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"fallout bethesda" returned 9 posts
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You guys have to figure this out.

First thing I see when checking the Focus Home Interactive sale is Greedfall on sale, which says I do not own it. However I in fact DO own it, it's just some kind of older version I guess? Same thing happens with many other games... Fallout, Shadow Warrior reboot...

On top of that there's the fact you show basic editions as unowned if we bought the deluxe edition or whatever, which is also annoying and confusing when browsing the store.

This shouldn't be hard to fix and figure out. No other client/store does it.
Yes, it's a very annoying problem which GOG is not eager to fix. Bundle, deluxe and basic game - they all have different GOG ID in store and it's been years like that.

Very odd that you have Fallout and Shadow Warrior (reboot) as not owned as well. I bought the original Fallout back when it was first released here plus I bought all other Fallout games from later series, and Shadow Warrior as well. Every item is owned in GOG store for me.

This might be hard to fix since the store IDs are hardcoded in the system. It's one of the reason as to why GOG had to manually apply some games to user accounts in some cases (e.g. Witcher 3 GOTY, Bloodrayne: Terminal Cut).

So they might have to change the system they work in from the ground up to fix it and it could take light years. I might be wrong and they might be just lazy to fix some trivial inconsistency like this or it's the lack of funding since later years were not so good.

But one way or another this have to stop.
Cadaver747: This might be hard to fix since the store IDs are hardcoded in the system. It's one of the reason as to why GOG had to manually apply some games to user accounts in some cases (e.g. Witcher 3 GOTY, Bloodrayne: Terminal Cut).
I don't see why it would be hard. Consider, take game ID's everywhere, multiply by 100. Boom, game 1,234 becomes 123,400.

Every game added has to add 100 from the last game for obvious reasons.

Then when you have some 'upgraded' or offshoot of a game, you add 1 to the base game.

Fallout classic 123,400
Fallout Bethesda version 123,401
Fallout Bethesda ultimate edition 123,402

etc. You'd check against the base or other owned games in the immediate group and can tell if you basically own the content already.

But maybe that's too simple a solution...
GOG does perform a check - but only at checkout.

Doing it in real time on the store page on every access might be a bit much.
But they could run a script on a daily basis that marks the collections as owned whichj one already owns all parts of.
Also when one bought a Deluxe edition of a game, all 'lower' editions should be marked as owned as well.
If the edition is a collection, then it works, but sometimes it has a separated game entry, then it doesn't.
Cadaver747: Very odd that you have Fallout and Shadow Warrior (reboot) as not owned as well. I bought the original Fallout back when it was first released here plus I bought all other Fallout games from later series, and Shadow Warrior as well. Every item is owned in GOG store for me.
Shadow Warrior had a re-release. The ones I have now are listed as "2013" and "2013 DX11" versions.
The ones in the store don't show as owned.
However, when I put them in the basked and go to checkout, I get a warning, that the item in the basket is part of something I own and I won't get anything new.
Shadow Warrior 2 I bought before there was a Deluxe Edition, so that one won't show as owned, even if I also own the deluxe upgrade.

I bought Fallout 1-3 before Bethesda got the rights back. In the library these games show as "Classic".
It vanished for some time from the store, then got a re-realease under Bethesda's brand. Even if both versions really are identical, the new one does not show as owned.

This is the main reason why I hope that at some point we get a "ignore game" option, so even if they don't show as owned, we can still exclude them from every list.
Post edited February 13, 2023 by neumi5694
neumi5694: Shadow Warrior had a re-release. The ones I have now are listed as "2013" and "2013 DX11" versions.
The ones in the store don't show as owned.
However, when I put them in the basked and go to checkout, I get a warning, that the item in the basket is part of something I own and I won't get anything new.
Yes, it was upgraded later with 2013 DX 11 version and I have both and Shadow Warrior marked as Owned for me. I purchased Shadow Warrior (2013) on Mar 14, 2014. It was one instance without any further DLCs or upgrates afterwards.

neumi5694: Shadow Warrior 2 I bought before there was a Deluxe Edition, so that one won't show as owned, even if I also own the deluxe upgrade.
I've got Shadow Warrior 2 base game for free at the time when there was a Deluxe Editon. Afterwards I bought Deluxe Edition Upgrade DLC and later Deluxe Edition (because it was shown as not owned and I'm crazy).

neumi5694: I bought Fallout 1-3 before Bethesda got the rights back. In the library these games show as "Classic".
It vanished for some time from the store, then got a re-realease under Bethesda's brand. Even if both versions really are identical, the new one does not show as owned.
Same for me, except that I bought Fallout 1 & 2 + Tactics from Interplay publisher in 2009 year before Bethesda come into place, all three games were renamed to Fallout Classic.

OK, this clears things for Fallout - I see that I bought Fallout 1 & 2 + Tactics from Bethesda publisher in 2017. That's why I see them as owned.

So perhaps Shadow Warriow 2 showen as not owned for everyone who bought the Deluxe Edition and passed on Shadow Warrior 2 base game giveaway. That would explain it.

neumi5694: This is the main reason why I hope that at some point we get a "ignore game" option, so even if they don't show as owned, we can still exclude them from every list.
I would love for GOG games bundle to not have any Store ID but a combination of game IDs in it, so the system could check if the owner has everything from the bundle and if yes it would be marked as Owned as well.

Shadow Warrior 2 - 1.2.1
Shadow Warrior 2 Soundtrack - 1.2.2

Shadow Warrior 2 Deluxe Upgrade DLC - is a bundle and a combination of 1.2.1 + 1.2.2

Shadow Warrior 2 Deluxe is a bundle and a combination - same as above

But it would ruin the the option to add more DLCs later on, since whenever GOG changes something in bundle it affects user's game libraries, they are hardcoded

I think that GOG need to overhaul their system to fix it and it *might* require to manually add each game to GOG user account afterwards. Maybe it's the main reason why GOG prefers to ignore the whole thing.
neumi5694: This is the main reason why I hope that at some point we get a "ignore game" option, so even if they don't show as owned, we can still exclude them from every list.
Cadaver747: I would love for GOG games bundle to not have any Store ID but a combination of game IDs in it, so the system could check if the owner has everything from the bundle and if yes it would be marked as Owned as well.

Shadow Warrior 2 - 1.2.1
Shadow Warrior 2 Soundtrack - 1.2.2

Shadow Warrior 2 Deluxe Upgrade DLC - is a bundle and a combination of 1.2.1 + 1.2.2

Shadow Warrior 2 Deluxe is a bundle and a combination - same as above
For me the ignore game could as well work for every game entry separated, I would not mind. No need to overcomplicate things, I don't mind executing a few clicks more when in the end I don't see these game entries anymore.

As for the bundles ... At checkout the checks happen, just not when visiting the store page. So running a script once in a shile to fill out the blanks would do the trick.
In Fallouts case there might be some Nutjobs who already boutght the Interplay(or was it Infogrames?) version and now want the Bethesda verison as well for whatever sick reason their twisted minds come up with :)
Cadaver747: A nice solution but it might have complications in future. My theory is that GOG realized that with such approach they generate more sales ;)

For instance how is that I don't own Shadow Warrior 2 Soundtrack when I bought Shadow Warrior 2 Deluxe and even Shadow Warrior 2 DLC upgrage. But GOG is willing to sell me Soundtrack for a 3rd time.
Hmm, well if it's a more binary approach, you could raise each main entry to 256, then you have 7 entries for future addons in any combination in your ID which includes what is also attached to it. That would work best for base game plus ost plus extras, etc.

Unfortunately there's games with 100 addons (like certain train simulators) where that won't work. Likely internally it's 32 or 64bit numbers for game id's, which thinking about it, may also incorporate the company ID too.

The next thing up would be to make special pseudo item rules which scans periodically (say, once a week) and if a person has a combination of items that equals a product, then they are just given the combined product equivalent. I say once a week because sometimes adding removing or doing games items can have an effect of modifying major things, like when Fallout under Interplay went to Bethesda instead.

Oh reminds me... GoG should STILL have game pages up for games they aren't selling. As such it shouldn't be searchable and you couldn't buy it, but still find it to see what the reviews and last update to it was. So instead of, becomes, and if it was referenced in the forum to games/somegame and the game doesn't exist it redirects it to unlisted instead.
Agreed. It is super annoying.

I have a bunch of games that are like that: Greedfall, Fallout games, Schein... plus I suspect the "delisted" versions I got are not even getting updated anymore. "You paid, but it was before we left and came back, so f*ck you".

Then, they have the many editions labyrinthine nightmare:
- I got Wasterland 3 Colorado edition + deluxe edition upgrade, but somehow I don't own the deluxe edition
- I got the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition, which you'd think is complete, but I can still buy the base game + expans and also, somehow I can't get the Free DLC Program free addon, because apparently "I don't own the base game"
- Many many more examples I won't list here

And don't get me started about them wanting to sell you a game you have with some little extras you don't have (ex: a version of the game with the soundtrack included) at full price with no warnings or discounts.

You totally cannot trust the basket to warn you about a lot of things.
Post edited February 14, 2023 by Magnitus
StingingVelvet: You guys have to figure this out.

First thing I see when checking the Focus Home Interactive sale is Greedfall on sale, which says I do not own it. However I in fact DO own it, it's just some kind of older version I guess? Same thing happens with many other games... Fallout, Shadow Warrior reboot...

On top of that there's the fact you show basic editions as unowned if we bought the deluxe edition or whatever, which is also annoying and confusing when browsing the store.

This shouldn't be hard to fix and figure out. No other client/store does it.
Yeah, this is really an annoying problem.