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Discover the hand-crafted paper universe!

Lumino City, an inspired puzzle-adventure game taking you to a world where everything was meticulously hand-crafted from paper, is available for Windows and Mac, DRM-free on

In Lumino City, everything you see on screen was made using paper, cardboard and glue. Resulting in building a 10 foot high model city, using laser cutting plus miniature lights and motors to bring it to life. The game's creators collaborated with award-winning architects, fine-artists, prop-makers and animators, each discipline brought something unique to the design and execution of the finished game. Discover gardens in the sky, towers marooned high on an immense waterwheel, and houses dug precariously into cliffs. Now, using your ingenuity piece together all sorts of puzzling mechanisms to help the people who live in its unique world.

There are very few games out there that took as much real-world crafting and fine arts to become reality. Make sure you don't miss one of them - Lumino City, a truly unique release.


If you think you can create crafty paper cities a cut above the rest, get on the stick and piece a paper place together, there’s extra goodies for you to be won!

As you know, all elements of Lumino City were meticulously hand-crafted from colorful paper. We’d like to see if it’s as difficult as it seems - so have your scissors and glue sticks at the ready!

Create your own Lumino City-esque setting out of paper, light and your own creative powers. Make it as big or small as you want and use your medium of choice (well, image or video) to capture it. Then, post your entry in a comment below and await our judgement!

We’ll be judging entries in two separate categories: image and video, and both categories will have the same set of prizes:
-- 1st place winners: a swag bag from the game’s creators, State of Play, and a $10 gift card to be used on anything from our site,
-- 2 runners-up each: a $10 gift card to be used on any games or movies our site.

UPDATE: As it seems you need some more time to work on your awesome paper projects, we are extending the entry deadline until Monday, December 15, at 5PM GMT. We'll announce the winners the following Monday (Dec. 22).

Some extra rules:
1 post per person, either an image or a video link
No game screenshots or photos of others’ projects: just your own creations
The entry deadline is exactly one week away: December 10th at 5PM GMT
A maximum of 3 images for a picture entry and 30 seconds for a video entry (if you show us more, only the first 3 images/30 seconds of your video will be judged)
Post edited December 09, 2014 by G-Doc
There are things like these that makes me a proud gogger...!
Way to go, guys!
Wow, these are nice! Sorry for not getting back to some of your questions BEFORE you posted the contest entries - but yes, you can use "existing" backgrounds if you need to :) As long as the main setting is made of paper & is your own, it goes! :)

I'm very eagerly waiting for even more creativity, you guys surprised me adding these 3 since I checked the thread yesterday!
Ciris: you guys surprised me adding these 3 since I checked the thread yesterday!
Thanks to the awful weather which prevented us to do outdoor activities :o) (at least in Belgium)
Come on people, I do not see all the contributions high rated yet, show the contestants that you appreciate all their work!

Dessimu: I have just finished my paper installation of a small place I call Nighter Town.
Beautiful, love the fountain and moody lighting. This reminds me of old school low poly games when even the water was made out of blocky polygons. Most of all, I appreciate the colored GOG logo, I miss that on the forum. I see the wishing star in your setup, so I'm making a wish...a wish for the old GOG to come back! My avatar is still greyed out because of that :(
awalterj: Beautiful, love the fountain and moody lighting. This reminds me of old school low poly games when even the water was made out of blocky polygons. Most of all, I appreciate the colored GOG logo, I miss that on the forum. I see the wishing star in your setup, so I'm making a wish...a wish for the old GOG to come back! My avatar is still greyed out because of that :(
Thank you :) It would be nice if the little paper star made your wish come true.

Also, it would be nice if more people participated! Bringing out one's creativity is a very good thing.
Post edited December 12, 2014 by Dessimu
high rated
Hello! I haven't posted on the forum before so it's nice to meet all of you. I really love Lumino City and wanted to take part in the contest!

This is called "Valentine's Day" and it's constructed from origami paper, construction paper, fairy lights, Christmas lights, glue, a little tape, and cardboard for support. I also drew the characters in Photoshop and printed them to include in the scene. I hope you guys like it!

- Marianne
lumino_01.jpg (345 Kb)
lumino_02.png (493 Kb)
lumino_03.jpg (335 Kb)
flamingoboots: Hello! I haven't posted on the forum before so it's nice to meet all of you. I really love Lumino City and wanted to take part in the contest!

This is called "Valentine's Day" and it's constructed from origami paper, construction paper, fairy lights, Christmas lights, glue, a little tape, and cardboard for support. I also drew the characters in Photoshop and printed them to include in the scene. I hope you guys like it!

- Marianne
So beautiful, and I especially like how you used gift paper to "texture map" things. What a great idea, I wouldn't even have thought of it. Works particularly well on the roof, giving the appearance of roof shingles. Very creative and major props for the moody lighting.
flamingoboots: -a nifty entry-
Hiya. I'm curious. What's the cardboard construction in the background?
flamingoboots: -a nifty entry-
grimwerk: Hiya. I'm curious. What's the cardboard construction in the background?
My boyfriend made that, it's like an apartment building for our pet rats to play in haha. I used his cardboard scraps to make the contest entry, so it worked out for everyone.
grimwerk: Hiya. I'm curious. What's the cardboard construction in the background?
flamingoboots: My boyfriend made that, it's like an apartment building for our pet rats to play in haha. I used his cardboard scraps to make the contest entry, so it worked out for everyone.
A satisfying answer, thanks! I had several guesses, and none of them were anywhere near Rat Villa.
flamingoboots: Hello! I haven't posted on the forum before so it's nice to meet all of you. I really love Lumino City and wanted to take part in the contest!

This is called "Valentine's Day" and it's constructed from origami paper, construction paper, fairy lights, Christmas lights, glue, a little tape, and cardboard for support. I also drew the characters in Photoshop and printed them to include in the scene. I hope you guys like it!

- Marianne
Very good entry! Thanks for participating and welcome on the forum ;)
high rated
Here is my submission called: Paper Kong takes over GOG City

About: Gog City is a paper city where each building has a letter to represent themselves or their business group. This city has been in quite a peaceful state due to booming business, when suddenly a monster appeared to create mayhem and havoc across the city! In this piece, the downtown area is explored and it captures the activity of this monster, a huge ape that has taken the moniker of Paper Kong by the press. Paper Kong has already destroyed the tiny yet important red-orange Y building on the far right and the wreckage is all that remains of this important piece of city history and business. He is currently on top of one of the more tallest buildings, where even the clouds obscure the letter the building represents, the yellow R building. In his possession, as if it was a form of mockery, is the letter that the red-orange Y building once had, the recognizable Y. People in the yellow R building are screaming in fear in the presence of this beast. Citizens in nearby buildings seem to be mixed, from happy to sad they seem to be in a state of bliss despite their imminent danger, probably due to how such times of peace were quite long lasting, it might be hard to accept such horrific events. Police have rushed to the scene at the base of the yellow R building, but is it too little too late? Citizens of Gog City seem to be driving around as if nothing is happening or they may be escaping, who knows? One thing is for certain, whatever peaceful state this city once had, it's gone now because Paper Kong has taken over Gog City!

Background: I want to start off by saying that I am not an artistic person, yet I seemed to have had fun with this project ever since I heard of this contest on Tuesday on the forum. I chose to try this out simply to relive my grade school days when I use to have craft projects such as dioramas and posters. It has been a long time since I even attempted making anything artistic with paper, so it took me awhile to try to capture what was in my head about how I wanted to make a paper city. The result isn't top notch but at least I tried to make something to capture that moment that was similar to back in those days. It was a nice change of routine and I am glad I experienced it regardless of how it is received or judged. This project took me from Tuesday to Sunday on and off minus Thursday for the sake of a break. As one can tell, I used a lot of tape and glue, albeit sloppy but I cared more about making it stay in shape than cleanliness. The shapes of the buildings were meant to be rectangular to give it a modern feel for the back row but a more random look on the front row to spice things up. I wanted to show people actually occupied these buildings too for most of them, so I made sure to cut out windows and added little figures to show that, even though the figures have barely any detail though. To keep that theme of little detail, I made sure to minimize detail on all things but add more objects to balance it out (or just cause I suck with the finer points of detail for things). However, I wanted the Paper Kong to have a little more detail than usual just to signify he is an ape with a look of King Kong and not some random monster out of the blue.

Most of the materials I used were with various construction paper cut out. I wanted to minimize the use of pen and marker so I used it on the people's faces and Paper Kong if I remember correctly. I then used tape and glue, mostly tape to stitch things up. I also used a cardboard box to fit the scene in place and have a diorama look.

For the lighting effects, I am inexperienced with it so it took me a good day to play with things to see something I liked. I chose to use blue and red to symbolize the ideas of bliss and chaos based on location. I used some colored folder dividers and flashlights to project the colors. I put those flashlights in some whiskey glasses laying around so the light was spread out, preventing the circular shape in the center. For the picture with the spotlight on Paper Kong, I used a white flashlight with a cut out paper tube attached to it to shorten it's outreach and make it more focused. The spotlight photo has a weird angle just because I wanted to simulate an aerial view as if one was seeing it in a helicopter or plane.

Oh and for the letters in my piece: LC is for the Lumino City game, GOG for the site, R for personal last name starting letter, and CIT meant to be city but the Y is missing because of Paper Kong is holding it.

As for the Lumino City game, I saw some videos and it is quite remarkable what they managed to do with paper. I shutter at the thought of trying to recreate that, it was hard work for me doing what I did for this, but that would take me months or years depending on if I had all the time in the world to try it! Interesting game though, good one to keep an eye out for when my backlog dwindles away.

Anyway, good luck to all those in the contest, really unique ones you guys have produced, great work! :)
blue_red.jpg (133 Kb)
shadowrgog: About: Gog City is a paper city where each building has a letter to represent themselves or their business group. This city has been in quite a peaceful state due to booming business, when suddenly a monster appeared to create mayhem and havoc across the city! In this piece, the downtown area is explored and it captures the activity of this monster, a huge ape that has taken the moniker of Paper Kong by the press. Paper Kong has already destroyed the tiny yet important red-orange Y building on the far right and the wreckage is all that remains of this important piece of city history and business. He is currently on top of one of the more tallest buildings, where even the clouds obscure the letter the building represents, the yellow R building. In his possession, as if it was a form of mockery, is the letter that the red-orange Y building once had, the recognizable Y. People in the yellow R building are screaming in fear in the presence of this beast. Citizens in nearby buildings seem to be mixed, from happy to sad they seem to be in a state of bliss despite their imminent danger, probably due to how such times of peace were quite long lasting, it might be hard to accept such horrific events. Police have rushed to the scene at the base of the yellow R building, but is it too little too late? Citizens of Gog City seem to be driving around as if nothing is happening or they may be escaping, who knows? One thing is for certain, whatever peaceful state this city once had, it's gone now because Paper Kong has taken over Gog City!
ROFL :o) You should write AAA games scenarios, they would be exciting ;) Upvoted.
Seriously: Wow!

It looks so real...wait, it is real! The most advanced renderers can't emulate this kind of light diffusion and natural feel. The second picture with the dramatic night lighting is full of win. If BB code would allow for worshipping emoticons, I'd post one of those. This is amazing, and a fun story too. Although I interpreted the gorilla as Steam-Kong, but Paper-Kong works, too.
It's impressive and wonderful to see that even though the contest at first didn't have any submissions is now taking off with several really high quality submissions, and each and every submission should be upvoted into the sky.
shadowrgog: About: Gog City is a paper city where each building has a letter to represent themselves or their business group. This city has been in quite a peaceful state due to booming business, when suddenly a monster appeared to create mayhem and havoc across the city! In this piece, the downtown area is explored and it captures the activity of this monster, a huge ape that has taken the moniker of Paper Kong by the press. Paper Kong has already destroyed the tiny yet important red-orange Y building on the far right and the wreckage is all that remains of this important piece of city history and business. He is currently on top of one of the more tallest buildings, where even the clouds obscure the letter the building represents, the yellow R building. In his possession, as if it was a form of mockery, is the letter that the red-orange Y building once had, the recognizable Y. People in the yellow R building are screaming in fear in the presence of this beast. Citizens in nearby buildings seem to be mixed, from happy to sad they seem to be in a state of bliss despite their imminent danger, probably due to how such times of peace were quite long lasting, it might be hard to accept such horrific events. Police have rushed to the scene at the base of the yellow R building, but is it too little too late? Citizens of Gog City seem to be driving around as if nothing is happening or they may be escaping, who knows? One thing is for certain, whatever peaceful state this city once had, it's gone now because Paper Kong has taken over Gog City!
catpower1980: ROFL :o) You should write AAA games scenarios, they would be exciting ;) Upvoted.
Lol, thank you. I had several ideas about how to make an about section. I toyed with ideas involving a fake newscast but in the end, I just wasn't that confident with the humor in it so I settled with a more summary approach. Just now, the more I read it the more certain I think things could be switched to be more game like if I replaced words like piece to game or something like that! I had no idea it sounded like a pitch until you made me look at it a few times! :D

awalterj: Seriously: Wow!

It looks so real...wait, it is real! The most advanced renderers can't emulate this kind of light diffusion and natural feel. The second picture with the dramatic night lighting is full of win. If BB code would allow for worshipping emoticons, I'd post one of those. This is amazing, and a fun story too. Although I interpreted the gorilla as Steam-Kong, but Paper-Kong works, too.
It's impressive and wonderful to see that even though the contest at first didn't have any submissions is now taking off with several really high quality submissions, and each and every submission should be upvoted into the sky.
Ninja'd my reply with your kind words is quite a feat. :D I quite like the lighting in it and I wasn't sure which to chose from (with or without a spotlight) so I did both for the sake of letting people decide for themselves if one is better or not, plus with up to 3 images, why not? The lighting kind of obscures the marker details but who cares as long as it has a vibe that only light can produce it's all good. I upvoted all the submissions too because it's a fun project and trying to even match Lumino City's setting by just the thought of using any paper is inspiring to say the least to ignite the inner paper craftsman!

Edit 2:
shadowrgog: Here is my submission called: Paper Kong takes over GOG City
vicklemos: Haha I love it!
The title, the atmosphere, everything, so cool!

I'm giving +1 but, if I could, I'd give ya +100 :)
Thank you. The title made me think of a headline in case you ever heard about it in the news or something. I had various ideas involving words like havoc or mayhem but something to the point and eludes to more does the trick too. The atmosphere is meant to be, well, calm and peaceful for the most part but you know...Paper Kong showed up and you know somethings about to go down. :D
Post edited December 15, 2014 by shadowrgog