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One of the most anticipated games – S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl from GSC Game World – has just dropped a new trailer!

We absolutely cannot wait to play this open world, post-apocalyptic survival FPS and a new entry in the iconic S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. However, we truly believe that the wait will be completely worth it.

For now, let's enjoy this new trailer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
high rated
Toss a bolt to your Stalker.
Swedrami: Toss a bolt to your Stalker.
...oh, Valley of Cheeki Breeki :)
Hopefully it'll play as good as it looks. ;) If they do nothing else but use a modern engine and graphics with QoL features and less bugs (at release), I wouldn't care if it was just an update on the old formula.
Swedrami: Toss a bolt to your Stalker.
Tarhiel: ...oh, Valley of Cheeki Breeki :)
Get out of here stalker.
Swedrami: Toss a bolt to your Stalker.
This looks worst than the modded Anomaly ( and anomaly looks gorgeous)
so sad watching this.
this is not UE5 by any means...
high rated
Why the hell do we have an American sounding player character?

high rated
yes i was thinking the same... why the fuck is Americans running around chornobyl?
Just the standard pampering for the anglophone market, the original Ukrainian dub being THE one to play with is a given and doesn't need to be promoted, as far as I'm concerned.
However I could imagine GSC putting out a trailer dedicated to and putting a spotlight on the Ukrainian localisation sometime later, closer to the actual release.
madkingdom: This looks worst than the modded Anomaly ( and anomaly looks gorgeous)
so sad watching this.
this is not UE5 by any means...
That is just objectively false.
Sachys: Why the hell do we have an American sounding player character?

Two possibilities -

Pragmatism. Probably harder than average right now to find local voice actors, and I highly doubt GSC ever works with a Russian firm again.


Dude could be some outsider. Would be interesting story-wise, some guy thinks he's hard as fuck, but has no idea what he's getting into.
I don't know, there's something I don't like about this trailer. I don't know, I loved the first trailer. The gameplay looks weird. Maybe I'm the only one to think so. But come on... let's see what the future holds for this sequel to the cult classic S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy.
RawSteelUT: Or

Dude could be some outsider. Would be interesting story-wise, some guy thinks he's hard as fuck, but has no idea what he's getting into.
Yeah i think if it were explicitly a merc from the start (like scar) it MIGHT fit, but why american, and not german, italian, turkish etc.
My distaste comes from the feeling of it going a wee bit "must have an american hero!" cliche and how it will affect the story (potentially even gameplay - so far it seems rather more shooter than the somewhat immersive sim the fans like).

I'll still await and see what the final product is of course. Clear Sky wasnt all bad.
high rated
Problems still seem the same. So its dressed up and pretty, woopdee doo!

1)Underlying controls will be garbage, because its designed for console controls. Never going to have the same finesse as keyboard and mouse. Thats why every bit of movement looks janky. Because there is no good way to get fine tuning with console controls. Its trying to drive a car with your feet, while being in the trunk. Its not going to be a nice ride.

2)In game gimics that bloat the graphics and ignore the main fan base that never cared about graphics. Those that do can get texture packs for everything. For the trilogy and the main mod projects.

3)Pointless politics. Because changing everything to annoy fans that literally kept the games alive this long, is a good idea to the dev team. Intelligent.

I could go on, but if anyone wants to know what part 2 should have been, its this....Anomaly with a map the actual size of the real region. Then have optional texture packs for higher graphics. An open dev kit.