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Venom: Archived threads are not editable, and can't be un-archived. You can always start a new thread and link to the archived one.
That needlessly breaks up information though. It seems quite arbitrary to say that the Metroidvania thread would be in the archive if it hadn't been for one post made yesterday. There are threads now stuck in the archive that might have had a post tomorrow. How is that really different?

Can't be un-archived or won't be un-archived? I don't really see how it could be a one way thing, just that GOG is unwilling to do it. I think that a reasonable case could be made for un-archiving a few threads though even if it was done on an 'as requested' basis.
SirPrimalform: Yup, GOG decided that after breaking the account section of the site the forum was feeling left out, so they moved every thread that hasn't had a post in 2015 into the archive and broke everyone's favourites in the process. The thread will be in the archive somewhere, but that doesn't help if you can't remember the title (I can't remember the titles of mine either... that's why I favourited them!).
I can't wait to see what is broken next. The importation of PMs to chat has been done in true GOG fashion! There is no rhyme nor reason to the sorting of chat messages, besides who is online, and perhaps who was online last. I cannot make sense of it. The rest of the messages are not chronological as one would assume. Messages are missing, blocks have been removed (with no way to re-implement them besides "friends only" or "no-one can message me" under privacy), and each alcoholic beverage imbibed has me laugh rather be angry as I normally am to these situations.

Now if they could just break the sale button for The Witcher 3 as it releases, the befuddlement and shock that many have felt with these changes would be wonderfully ironic :D

liquidsnakehpks: all of these changes at once are driving me nuts , i cant wait till that damn witcher 3 releases and the forum returns back to normal
Hear hear!
Post edited May 16, 2015 by Tarnicus
Venom: Archived threads are not editable, and can't be un-archived. You can always start a new thread and link to the archived one.
Fever_Discordia: When does anything else ever get moved to the 'archive'? Are all threads on a 12 month activity count-down until archival now or is this more or less a one off until performance is an issue again?
At 15:40 CET, every May 16th, every thread that hasn't had a post in the current year will be moved to archive.
tinyE: I knew this wasn't going to go smoothly. :P
Maighstir: But... it did go fairly smoothly.
Yeah, when I think about it I guess it could have gone horribly worse.
Maighstir: At 15:40 CET, every May 16th, every thread that hasn't had a post in the current year will be moved to archive.
Ah, so we celebrate the anniversary of forum borking every year? Nice!
We just need a game shelf memorial date as well.
Fever_Discordia: When does anything else ever get moved to the 'archive'? Are all threads on a 12 month activity count-down until archival now or is this more or less a one off until performance is an issue again?
Maighstir: At 15:40 CET, every May 16th, every thread that hasn't had a post in the current year will be moved to archive.
..While the 12-15th will be an annual forum celebratory event called 'The Necrotising'!
Mm.. again, GOG should have warned its users of the incoming forum archiving, before doing it.
That way, everyone could have bumped (1 time) their preferred topics and so be happy.
Instead, now some of them are annoyed.
phaolo: Mm.. again, GOG should have warned its users of the incoming forum archiving, before doing it.
That way, everyone could have bumped (1 time) their preferred topics and so be happy.
Instead, now some of them are annoyed.
They did warn people in some obscure thread perhaps 2 days ago :D I'd have to sift through the pile of rubble to find it.
phaolo: Mm.. again, GOG should have warned its users of the incoming forum archiving, before doing it.
That way, everyone could have bumped (1 time) their preferred topics and so be happy.
Instead, now some of them are annoyed.
GoG let us know. Ciris had a post a few days ago. Anyway, regardless Venom just fixed it!
VanishedOne: Has anyone else just now had old bookmarks turn up in the archive? I was just hunting in there when my old bookmarks appeared suddenly; presumably they're being transferred over right now.
Venom: Yup, I've just moved archived bookmarks to the archive forum.
Tarnicus: They did warn people in some obscure thread perhaps 2 days ago :D I'd have to sift through the pile of rubble to find it.
Ixamyakxim: GoG let us know. Ciris had a post a few days ago.
Yeah, the usual non-blue Ciris' threads -_-'
Luckly, I've only lost a pair of old discussions.
Some people are quite mad, however.
Post edited May 16, 2015 by phaolo
SirPrimalform: Seriously though, there are some threads that were archives of sorts and still get updated. The Metroidvanias thread is an example of that, but that one was saved from archiving by a well timed bump. Is there any way we can petition to have select threads un-archived?
Venom: Archived threads are not editable, and can't be un-archived. You can always start a new thread and link to the archived one.
What's the point in that? I mean it doesn't reduce space and it just adds more work for people. Also they can't revive their old thread that might become relevant again.

So I truly don't understand this move. I do understand forums that lock threads and removing them in due time to free up more space.
Same here. Nothing important tho .
phaolo: Mm.. again, GOG should have warned its users of the incoming forum archiving, before doing it.
That way, everyone could have bumped (1 time) their preferred topics and so be happy.
Instead, now some of them are annoyed.
They did, but not far enough in advance. I knew nothing about it until today when a load of my bookmarked topics seemed to disappear.
phaolo: Mm.. again, GOG should have warned its users of the incoming forum archiving, before doing it.
That way, everyone could have bumped (1 time) their preferred topics and so be happy.
Instead, now some of them are annoyed.
SirPrimalform: They did, but not far enough in advance. I knew nothing about it until today when a load of my bookmarked topics seemed to disappear.
Here is the 2 day warning thread (because EVERYONE checks the forums multiple times daily :P)
Favorites are restored.
At least on my end they link properly to general_archive.