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darthspudius: I'd rather have Sisko! Picard is a bit of a wimp who talks too much.
Elmofongo: Do they ever re-introduce the Doomsday Machine in later series? Does it appear again in TNG, DS9, Voyeger, Enterprise?
Nergal01: Unfortunately, no. Non-canon novels and fan productions have featured it, though.
New question. What ever happened in the time span after TOS and before 1st Motion Pictiure? I know TOS got cancelled so coming directly to the first film afterwards are we suppose to assume the TOS crew completed their 5 year mission?
darthspudius: I'd rather have Sisko! Picard is a bit of a wimp who talks too much.
real.geizterfahr: relevant...
Says enough! lol I love trek but DS9 is definitely criminally underrated as far as characters and story goes.
Nergal01: Unfortunately, no. Non-canon novels and fan productions have featured it, though.
Elmofongo: New question. What ever happened in the time span after TOS and before 1st Motion Pictiure? I know TOS got cancelled so coming directly to the first film afterwards are we suppose to assume the TOS crew completed their 5 year mission?
They completed it. At some point Kirk gets promoted, Spock is in charge of the ship and Bones retires. Until the movie that is.
Post edited May 27, 2015 by darthspudius
darthspudius: I'd rather have Sisko! Picard is a bit of a wimp who talks too much.
real.geizterfahr: relevant...
Lol, we should have had more Q in DS9, that's one of the minuses for me, also the lack of The Borg.
real.geizterfahr: relevant...
darthspudius: Says enough! lol I love trek but DS9 is definitely criminally underrated as far as characters and story goes.
Elmofongo: New question. What ever happened in the time span after TOS and before 1st Motion Pictiure? I know TOS got cancelled so coming directly to the first film afterwards are we suppose to assume the TOS crew completed their 5 year mission?
darthspudius: They completed it. At some point Kirk gets promoted, Spock is in charge of the ship and Bones retires. Until the movie that is.
Currently watching the first movie right now. And its at the part where that egregiously long "spaceship porn" sequence.

Music is good though.
darthspudius: Says enough! lol I love trek but DS9 is definitely criminally underrated as far as characters and story goes.

They completed it. At some point Kirk gets promoted, Spock is in charge of the ship and Bones retires. Until the movie that is.
Elmofongo: Currently watching the first movie right now. And its at the part where that egregiously long "spaceship porn" sequence.

Music is good though.
Oh the starship porn is silly. It's funny to think the exact same scene was used for Wrath of Khan but was half the time and much more powerful in presentation.
Elmofongo: New question. What ever happened in the time span after TOS and before 1st Motion Pictiure? I know TOS got cancelled so coming directly to the first film afterwards are we suppose to assume the TOS crew completed their 5 year mission?
Yeah. I think Kirk even mentions having spent 5 years out in space at some point in the first movie. Of course, there are various novels, games, and comics that purport to show adventures the crew had after the cancellation and during the original five-year mission. And there's the animated series, although some question whether it should be canon.
Elmofongo: Currently watching the first movie right now. And its at the part where that egregiously long "spaceship porn" sequence.

Music is good though.
darthspudius: Oh the starship porn is silly. It's funny to think the exact same scene was used for Wrath of Khan but was half the time and much more powerful in presentation.
That sequence could have been good if it was the first thing the movie opens to. Gives the TOS fans a sense of nostaliga and a "welcome back" feeling.
Elmofongo: New question. What ever happened in the time span after TOS and before 1st Motion Pictiure? I know TOS got cancelled so coming directly to the first film afterwards are we suppose to assume the TOS crew completed their 5 year mission?
andysheets1975: Yeah. I think Kirk even mentions having spent 5 years out in space at some point in the first movie. Of course, there are various novels, games, and comics that purport to show adventures the crew had after the cancellation and during the original five-year mission. And there's the animated series, although some question whether it should be canon.
I heard they at least took elements of the animated series and re-introduced them the main series like TNG and DS9.
Post edited May 27, 2015 by Elmofongo
The following is my opinion only but it's why I think that the other series haven't been received as well as TOS or TNG:

DS9: Whereas TOS and TNG were the trend setters, DS9 was playing catchup with Babylon 5. There have been some rumors that JMS approached Paramount with the less perfectionist space station concept for Star Trek that Paramount rejected. In response JMS reworked it into Babylon 5 and got Warner Brothers to pick up on it. Paramount saw it faring well and decided to do their own to compete. While that is simply rumors, DS9 was at the very least heavily influenced by B5, something the creators of DS9 acknowledge. Though the two shows worked well together (double booking issue aside) and Majel Roddenberry even had a cameo on B5, the fans are pretty venomous toward each other and DS9 did feel as though it was simply trying to compete with B5 instead of going it's own way.

Voyager: Voyager was supposed to be "TNG but where the Federation isn't there for support" but it came out as a weird mash up between lost in space and TOS. The idea was supposed to be if Federation ideals could withstand being challenged in an environment that it did not already exist in but it came out as the ideals were flexible at best and nonexistent otherwise with the times where the ideals were REALLY challenged it was really forced. The last season really did a number on the series though as all of those ideas and concepts were largely thrown out the airlock to wrap everything up neatly with the finale really taking the cake on that.

Enterprise: This one largely suffered from prequel problems. It tried to play it as the ideals were not conceived yet and the Federation was just getting started but it kept having to explain why a lot of stuff that the previous shows had didn't exist. Excusable in itself but a lot of continuity problems plagued it (the Klingons were a big example using the more modern features that according to Worf in DS9 the Klingons didn't have) gave the impression that the writers and other staff failed to do research for the sake of spectacle. For a series that garnered most of it's support from being consistent (HA! Nope, can't say it with a straight face) something like that can be a death knell. To compensate the show went more spectacle which pushed fans further away. When it became apparent it wasn't going to hit anywhere near it's planned 7 year run a lot of stories were cut off and a rather silly end was thrown together, once again to wrap it up.

TAS: This one is largely simple: It was a cash grab like most animated shows at the time and directly targeted to kids. It's horribly campy and silly and pushes beyond the guilty pleasure of interest to avoidance altogether.

So there you have it. DS9 was playing catchup, Voyager was overselling it's concepts, Enterprise suffered from Prequel problems and style over substance, and TAS was just a marketing cash grab.
Elmofongo: Currently watching the first movie right now. And its at the part where that egregiously long "spaceship porn" sequence.

Music is good though.
darthspudius: Oh the starship porn is silly. It's funny to think the exact same scene was used for Wrath of Khan but was half the time and much more powerful in presentation.
Well I just watched the first movie recently. And honeslty it was not THAT bad. Heck its much more better than the more whackier episodes of TOS. It felt like real Sci-Fi. Space, Alien forces. And story that does not have a conflict that results in fighitng.

I understand the pacing is slow but I sat through it none the less. But of course I think why people dislikes this movie is because of the fact that they had not had anything new to Star Trek for almost 10 years and this is movie did not offer them anyhting as exciting as say The Doomsday Machine.

But as I watch it now I just see it as a 2 part Star Trek TOS episode.

In the end I say the 1st movie is harmless.
darthspudius: Oh the starship porn is silly. It's funny to think the exact same scene was used for Wrath of Khan but was half the time and much more powerful in presentation.
Elmofongo: Well I just watched the first movie recently. And honeslty it was not THAT bad. Heck its much more better than the more whackier episodes of TOS. It felt like real Sci-Fi. Space, Alien forces. And story that does not have a conflict that results in fighitng.

I understand the pacing is slow but I sat through it none the less. But of course I think why people dislikes this movie is because of the fact that they had not had anything new to Star Trek for almost 10 years and this is movie did not offer them anyhting as exciting as say The Doomsday Machine.

But as I watch it now I just see it as a 2 part Star Trek TOS episode.

In the end I say the 1st movie is harmless.
Harmless, but dreadfully dull. Not offensively bad like Star Trek V: The Search for God or Star Trek: Nemesis, more like innocuous, like Generations and Insurrection. At least in my opinion. Too many long LONG sequences of the Enterprise flying through clouds and spaceship bits.
Elmofongo: Well I just watched the first movie recently. And honeslty it was not THAT bad. Heck its much more better than the more whackier episodes of TOS. It felt like real Sci-Fi. Space, Alien forces. And story that does not have a conflict that results in fighitng.

I understand the pacing is slow but I sat through it none the less. But of course I think why people dislikes this movie is because of the fact that they had not had anything new to Star Trek for almost 10 years and this is movie did not offer them anyhting as exciting as say The Doomsday Machine.

But as I watch it now I just see it as a 2 part Star Trek TOS episode.

In the end I say the 1st movie is harmless.
marsrunner: Harmless, but dreadfully dull. Not offensively bad like Star Trek V: The Search for God or Star Trek: Nemesis, more like innocuous, like Generations and Insurrection. At least in my opinion. Too many long LONG sequences of the Enterprise flying through clouds and spaceship bits.
I heard people say Inssurection is arguably the absolute worst Star Trek movie ever.

(So says Nostalgia Critic and Linkara)
Breja: I think Nemesis was fine. Not great, but fine. But then again I like all the Star Trek movies, even the "bad" ones have something to offer me as a fan that makes me like them.

Also, everyone should check out the Director's Cut of Star Trek The Motion Picture. It turns it into a truly great movie, one of the best in the series right next to II and VI.
Well it was okayish imho. I can get that. All the Star Trek moives - even The Final Frontier - are entertaining to some degree. I would say that the DC makes TMP one of the best but it absolutely improves the movie a lot.
Breja: I think Nemesis was fine. Not great, but fine. But then again I like all the Star Trek movies, even the "bad" ones have something to offer me as a fan that makes me like them.

Also, everyone should check out the Director's Cut of Star Trek The Motion Picture. It turns it into a truly great movie, one of the best in the series right next to II and VI.
ElTerprise: Well it was okayish imho. I can get that. All the Star Trek moives - even The Final Frontier - are entertaining to some degree. I would say that the DC makes TMP one of the best but it absolutely improves the movie a lot.
Fuck me these movies have extended director's cut and of course Netflix does not have them :P

Only way is to buy it off of amazon or pirate it.
Elmofongo: Fuck me these movies have extended director's cut and of course Netflix does not have them :P

Only way is to buy it off of amazon or pirate it.
Only The Motion Picture, The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country. And only the old Special Edition DVDs have them afaik...