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Can you see the forest for the trees?

<span class="bold">Firewatch</span>, an engrossing first-person mystery about adult relationships under stress, is now available DRM-free on for Windows, Mac, and Linux, with GOG Galaxy support for achievements and a 10% launch discount.

Isolation. Suffocating temperatures. The impenetrable Wyoming wilderness. It's one of those risky summer days when Henry's firewatch duty seems refreshingly important but a permeating sense of dread hangs in the atmosphere. Against his better judgement, he will soon find himself out into the wild, aiming to investigate a potential threat to the forest. Strange happenings will soon cause him to start questioning everything, including Delilah, his supervisor that accompanies him through this ordeal via a walkie-talkie.

Not unlike its beautiful setting, Firewatch is better experienced than described. This emotionally-charged mystery turns the untamed 1989 Wyoming setting into the perfect stage for an intense, surreal journey of an isolated man that struggles to stay connected with the outside world. The choices you make and the secrets you uncover will feed into Henry's narrative and ultimately determine how this curious story plays out.

Explore the temperamental human nature as revealed during one man's eventful <span class="bold">Firewatch</span> duty, DRM-free on The 10% launch discount will last until April 15, 1:59 PM UTC.

In the press :
"Gorgeous and clever, Campo Santo's debut is a triumph of craft" - Eurogamer
"Easily one of my favorite and most memorable game experiences of this decade" - IGN
"A rare and beautiful creation, that expands the possibilities for how a narrative game can be presented" - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
amrit9037: This is fucking great!!!
catpower1980: Since it's an American game, I'm really curious what they consider to be "adult"....

Is there a script of the game somewhere? (I don't have time to watch a full let's play)
catpower1980: Since it's an American game, I'm really curious what they consider to be "adult"....

Is there a script of the game somewhere? (I don't have time to watch a full let's play)
omega64: Phonesex.
How explicit?
omega64: Phonesex.
catpower1980: How explicit?
I don't know, haven't played it myself yet.
Only know it's in there.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by omega64
The whole game looks like it was designed around and about where I live! XD
I've heard from many sources that it's a very good game albait short one, so the price is the reason I'll wait for Insomnia Sale. What bothers me - no soundtrack? :-(
A happy coincidence for me that it arrived with payday.

Bought, will be saved for when I visit my folks in a couple of weeks. Boredom crisis averted!
Thank you GOG, instabuy!
zeffyr: I've heard from many sources that it's a very good game albait short one, so the price is the reason I'll wait for Insomnia Sale. What bothers me - no soundtrack? :-(
It's kinda of a rare extra these days no? Every new game these days whether it be indie or AAA sells their OST separately:
DrearierSpider: Pretty much every review I've read said the ending is complete garbage, and walking simulators are so damn tiresome by now. Pass.
I didn't like the ending at first. But the more I thought about it, and more I remembered what the characters were like throughout the game, the more I came to appreciate it. Just my two cents about the ending, not that it'll change your mind about the walking simulator aspect.
zeffyr: I've heard from many sources that it's a very good game albait short one, so the price is the reason I'll wait for Insomnia Sale. What bothers me - no soundtrack? :-(
Mr.Caine: It's kinda of a rare extra these days no? Every new game these days whether it be indie or AAA sells their OST separately:
I'd still prefer they sell it here though, as they do so on Steam.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by omega64
Crosmando: More first-person walking sims, great
omega64: Agreed, it's great to have more games here.
We all know it was ironical, being Crosmando and all. But, more? Do we have many or something?
Because we are missing some of the more relevant. From the top of my head, the notorious Dear Esther, The Stanley Parable, The Beginner's Guide, Beyond Eyes...
And Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, the last Chinese Room game and PS4 exclusive, is coming to PC.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by rgnrk
I'm not here to bash or provoke, I'm just curious. Cane someone please explain to me what the appeal of walking simulator is? I mean there are obviously people here willing to buy and "play" it, so someone must be liking it un-ironically.

Here is what I don't get: it's not a game. Sure, it's interactive, but so is a DVD menu. You really just hold W and listen to the story. So what's the point of holding W in the first place? Why not just watch it on YouTube? This is like a movie where you have to keep turning the handle to make the film strip advance, there is a reason why we have machines for that task. What is it that you get out of "playing" this that you wouldn't get if you just watched it?

I'm genuinely curious. This isn't like racing games where it isn't my cup of tea but I still see the appeal. This is literally alien logic to me.
omega64: Agreed, it's great to have more games here.
rgnrk: We all know it was ironical, being Crosmando and all. But, more? Do we have many or something?
Because we are missing some of the more relevant. From the top of my head, the infamous Dear Esther, The Stanley Parable, The Beginner's Guide, Beyond Eyes...
And Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, the last Chinese Room game and PS4 exclusive, is coming to PC.
I course I knew. :P
I'd love to have more Walking sims here.
Just like I'd love to have more Visual Novels here.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by omega64
You know I sort of love the trend of these wilderness / odd time period / "Twin Peaks" games with a certain visual style. First Kona, now this one (and to a lesser extent The Long Dark - not because it's a lesser game but because the visuals skew a bit more animated and it's a different sort of game).

Not sure how I feel about the plotline of this one, but I bet a lot of people are going to enjoy this!
HiPhish: I'm not here to bash or provoke, I'm just curious. Cane someone please explain to me what the appeal of walking simulator is? I mean there are obviously people here willing to buy and "play" it, so someone must be liking it un-ironically.

Here is what I don't get: it's not a game. Sure, it's interactive, but so is a DVD menu. You really just hold W and listen to the story. So what's the point of holding W in the first place? Why not just watch it on YouTube? This is like a movie where you have to keep turning the handle to make the film strip advance, there is a reason why we have machines for that task. What is it that you get out of "playing" this that you wouldn't get if you just watched it?

I'm genuinely curious. This isn't like racing games where it isn't my cup of tea but I still see the appeal. This is literally alien logic to me.
It depends entirely on the story. In the case of something like The Stanley Parable the lack of "actual" gameplay directly complements and enhances the narrative. Firewatch doesn't benefit but at the same loses nothing in terms of story delivery with the gameplay it has.