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Everyone keeps asking about jump scares. I can remember very few jump scares in Amnesia, mostly just scares.

Since this seems like a more advanced Amnesia from the same devs I assume this wouldn't pull cheap tricks either.

And if you want nightmares, I would suggest you go to my Manhunt thread.
Post edited September 27, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
Very intrigued to play it. How long was it?
I'm currently watching CohhCarnage play the game, and it is definitely deeper than expected.
At worst I expected cheap jump-scares and a cliché storyline. That's hardly the case though.
The storyline and atmosphere are the real standouts for me. Its a very cool sci-fi horror game.
I would love to play it for myself but horror games are not my priority as far as my gaming budget goes.
Nirth: Very intrigued to play it. How long was it?
Not a very long game, it's about 10-15 hours. About the same size as Amnesia I think.
Nirth: Very intrigued to play it. How long was it?
This may be of help :)
Nirth: Very intrigued to play it. How long was it?
Took me almost exactly 7.5 hours.
fortune_p_dawg: I'm not usually the biggest horror game aficionado, and I don't do particularly well with constant jump scares, so it was refreshing to play a horror game which subtly worms its way into one's head. This is not a haunted house of horrors & grotequeries like Amnesia but rather an introspective look at existentialist dilemmas under the most dire and nightmarish circumstances.
aJillSandwich: Sounds fantastic. But does it have a small quantity of jump scares, or no jump scares at all?
I don't think it has any cheap jump scares. There are definitely some tense moments involving hiding and running but most of the tension comes from the claustrophobic atmosphere, the game world, and the feeling something horrible is about to befall our heroes (made worse considering the hell they've been through.