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Zoom zoom zoom.

<span class="bold">TrickStyle</span>, an arcadey hoverboard racer, is available now, DRM-free on

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's your next-door neighbor!
In a distant future where jobs are few and hardly necessary, people have to keep busy somehow. Some watch television, some hop on rocket-powered hoverboards and make an afternoon out of it. TrickStyle is a game where speed and style reign supreme. Here, you'll zoom along twisted, neon-laced futuristic landscapes (a pleasant change of pace from the grungy dystopian settings we're so used to), master increasingly more complex tricks, and get to play around with each hoverboard's unique physics. Beautifully animated tricks and tons of personality make TrickStyle an absolutely unique, and certainly still worth trying, classic.

Eat your heart out, pro-skaters, <span class="bold">TrickStyle</span> is in town - DRM-free on
Nice Release! Already have the game on a magazine CD so wishlisted for now.
I'd love to play this on Linux. Please look into adding Linux support.

I made a wishlist entry:
Interesting, i might have to get this at some point...

At least it isn't the game trying to get on steam.... Jim Sterling looked at it a couple months back.
Not the Criterion game I wanted, but it looks nice. I'll pick it up at a later date.
Wait, it is a racing game? The demo only had a half-pipe and that was fun already!
Post edited December 29, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Grargar: Seems like it will be the last game on GOG for 2015.
I hope not. A Year should end with lots of fireworks; especially now when ppl still have all their x-mas money ;)
Klaus Kinski on the gog front page... never thought I'd see the day!
tinyE: GameSpot says this game is, "Perfect for a rental" which I guess means we should get it on Steam.
IronArcturus: It looks like a mix between MX vs. ATV and Kinetica.
Reminds me of SSX. The original, not that crappy thing they slapped the SSX name onto a couple years ago.
This had a PC version!?
Always assumed it was dreamcast exclusive.
So, this is one of the early games from a pre-Burnout Criterion? Sweet! Definitely getting this one in the future!!
I played this on dreamcast. It was a really fun little gem. The PC version I never bought because my understanding was that it was a craptacular port.


But maybe it was fixed? I kinda doubt it - maybe someone could clarify.
The real question is: do these hoverboards work on water?
anothername: I hope not. A Year should end with lots of fireworks; especially now when ppl still have all their x-mas money ;)
Just don't hold your breath.
anothername: I hope not. A Year should end with lots of fireworks; especially now when ppl still have all their x-mas money ;)
Grargar: Just don't hold your breath.
Yeah, GOG seems to end each year with whimper, rather than a bang, when it comes to final new releases.
anothername: I hope not. A Year should end with lots of fireworks; especially now when ppl still have all their x-mas money ;)
Grargar: Just don't hold your breath.
No worries. My experience with gog agrees to that. Won't break out in tears if thats it for the year... I hope.