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low rated
If Skyrim came to GOG my life would be complete. Have GOG even approached Bethesda about making this happen? I mean at this point its literally free money for Bethesda.
Bethesda are owned by Microsoft now. If anything that puts the existing Bethesda catalogue in danger, rather than makes newer games more likely.
high rated
The greatest? Haha... good one.
Acriz: The greatest? Haha... good one.
Isn't it a rather bad joke though?
At least you'd then have 4 games in your library...
Johnson444: If Skyrim came to GOG my life would be complete. Have GOG even approached Bethesda about making this happen? I mean at this point its literally free money for Bethesda.
Skyrim is not coming to gog at the moment, as has been gone into in the 50million other posts on this. It may do, however it would be crippled without creation club, and now M$ own them, it’s less likely.
Skyrim is. Or the best rpg in the world. It’s a good game, once modded to within an inch of its life, buts it’s not even on the top ten of rpgs. It’s arguably not even the best elder scrolls game, many prefer morrowind.
I'm confused. Do you want Skyrim here? Or do you want the greatest RPG of all time here?
So, every week a new troll account with free games on it comes up with a Skyrim thread.
It is getting boring...
low rated
Surely, you jest!

Skyrim needs heavy augmentation to be considered functionable by most people. Probably more augmentation than a Cortex Reaver needs to please Shodan.

But if I wanted the greatest RPG on this website, I feel I'd have to consider greasing the palms of some Square Enix exec to put the band together at Quintet and roll out a remake of Terranigma. (The latter half of the game needs some structure issues fixed.)
Post edited February 13, 2022 by Darvond
Johnson444: If Skyrim came to GOG my life would be complete. Have GOG even approached Bethesda about making this happen? I mean at this point its literally free money for Bethesda.
nightcraw1er.488: Skyrim is not coming to gog at the moment, as has been gone into in the 50million other posts on this. It may do, however it would be crippled without creation club, and now M$ own them, it’s less likely.
Skyrim is. Or the best rpg in the world. It’s a good game, once modded to within an inch of its life, buts it’s not even on the top ten of rpgs. It’s arguably not even the best elder scrolls game, many prefer morrowind.
Lifthrasil: I'm confused. Do you want Skyrim here? Or do you want the greatest RPG of all time here?
Give me your top 10 lists gentlemen. I haven't ventured much out of the Witcher series, Oblivion, Gothic 1 and 2

I started Skyrim but I never felt at home with it like I did with Oblivion
Post edited February 13, 2022 by supplementscene
I'd love to see Skyrim here, but just to be sure I'll wait it here seated and drinking something cold.
low rated
Bethesda games are quite bad, and certainly none of them are anywhere close to being "the greatest RPG of all time."
Post edited February 13, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Bethesda games are quite bad, and certainly none of them are anywhere close to being "the greatest RPG of all time."
To be fair, I quite enjoyed Oblivion and Fallout 3. That being said, I've got strange taste for RPGs - the most fun I've had with one was probably playing through Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity and Divinity 2 on the trot.
nightcraw1er.488: Skyrim is not coming to gog at the moment, as has been gone into in the 50million other posts on this. It may do, however it would be crippled without creation club, and now M$ own them, it’s less likely.
Skyrim is. Or the best rpg in the world. It’s a good game, once modded to within an inch of its life, buts it’s not even on the top ten of rpgs. It’s arguably not even the best elder scrolls game, many prefer morrowind.
Lifthrasil: I'm confused. Do you want Skyrim here? Or do you want the greatest RPG of all time here?
supplementscene: Give me your top 10 lists gentlemen. I haven't ventured much out of the Witcher series, Oblivion, Gothic 1 and 2

I started Skyrim but I never felt at home with it like I did with Oblivion
I don’t do ranking, but some notables just from memory:
Dragon age origins
Baldurs gate/ice wind dale
Goldbox games
Lands of lore
Eye of the beholder
Betrayal at krondor
Witcher 1
Ultima underworld
Neverwinter nights
Jade empire
Ultima series
Vampire the masquerade
Diablo series
supplementscene: Give me your top 10 lists gentlemen. I haven't ventured much out of the Witcher series, Oblivion, Gothic 1 and 2

I started Skyrim but I never felt at home with it like I did with Oblivion
nightcraw1er.488: I don’t do ranking, but some notables just from memory:
Dragon age origins
Baldurs gate/ice wind dale
Goldbox games
Lands of lore
Eye of the beholder
Betrayal at krondor
Witcher 1
Ultima underworld
Neverwinter nights
Jade empire
Ultima series
Vampire the masquerade
Diablo series
Thank You for the list. Have you re-visited any of the 20+ year old games in the last decade? I ask because gamers say they love the original Deus Ex, but I played it recently and I really do not think it holds up today