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Ion Fury is now available DRM-free.

While Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison earned her codename defusing bombs for the Global Defense Force, when evil transhumanist mastermind Dr. Jadus Heskel unleashes the members of his cybernetic cult onto the streets of Neo DC, she knows it’s time to start causing explosions instead of preventing them.

Her quest to slay Heskel leaves a trail of carnage throughout huge, multi-path levels filled with gigantic explosions, more secret areas than we can count, and inhuman foes behind every corner. There’s no regenerating health here; stop taking cover and start running and gunning.
lunaticox: I'm getting kinda sick of this one forum full of loonies strongarming devs and publishers into apologies for every little perceived wrongdoing.

"Mandatory sensitivity training." Good lord.
I'm 120% convinced it's just a few peeps with agendas doing this, not the entire community.
ArachnosX: I'm 120% convinced it's just a few peeps with agendas doing this, not the entire community.
There is a page that archives all the bans if I recall correctly, just look at what they are not allowed to say and that will give you a good indicator on how the overzealous moderation helps cultivate the overall attitude these people have.
the crossbow alt fire is pretty great
Question for those who already tried the game: so how is game compared to Bombshell?
Carradice: Question for those who already tried the game: so how is game compared to Bombshell?
Ion Fury is superb. Seriously, it's THAT awesome.
Bombshell is the exact contrary.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by Enebias
Carradice: Question for those who already tried the game: so how is game compared to Bombshell?
Ion Fury is top level, whole lotta fun, easy pick-up and play. Bombshell was just a mess
Yeah, current drama notwithstanding, the game is great. Most fun I've had with a shooter in a looooooong time, and it's remarkable just how good the gameplay mechanics feel.
Carradice: Question for those who already tried the game: so how is game compared to Bombshell?
Aside from the fact that they share characters, the two are very different games. Current news put aside temporarily, Ion Fury is the better realized and developed game of the two, without a doubt.
Thanks for the answers. Bombshell did not work for me either. Nice that the developer learnt from past mistakes.
Carradice: Thanks for the answers. Bombshell did not work for me either. Nice that the developer learnt from past mistakes.
Different devs, though. Slipgate (ex-Interceptor) is working on other things.
high rated
lunaticox: I'm getting kinda sick of this one forum full of loonies strongarming devs and publishers into apologies for every little perceived wrongdoing.

"Mandatory sensitivity training." Good lord.
ArachnosX: I'm 120% convinced it's just a few peeps with agendas doing this, not the entire community.
Wondering if those who support censorship realize that it has been tried in the past and it only leads to cultural impoverishment and rampant hipocrisy.

Apparently, in the US, a portion of aspirant writers in the field of fantasy and science fiction are paying people to help them self-censor their manuscripts, so that nobody can accuse them of political incorrectness. Compare that to Harlan Ellison’s acclaimed Dangerous Visions, where he gathered some of the best talents of SF in order to publish great stories that editors dared not to publish at the time.

Compare this anxiety for censoring (and accusing, shaming, punishing) to the ideal of live and let live of yore. My, have times changed.

Carradice: Thanks for the answers. Bombshell did not work for me either. Nice that the developer learnt from past mistakes.
Plokite_Wolf: Different devs, though. Slipgate (ex-Interceptor) is working on other things.
This detail had passed unnoticed. Thanks.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by Carradice
high rated
lunaticox: I'm getting kinda sick of this one forum full of loonies strongarming devs and publishers into apologies for every little perceived wrongdoing.

"Mandatory sensitivity training." Good lord.
It might be more about the feeling of power for making others do things (in this case, the developer) than anything else. You know, humans are monkeys who get crazy-high on power.

It does not matter that the excuses for harassing entertainers become pettier and pettier. Of course they have to be, since people in the arts and entertainment sector try more and more to avoid controversy. Actually, they target those who reasonably avoid controversy. Trolls are untouchable. Identitary Puritans do not lose their times with Houellebeq and any other whose act is openly anti-liberal. Not a paradox but something to be expected from crowd dynamics.

Remember when people left small villages for the cities in order to escape other’s censorship and live more freely in a place where nobody gave a damn? We all live in a small village now.
It's very disappointing to see the devs of a game intended in a similar vein as Duke Nukem acquiesce to political correctness. I hope there won't be any further censorship, but I'm not expecting the changes to stop at just these (and I see there are already demands for other "problematic" aspects of the game to be changed as well).
Just to provide an example. With so many female athletes practicing sport in shorts around the world, why do extremists in some muslim countries target athletes from muslim countries only? They do not dare touching even muslim athletes from countries in the West. They do not target entertainers or pornstars from the West. They do not target prostitutes in their own countries. They target only the vulnerable and reasonable because there they feel they can make a difference by twisting their arm. Disgusting.
VBProject: Developers are funding child abuse programs!
They are putting 10k$ into a child abuse program to pander to pedophiles from Resetera.
The publisher is funding child abuse. They will also be subjecting developers to mandatory sexual harassment. The developers are innocent. Keep your facts straight, kthx.
Post edited August 20, 2019 by Starmaker