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Crosmando: I liked how the plot echoed the plot of New Hope.
BadDecissions: See, I had the opposite reaction. Tell a new story, guys.
Exactly -_-
bad_fur_day1: I thought, it was a fun movie, not a great Star Wars film. I'm hoping for Star Wars 8. I also liked Rogue One trailer very much. Infinitely better than the prequels [..]
For me it isn't much better than episode I (the worst SW), because the copy-paste bad plot makes it pointless to see.

I liked Rogue One trailer too, but I have few hopes about the new Star Wars now..
Post edited May 16, 2016 by phaolo
Crosmando: Yeah they made Ren seem pretty soft tbh, he nearly cracked when he talked to Han Solo and then got beaten by an untrained force-user/Jedi. Not much of a Sith Lord if he can't even talk to someone without crying. His master's training must have been preeety shit
Or Ren is a stooge.
Jacob_1994: stomach, he was hitting it through out the fight with finn for some reason
I thought his blood loss was causing him to lose focus and risk losing consciousness, so he kept hitting himself to stay conscious and focus. Dunno what the screenwriters had in mind though.
RWarehall: "And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."

That's the line I remember every time I see a Stormtrooper trying to shoot something...
Hahahaha...... BINGO, we have a winner! .... love it!!!