to know:
You have 30 days, worldwide. Hitting "Buy" doesn't waive your rights.
European Union law states that you should have 14 days to withdraw from a purchase. That's not a bad deal, but it's not always enough. We think that 30 days is more like it, and that worldwide is just nicer - within that period, we only consider your purchase final if you've already started to actually download your game. We want all of our customers to feel that our refund policy is there to give you a comfortable experience - not that we were forced into having one.

You can still get a refund for technical issues after downloading your game.
Downloading a game doesn't mean you're on your own, you still have our guarantee that it works!
If you have your game, but it doesn't work for one of the million reasons that just happen - we're here to help. We want you to be able to play your game, and if you can't, there's no reason why you should be stuck with it. We call this the Money Back Guarantee. If your game doesn't work due to technical issues, and our support team is unable to help you fix it, we'll offer you a refund - and two ways to do it. You'll have the choice of a refund in store credit, (this is almost immediate), or back to your card/PayPal account (if you're okay with waiting a few days to be cleared by your card or account issuer). You have 30 days to contact us after making your purchase, but there's no rush - your refund-timer stops ticking once you get in touch.

Customer support
We think that good customer support is one of the pillars of an awesome experience. A hard time getting through to a living, breathing, human being can be one of the most frustrating things ever. But that's just not us.

Our support team is a cool, friendly bunch of people. Emphasis on people. They're really good at what they do, and they're here to provide you with a friendly, personal way to get in touch. We offer in-house tech support for all your problems, crashes, and other (totally not PEBKAC) issues, and we'll provide full support with no time restrictions. If that game you bought two years ago isn't working anymore, we might just be able to help. We'll take the time to walk you through any suggestions, and do our best to accommodate your non-technical needs - but that doesn't mean we can't work fast. Beginning January of this year, the waiting time for your average support ticket response was under 24 hours, and we got your problems completely resolved in under 36 hours.

Still, there's no reason why we couldn't do even better: we recently started offering support on Saturdays and Sundays, and the team just got a bit bigger. You can now write to us in English, French and German, and we plan to include more languages as we continue to expand. We're planning a significant update to our website support section, so finding information and getting in touch should be much easier. Soon, we'll also offer a much finer way to track your purchases and gifts, while all orders eligible for our Money Back Guarantee will be clearly labeled.

That's our two cents. We hope that this gives all of you a better (and much needed) inside look at customer experience and support from our perspective. If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line in the comments section. We're here to talk!
Post edited March 26, 2015 by Konrad
high rated
While I'm appreciative (I own over 2/3rds of GOG's catalogue and I'm slowly re-buying games I own elsewhere), I'd really prefer if you hired more website quality assurance people before you focused so much on branching out.

I generally don't need to contact support... but tripping over bugs that have already been reported by various others (sometimes months ago) is a frequent issue.

Even better, hire some robots (they work cheap). Even if you don't want to write a full test suite, familiarize yourself with tools like and [url=]CasperJS and write regression tests so the bugs you have fixed no longer keep reoccurring.

As is, with all of the bugs popping up in concert with things like the ongoing unbundling (and how counterproductive it is to unbundle certain specific things, like Heroes Chronicles, which ballooned from 660MiB to 3.5GiB since you basically split up different campaigns of a single game), I'm starting to fear that you'll throw all your effort behind Galaxy (which I doubt I'll use) and keep the website "around" in just enough of a sense to qualify for "See, we said we wouldn't force you to use Galaxy".

Heck, some of the problems we're seeing, like extras with titles like product_bonus_1234, could be fixed with some stricter database constraints or an SQL one-liner to find such entries and a cronjob to run it and e-mail the results to someone tasked with fixing them.
Post edited March 25, 2015 by ssokolow
Just give us the ability to make the game shelves larger and to put empty spaces between games already.

And now that you've unbundled the games, allow us to re-bundle them if we want.
Post edited March 25, 2015 by drealmer7
All my contacts with support were positive. So far. ;)

But I'm afraid this thread is going to be a gathering place for complaints about all these unfortunate situations when received support was less than satisfactory. I consider this a tactical error, GOG. :P
Post edited March 25, 2015 by InkPanther
I came here only by the fact that here is really the best support.
Before buy the game here, I wrote in support for the test.
Asked them a few questions, and all received an answer.
A few days later a letter came to me from them, with the question of whether I'm good at, and if I have more questions that they could help :)
I was stunned by this. Now only place I buy the games.
Sashh: For the last 6 years on GOG I had little to none issues, but when there was something, I could be sure that help will be provided.

Congratulations to the whole GOG team, especially Customer Support department.
yes i agree, i been here since sep 2014 so thats only 6 months or so, but i havent got any problem sofar.
So i think GOG is the best compared to other services i joined.
I spend most of the time here and also buy most if not all of my games here.
30 days for refund after download is probably the best option possible.
(even if maybe I'll save a ton of games in one go and then slowly play each one).
EDIT: nope, I misread.. it's 30 days for refund after purchase.

Your customer support has already been quite good, so it's great if it will be improved even more.

Now I hope that you'll also be able to check the various issues with the site and with that last unbundle thing :P
Post edited March 27, 2015 by phaolo
I'm pretty happy with the way I've been treated thus far. GoG is firm but gentle. Steam is rough, uses a cane, and ignores my cries of protest by insisting deep down I want it.
In other news, it's been about a week since Fallout vanished for no reason.
GOG's refund policy is really a good thing.
GOG's support always do their best : each time I needed them, they were here :) Not always the fastest (but sometime, it's normal for a support team), not always solving perfectly (but it's not especially their fault : computer things are unpredictables and weird too sometimes ;) ), but they were here, listening, trying to solve everything. Thank you ! :D

Kudos to all the GOG staff for their wonderful work !

Some small thoughts before finishing...
Please don't forget the people who aren't interested in galaxy at all ;)
Please fix the website (I'm thinking about the "updated games" notifications) ! Thanks to mrkgnao and Judas, we can follow the updates, but... well.. Site needs some improvements ;)

Unbundling games is/was a lot of work, so is Galaxy, so is the website, courage !

Keep up this way :D

PS : and please do something against sometimes appearing GOG's Bears XD It's not often at all, but it's sometime frustating :P (experienced at least two "long" (15-30min) GOGBears moments during last insomnia)
Post edited March 25, 2015 by Splatsch
Jurij and others always help me, the last was a refund (to buy Pillars of Eternity: Royal Edition instead Champion) and also because some games disappeared from my shelf without reason. Always fix problems and help me with dedicated service, not only put a standard message like the others.

I am proud of Gog.
matoro1992: This is why you're better than Steam. Although, I wish there are more Linux compatible games. Fortunately, it's a good thing you can install Windows games on Linux ease of use through Play On Linux and Wine compared to trying to install Windows games through Steam.
We just added two Linux games about 5 minutes ago :) See the two Amnesia games :)
I still think I should be able to hang out in here bare ass naked.

Oh wait....I do.
drealmer7: Just give us the ability to make the game shelves larger and to put empty spaces between games already.

And now that you've unbundled the games, allow us to re-bundle them if we want.
larger shelves? might be okay on 1920px screens or larger to show them at once, another easy option is jquery like forth and back buttons detecting when there is a forth or back if not the arrow is not visible left or right

this way you could decide to 'slide; per 5, items that would be like sliding 5 items to show the next 5

[1 2 3 4 5 ] > [ 6 7 8 9 10] > [11 12 13 14 15] > [16 17 18 19 20] ..................

and the motion must not be slide to jerky or to fast, (to prevent motion sickness)
tinyE: I still think I should be able to hang out in here bare ass naked.

Oh wait....I do.
MY EYES! The goggles do nothing!
I have always had a good experience working with GOG's customer support, but it is reassuring to hear they are striving to continue to improve.