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Death becomes her.

<span class="bold">Killing Time</span>, an old-school horror FPS where mortals bend in horrible ways before the ravages of time, is available now, DRM-free on

Give rich people a powerful Egyptian artifact and things are guaranteed to get pretty messy pretty fast. When the Water Clock of Toth finds its way to the hands of Tess Conway and she attempts to unlock its time-controlling powers, all hell breaks loose, leaving behind twisted human shells, ghosts, and demons. You are but a humble Egyptology student but you are the only one who can find out what befell the Conway Estate and try to blast the horrors of the past.
This fateful summer night of 1932 shall be full of terror and weird happenings. Thanks to the eclectic selection of vintage firearms and the frequent appearances of FMV characters, the old-school charm of the action will overwhelm you well before you encounter the offbeat enemies, which include killer ducks, wasps, and sewer blobs.

Hold back scores of ghostly horrors spawned by the misuse of an Egyptian artifact by <span class="bold">Killing Time</span>, DRM-free on
Post edited November 14, 2016 by maladr0Id
Yaaaay, region lock!!!!
mmm, I would have rather expected it at 5.99$ (even more so as we're currently in a bargain period). While possibly entertaining, it's not necessarly a must-have so wishlisted for now.

For those wondering about the game, here's the AVGN video about it:
Cute, but I'll wait for a 75% off sale.
fronzelneekburm: Yaaaay, region lock!!!!
Are the Germans getting screwed over again?
MightyPinecone: Are the Germans getting screwed over again?
Neat! I always wanted a working version of this game. But for the current asking price (20 BRL), it's going to wait gog's tradicional 2-3 months until the first discount or more.
catpower1980: mmm, I would have rather expected it at 5.99$ (even more so as we're currently in a bargain period). While possibly entertaining, it's not necessarily a must-have so wishlisted for now.

For those wondering about the game, here's the AVGN video about it:
PC version is quite different from 3DO version, though.
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Falci
I wonder whether the comment from burgerbecky means this shows the power of the wishlist at work.
I've always wanted to give it a try. They say it was one of the better games on the 3DO.
high rated
Not only is it 80% more expensive than the version from Zoom Platform, but it also has less extras. Meh...
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Grargar
catpower1980: For those wondering about the game, here's the AVGN video about it:
Falci: PC version is quite different from 3DO version, though.
Then it's a good opportunity for you to point out the differences or link to a page which explains them so everyone will be aware ;)
Oh nice, never got to try this one back in the day, it was off shelves by the time I would have been interested.

Also, it really reminds me of Realms of the Haunting.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by ShadowWulfe
Seems like a nice game but definitely another Doom clone as such it can wait on the wishlist.
avatar Death becomes her.

<span class="bold">Killing Time</span>, an old-school horror FPS where mortals bend in horrible ways before the ravages of time, is available now, DRM-free on

Give rich people a powerful Egyptian artifact and things are guaranteed to get pretty messy pretty fast. When the Water Clock of Toth finds its way to the hands of Tess Conway and she attempts to unlock its time-controlling powers, all hell breaks loose, leaving behind twisted human shells, ghosts, and demons. You are but a humble Egyptology student but you are the only one who can find out what befell the Conway Estate and try to blast the horrors of the past.
This fateful summer night of 1932 shall be full of terror and weird happenings. Thanks to the eclectic selection of vintage firearms and the frequent appearances of FMV characters, the old-school charm of the action will overwhelm you well before you encounter the offbeat enemies, which include killer ducks, wasps, and sewer blobs.

Hold back scores of ghostly horrors spawned by the misuse of an Egyptian artifact by <span class="bold">Killing Time</span>, DRM-free on
Could you please be so kind to at least mention the region locks in the news posts (preferably in an apologetic way) so we don't need even more community effort to get the crucial information first?

your c******* bunny of d**m
fronzelneekburm: Yaaaay, region lock!!!!
MightyPinecone: Are the Germans getting screwed over again?
We sure are! *tips pickelhaube*