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richlind33: What good is a deal when the people you're dealing with can't be trusted?
Lord_Kane: I dont think Russia trusts assad that much either
Assad needs Russia a lot more than Russia needs Assad. That may not be trust but it's pretty damn close.
Saudi arabia could do stuff, other than drive bentleys.
tinyE: *checks watch*

Man, I knew this thread was gonna turn into a Klan rally but I didn't think this quickly!

Impressive! :D
Are you secretly a Muslim or something? You seem pretty intent on derailing threads like this one.
Antimateria: Saudi arabia could do stuff, other than drive bentleys.
Oh, you have been to the United London Emirates then.
Antimateria: Saudi arabia could do stuff, other than drive bentleys.
nightcraw1er.488: Oh, you have been to the United London Emirates then.
Yes.. I'm a busy person.
tinyE: *checks watch*

Man, I knew this thread was gonna turn into a Klan rally but I didn't think this quickly!

Impressive! :D
Crosmando: Are you secretly a Muslim or something? You seem pretty intent on derailing threads like this one.
What if I am? It's none of your fucking business, and until January I still live in a free country so I can be whatever I want.
What happens in January in Madagascar? :(
Antimateria: Saudi arabia could do stuff, other than drive bentleys.
Like go to the Moon, or Mars even?!?

But meh, it is just more desert in those places, been there done that...
Antimateria: Saudi arabia could do stuff, other than drive bentleys.
timppu: Like go to the Moon, or Mars even?!?

But meh, it is just more desert in those places, been there done that...
If I go.. Then i'll try to smoke those moonrocks..

Edit: i'm not fit to go to space.. I have trouble being in even cinema. I would just think about where is my oxygene and how the hell I ended up here.. Worst hangover ever.
Post edited July 23, 2016 by Antimateria
Lin545: Your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?
Won't happen. You see, Russia have big problems with terrorists in southern parts. In Chechnya there is calm now, but in Dagestan there is small battles almost every week. Not very good situation in Ingushetiya and Kabardino-Balkarya - there is many small groups of terrorists who kidnap people, killing policemen/soldiers/officials. Also there is big problems in other adjacent former USSR countries like Tadjikistan (bordering Afghanistan and Russia) or Kazakhstan.

And when the whole big wars started in Iraq, Syria and other counties - Russian intelligence discovered that many terrorists went to this wars to gain combat experience and support. If they win, they return to Russia and start the same problems here.

So, Putin decided to help Assad only because he wants to destroy this guys in Syria, not fighting them in Russia. Also note, that before Russia Assad gained help from: Iranian military (many military advisors and even a few units fighting ISIS in Syria), Lebanese Hezbollah (thay also have problems with extremists), Fatimiyun (volunteers from Afghanistan) and many others. Even a few teams from Iraq fight for Assad (because they don't like current Iraq goverment and think that they can't destroy ISIS).
anothername: My thoughts: None. Everybody involved in Syria looks like a bad, lowlife comic book villian out for profit and power no matter how much innocent ppl they have to let be killed for it.

If you have a more entertaining thread in mind plase do create it :)
pimpmonkey2382.313: MORE entertaining? I guess I could just type in some random letters. That would be more entertaining.
Then why are you here, in this thread? Forcing yourself reading a boring thread? Why?
Post edited July 23, 2016 by Andrey82
low rated
Lin545: Your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?
Andrey82: Won't happen. You see, Russia have big problems with terrorists in southern parts. In Chechnya there is calm now, but in Dagestan there is small battles almost every week. Not very good situation in Ingushetiya and Kabardino-Balkarya - there is many small groups of terrorists who kidnap people, killing policemen/soldiers/officials. Also there is big problems in other adjacent former USSR countries like Tadjikistan (bordering Afghanistan and Russia) or Kazakhstan.

And when the whole big wars started in Iraq, Syria and other counties - Russian intelligence discovered that many terrorists went to this wars to gain combat experience and support. If they win, they return to Russia and start the same problems here.

So, Putin decided to help Assad only because he wants to destroy this guys in Syria, not fighting them in Russia. Also note, that before Russia Assad gained help from: Iranian military (many military advisors and even a few units fighting ISIS in Syria), Lebanese Hezbollah (thay also have problems with extremists), Fatimiyun (volunteers from Afghanistan) and many others. Even a few teams from Iraq fight for Assad (because they don't like current Iraq goverment and think that they can't destroy ISIS).
pimpmonkey2382.313: MORE entertaining? I guess I could just type in some random letters. That would be more entertaining.
Andrey82: Then why are you here, in this thread? Forcing yourself reading a boring thread? Why?
How long ago did I post that? LOL yeah I'm just hovering over reading this entire thing. Put the vodka down, you're drunk.
Post edited July 23, 2016 by pimpmonkey2382.313
Lord_Kane: If the FSA or any other group can offer Russia a better deal about that port, Putin would dump Assad's ass so quickly.
He won't. He need to destroy ISIS, or ISIS will come to Russia - this is the least thing he needs to happen. Also, there is elections next year and abandoning Assad could be considered as defeat.

Actually, after ISIS shot down Russian Mi-35 past week and RUAF again started bombing with Tu-22M3 - i expect that in near future Putin will send more support to Assad.
pimpmonkey2382.313: How long ago did I post that? LOL yeah I'm just hovering over reading this entire thing. Put the vodka down, you're drunk.
I don't drink alcohol at all. :) And yes, you are - i posted an answer and you was here in a minute to reply. :)
Post edited July 23, 2016 by Andrey82
Lord_Kane: If the FSA or any other group can offer Russia a better deal about that port, Putin would dump Assad's ass so quickly.
Andrey82: He won't. He need to destroy ISIS, or ISIS will come to Russia - this is the least thing he needs to happen. Also, there is elections next year and abandoning Assad could be considered as defeat.

Actually, after ISIS shot down Russian Mi-35 past week and RUAF again started bombing with Tu-22M3 - i expect that in near future Putin will send more support to Assad.
pimpmonkey2382.313: How long ago did I post that? LOL yeah I'm just hovering over reading this entire thing. Put the vodka down, you're drunk.
Andrey82: I don't drink alcohol at all. :) And yes, you are - i posted an answer and you was here in a minute to reply. :)
Well yeah, it's easy when you're being ALERTED by gog that someone replied to you. ;) I can't believe you don't drink with logic like that, you have to be drunk.
Andrey82: He won't. He need to destroy ISIS, or ISIS will come to Russia - this is the least thing he needs to happen. Also, there is elections next year and abandoning Assad could be considered as defeat.

Actually, after ISIS shot down Russian Mi-35 past week and RUAF again started bombing with Tu-22M3 - i expect that in near future Putin will send more support to Assad.

I don't drink alcohol at all. :) And yes, you are - i posted an answer and you was here in a minute to reply. :)
pimpmonkey2382.313: Well yeah, it's easy when you're being ALERTED by gog that someone replied to you. ;) I can't believe you don't drink with logic like that, you have to be drunk.
Yes, you're being ALERTED be GOG, but why to come to boring thread to reply someone after a minute he posted something? :) And why so fixed about being drunk? You have problems with alcohol? Even if true, you shouldn't project your problems on other people. :)
low rated
pimpmonkey2382.313: Well yeah, it's easy when you're being ALERTED by gog that someone replied to you. ;) I can't believe you don't drink with logic like that, you have to be drunk.
Andrey82: Yes, you're being ALERTED be GOG, but why to come to boring thread to reply someone after a minute he posted something? :) And why so fixed about being drunk? You have problems with alcohol? Even if true, you shouldn't project your problems on other people. :)
Jesus harold christ on rubber crurtches. Because for one I'm tired of these threads, idiots like yourself, intellectually and humorless imbiciles such as yourself. No I don't have a problem, but with your thought processes, I can tell yours is a bit stunted due to vodka. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;)