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Nu-Star Wars is absolutely bottom of the barrel entertainment, after I watched the Last Jedi I honestly felt like I'd been a victim of robbery, I pirated it but even that 2 hours I spent watching had been taken from me, and I'll never get that back. At least "The Room" was unintentionally funny.

Every year I rewatch Stanley Kubrick's films and then I think of all the garbage superhero movies and other trash being made today and it honestly makes me want to cry, when I look at a film like like 2001 or Solaris and then I look at nu-SW, it's sad how far we've fallen.

Honestly someone needs to detonate a nuclear warhead inside Disney HQ.
Post edited April 13, 2019 by Crosmando
InkPanther: Fixed version ;P
Thanks, that saves me watching the entire movie now :)
Yeah... I really really want to see the last movies but at the same time it's just going annoy me more than it's going to entertain me. Deep down I fear it will rape me, give me PTSD and leave me with scares for the rest of my life.

My biggest gripe is the fact that this person, born in slavery, without ANY training, beats a long time master is just bs! You can't blame it on luck either, it's just zero logic. But wait, in the next movie Skywalker just throws away the saber like a demented man on drugs throwing knifes and forks at the nurses. It goes against the very nature of the universe. How can anyone defend something like that?

The 2. trilogy were actually not totally bad despite that annoying character JarJar, then comes the Disney version and they not only throws out everything good about the Star Wars Universe, but also about good film-making. The amount of screw ups in the 7. and 8. movie is appalling to put it mildly.

JJ Abrams Responds To Rey Skywalker
Disneys Bob Iger admits Star Wars has failed on the big screen

Thank you Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson for killing Star Wars and attacking long-time fans. And to George Lucas for not caring anymore and letting Disney ruin it. Yes, we know you regret it...
Post edited April 13, 2019 by sanscript
kalirion: I'll just wait a year or two and watch it on Netflix like I did the last two.
You have to get the new Disney Streaming channel for that from now on. All the Marvel and SW stuff will be exclusive to that. That's why Netflix is cancelling all their Marvel series.
low rated
'You must come with me to the gog forum doronnorod, and become an asshole, like your father.'
I loved the original series when i was a kid (Empire strikes back is one of my favourite films of all time). Hated the last jedi so i am going to wait a while before even thinking of watching the forthcoming movie. They seem to be desperate to try and get back to some kind of resmblance to the original series but think they will try to hard as they did with force awakens which was a new hope version 2.
The last good Star Wars movie was Return of the Jedi back in 83, the franchise died after that. To be honest, I view everything that came after that as fan fiction.

I gave Rogue One a chance though because people said it was kind of good, and boy was I in for a surprise. The movie had less soul than anything recent with Marvel tacked on to it.

At least we have Knights of the Old Republic 1 + 2.
Post edited April 13, 2019 by user deleted
Solo is actually my favorite of the Disney films. Ironically it was the least successful, but it feels the most like the original trilogy and an 80's blockbuster in general. Not saying it's amazing, but I enjoy it. None of them are bad really, just kind of there and soulless.
I'm definitely going to watch it, but I'm not expecting much. *shrug* My love for the Star Wars movies - original or not - has waned over the years.

I thought the spin-offs Rogue One and Solo were much more enjoyable than this latest trilogy of recycled and daft story ideas.
DadJoke007: The last good Star Wars movie was Return of the Jedi back in 83, the franchise died after that. To be honest, I view everything that came after that as fan fiction.

I gave Rogue One a chance though because people said it was kind of good, and boy was I in for a surprise. The movie had less soul than anything recent with Marvel tacked on to it.

At least we have Knights of the Old Republic 1 + 2.
No soul in the Marvel films? Why is that? Because they've made so many of them? It's okay not to like them but there's been a lot of effort put into a number of those films and they're very well done (with a few exceptions *cough* Black Panther/Captain Marvel). I would easily watch the Captain America trilogy, Thor Ragnarok, the first Avengers and Infinite War over Return of The Jedi for sure.
I never really liked Star Wars, but I watched the last 2 movies in cinema. Gonna watch this one also.
darthspudius: No soul in the Marvel films? Why is that? Because they've made so many of them? It's okay not to like them but there's been a lot of effort put into a number of those films and they're very well done (with a few exceptions *cough* Black Panther/Captain Marvel). I would easily watch the Captain America trilogy, Thor Ragnarok, the first Avengers and Infinite War over Return of The Jedi for sure.
Because I percieve them as bland and soulless crap that fail to evoke any kind of emotion in me in any way.
I have lost the hype for the franchise, I will pass the theater release and watch it later on the streaming service.
I kind of liked TFA but waited for TLJ to fix all that was "wrong" in the first sequel movie but man what a letdown....
Everything in TLJ is either wrong, stupid, or inconsistent: It is such a flawed and broken beyond fixing movie that even trying to talk about it makes me feel like I'm an idiot.

I'm not a fan anymore and I'm sure they are going to try to somehow make sense out of TLJ by retroactively ruin the OT and the PT. Like, I don't know, flashbacks in which Luke acts inconsistenly, cowardly or stuff like that.

If there's still people who haven't watched them here Mauler's videos on TLJ.

The first one: (Edit2: Warning NSFW Language)

The analisys serie:

Edit: so no, no SW for me from now on until KK, RJ, Story group and other people will have a say in the creative process of the movies.
Post edited April 13, 2019 by Judicat0r
I've not seen this much scatter dash since the last time i went to the questionable curry house on the corner.