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Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods is now available DRM-free.

Journey beyond the bounds of the Erulan Empire, traversing burning sands, lush oases and volcanic wastes to reach the sun beaten ruins of a city with secrets that should never have been disturbed. The flames of a forgotten god have been rekindled, sending ripples through the Eldritch realm and sowing terror even among the Witch Gods themselves.

Get Grim Dawn 70% off, and DLC: Ashes of Malmouth and Crucible 30% off, until April 3rd, 5pm UTC.

Notice: Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods requires base game and Ashes of Malmouth DLC to play.
Great, together with Van Helsing 1&2 and Borderlands..the only ARPG/Hack&Slay...that catched me enough to play
it again on higher difficulty and/or play MP. It's always installed and every few weeks i play for a few hours until i get a new idea and then...2+days GRIM DAWN Time :)

The game was really worth the money several times

DF1871: Great, together with Van Helsing 1&2 and Borderlands..the only ARPG/Hack&Slay...that catched me enough to play
it again on higher difficulty and/or play MP. It's always installed and every few weeks i play for a few hours until i get a new idea and then...2+days GRIM DAWN Time :)

The game was really worth the money several times

For me it's the best game on GOG, and the fact that you can play it with one hand makes it all the better!

I really hope the devs stay with this because it still has immense potential. No need for better graphics. Just more story and more maps! ;p
sergeant_citrus: I almost never buy on release, but I have for this one. Crate has made a solid ARPG, and I love that GOG gets day-one releases.
Will probably buy straight away. Also great timing. After I finish the Dying Light expansion today, I'm going to jump straight into the new mastery.
If a blue happens to see this (I don't know who is likely to answer a PM these days), this wish can be completed:
Post edited March 28, 2019 by tfishell
Friend just bought it, but when he hits "install" in Galaxy, it ends up saying "not authorized." Anyone know why?
DieRuhe: Friend just bought it, but when he hits "install" in Galaxy, it ends up saying "not authorized." Anyone know why?

Then close/reopen Galaxy.
Nice, looks like Grim Dawn is up to date and complete on GOG.

Might actually have to get it.
DieRuhe: Friend just bought it, but when he hits "install" in Galaxy, it ends up saying "not authorized." Anyone know why?

Then close/reopen Galaxy.
Nope. This is his theory: I gifted the original to him way back when, but he didn't want to grind so he installed some sort of character editor cheat or something to get really powerful that has since been disallowed or blocked by GOG or something, and because he still uses it that must be why he can't access this new expansion. I have no idea whether this could be true or not, I'm just going by what he said and thought I'd see if anyone has run into anything like this.

Then close/reopen Galaxy.
DieRuhe: Nope. This is his theory: I gifted the original to him way back when, but he didn't want to grind so he installed some sort of character editor cheat or something to get really powerful that has since been disallowed or blocked by GOG or something, and because he still uses it that must be why he can't access this new expansion. I have no idea whether this could be true or not, I'm just going by what he said and thought I'd see if anyone has run into anything like this.
You need to install Ashes of Malmouth to use Forgotten Gods. Does he own that too?
Post edited March 29, 2019 by DoomSooth

Then close/reopen Galaxy.
DieRuhe: Nope. This is his theory: I gifted the original to him way back when, but he didn't want to grind so he installed some sort of character editor cheat or something to get really powerful that has since been disallowed or blocked by GOG or something, and because he still uses it that must be why he can't access this new expansion. I have no idea whether this could be true or not, I'm just going by what he said and thought I'd see if anyone has run into anything like this.
If cheats are detected and block you from playing, that wouldn't be very DRM-free now, would it?
Nice, saw some of the game-play for the new DLC on the GOG stream earlier and looked pretty fun. Got the base game on Steam a few years ago from a Humble monthly bundle and had a lot of fun with it. Kind of forgot about the game for awhile and then noticed the new DLCs that got added to it but had been procrastinating on whether to grab them on Steam. Now trying to build up my nice DRM-free library so definitely going to grab the game plus the Ashes of Malmouth and Crucible DLCs off GOG since they are on a nice sale. Also going to make sure to grab the Forgotten Gods DLC too. Just need to wait a few days for my next paycheck, spring sale kind of wiped me out :)
I think I'll buy Grim Dawn. Anyone tech-savvy can tell me if my cruddy i3 4000M will run this?

Edit: Stable 40fps on i3 4000M and Geforce 940M. Albeit on low-medium settings.
Post edited March 31, 2019 by TentacleMayor
DieRuhe: Nope. This is his theory: I gifted the original to him way back when, but he didn't want to grind so he installed some sort of character editor cheat or something to get really powerful that has since been disallowed or blocked by GOG or something, and because he still uses it that must be why he can't access this new expansion. I have no idea whether this could be true or not, I'm just going by what he said and thought I'd see if anyone has run into anything like this.
RyaReisender: If cheats are detected and block you from playing, that wouldn't be very DRM-free now, would it?
Except that's probably not what it is. I cheated up the wazoo with GD, but I can reinstall it fine. I'm going to echo a previous question: does he have the Malmouth expansion? If not, he doesn't have everything needed to install Forgotten Gods.
Hmm .

I read complaints on the Steam forum about the lack of content and the short gametime .