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There are great FPS games, and there are amazing horror titles. But there is also F.E.A.R 3 - combining the very best of both of these worlds. And now it is available on GOG with a -75% Winter Sale discount!

F.E.A.R. is an absolutely iconic first-person shooter psychological horror video game series which started back in 2005 and consists of three main titles. We are incredibly happy that during our Winter Sale, the third entry in the series is joining its predecessor and can complete the gaming library of every fan of the series.

And that’s not the end of great news. If you haven’t played previous F.E.A.R. titles now is the best time to do so, because F.E.A.R. Platinum (containing original 2005’s F.E.A.R. and its two addons: Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate) is on a -85% Winter Sale discount, and F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn is on a -75% Winter Sale discount. All of the mentioned offers last until January 2nd, 11 PM UTC.

But for today, let’s focus on F.E.A.R 3 as it delivers all the hallmarks that define the F.E.A.R. brand: terrifying paranormal experience, frenetic combat and a dramatic storyline.

The game takes place nine months after the conclusion of F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, with Alma Wade's (psychic main antagonist in the previous entries and a mascot of the whole series) pregnancy nearing its end. When a resurrected Paxton Fettel rescues Point Man from captivity by Armacham Technology Corporation (ATC) in a Brazilian prison, the two distrustful brothers head back to Fairport. Point Man plans to save the still-missing Jin Sun-Kwon and prevent Alma giving birth. Fettel, however, has an entirely different motive. Meanwhile, a new threat emerges, one of which even Alma herself is terrified.

One thing that makes F.E.A.R 3 unique is the gameplay differences depending on which character we control, allowing the players for two totally different experiences. When playing as Point Man, the player's arsenal includes a wide variety of firearms, as well as three different types of projectile - frag grenades, flash bangs, and zap grenades, and a knife for hand-to-hand combat with ability to perform a silent insta-kill if we manage to sneak up on the enemy without being seen. Point Man also has several melee attacks, such as a punch, a jumping kick, and a sliding kick. However, the most prominent element of Point Man’s gameplay is his reflex time, a superhuman reflex ability which slows down the world around him while still allowing to aim and react at normal speed.

When playing as Fettel on the other hand, while he himself does not use any firearms, we gain access to his possession ability, which allows to take control of an enemy and gain access to any abilities and weapons wielded by that individual. Additionally, although Fettel cannot carry any weapons in his normal form, he does have psychic combat abilities like bolts of psychic energy, telekinesis to lift and throw objects, and concussive blast. But if that’s not enough, we can always just punch enemies to death, or crush their heads with Fettel’s bear hands (if we can successfully sneak up on them).

Besides awesome gameplay F.E.A.R 3 has a greater focus on story, better visuals, and a more thrilling execution than the series has ever seen. It also doesn’t shy from providing us with a hair-rising atmosphere. We don’t really want to spoil you the fun of playing through it, but it’s safe to say that while playing this title you will never know what is going to happen next, or when it is going to happen, and the idea of unbelievably terrifying force with ominous presence that lingers in the air will not easily leave for mind. And it was possible thanks to the guidance of legendary film director John Carpenter and writer Steve Niles. These masters of horror provided their expertise to take F.E.A.R 3’s intensity to the next level. Niles co-wrote the twisted storyline that reveals the motivations and family dynamics of the main characters, and Carpenter helped craft the cinematics for maximum storytelling and fright factor.

There’s so much to say about this iconic FPS that we could go on even longer. But in all honesty, no amount of words will replace the incredible gaming experience provided by simply playing it. And with a -75% Winter Sale discount, the best time to do so is now.

And if you’d like to join us during our special GOG F.E.A.R. 3 stream, feel free to do so on Tuesday, December 20th, at 12 PM UTC, HERE.
¡Amazing! Finally the collection is complete. Thanks G.O.G.
Shadowcat: Does FEAR3 use checkpoint saves again? I found that really irritating in FEAR2 when the original game let you save any time.

Everything seemed worse in the sequel, to me... I didn't play very much of it, but IIRC it railroaded you down a specific path, the famed A.I. of the original game was nowhere to be seen, and in general it had lost most of things which had made its predecessor so great.
Thanks. I was just about to ask what was so inferior about FEAR 3. I bought it on Steam upon release, and never finished it, but it was so long ago that I can't remember why.

I'll buy this because I'm a completist. Also I do remember one early level being pretty well-designed, so I'm really curious to fire it up again.

As far as your question about checkpoint saves, I honestly cannot remember, but it would not surprise me. In fact, I'd be more surprised if it let you save anywhere.

Which has always puzzled me. Devs need to just end the debate, and let players choose what kind of saving scheme they would like in the options menu. Default to one or the other, and then let the player change it if they want to.
This game is pretty bad IMO. I mean it's playable, shooty shooty bang bang, but it's very bland with some annoying mechanics and a disconnected story. I replayed it two or three years ago and felt it was just kinda there. Not awful, not good, just meh.

I think FEAR 2 is actually pretty underrated, in contrast.
avatar The campaign can be played in either single-player mode or co-op mode. In single-player mode, you can initially only play as Point Man. However, upon the completion of each level, the ability to play through that level as Paxton Fettel is also unlocked.
...and on the game page:
Please note that this DRM-Free version of F.E.A.R. 3 is single-player only. Multiplayer and co-op modes as well as related in-game challenges are not available.

Am I misreading this? If not, this is a poor choice of words in the news text.
Post edited December 17, 2022 by Wurzelkraft
tfishell: It's getting poor reviews on the store page but it got 1174 votes on the wishlist. Despite what's going with Witcher 3 DRM'd content (not interested in arguing especially in this thread), this is DRM-free so I hope it sells acceptably well and ends up being worthwhile for GOG to have released.
I was talking to my cousin one time about games and he pretty much instantly winced when I mentioned this game. Frankly, while not undeserved, the majority of people who do not like this game are repeating memes they heard without necessarily making their own minds. We know that this game is not FEAR, an undisputed classic, and that FEAR 2 is a "good game with miss steps," but that FEAR 3 is "the bad one." SSDD for the original FEAR trilogy (FEAR, Perseus Mandate and Extraction).

Personally, this was the first FEAR game I played and one of the first M rated games (Halo preceded it by a few years but it was pretty much in the pack with Quake 4 and Call of Pripyat for me) so I realize my biases with this game as well. Still, it's a game I am very fond of. It does have real problems but I am pretty sure most people who complain about it are just acting out their pre-wired scripts.
This game only got good with coop. 1st playthrough as Point Man in SP, 2nd as Fettel with a friend playing as Point Man - very different game. Even the horde mode multiplayer was decent for a few rounds.

It's P2P for multi, so... why? Would require Galaxy for MP, so we're just cowing to the DRM Cabal? Let them have their SP-only, offline installer - I'm fine with Galaxy for MP.
Lets see...

The regional price is $3 bucks only below the USD...
Besides, butchered: No Multiplayer...

Pricey even discounted!!
( May some Galaxy-only cosmetics hook me?...)

Thank you, next please...
Mobeeuz: It's P2P for multi, so... why? Would require Galaxy for MP, so we're just cowing to the DRM Cabal? Let them have their SP-only, offline installer - I'm fine with Galaxy for MP.
More likely that no one is going to put effort into that for a $5 game that's a decade old and was never that popular anyway, rather than some DRM concern.
StingingVelvet: More likely that no one is going to put effort into that for a $5 game that's a decade old and was never that popular anyway, rather than some DRM concern.
They spent the time to take it out, and once again, P2P - so zero sense here.
Post edited December 17, 2022 by Mobeeuz
StingingVelvet: More likely that no one is going to put effort into that for a $5 game that's a decade old and was never that popular anyway, rather than some DRM concern.
Mobeeuz: They spent the time to take it out, and once again, P2P - so zero sense here.
They probably have reasons as why it was removed. Who know's what kind of deals are made to get games on GOG. Specially after skyrim.
I was hoping to one day see FEAR 3 come to GOG. It is the weakest of the series, but I am a sucker for campaign co-op games.

I was quite saddened to see that it has no multiplayer or co-op functionality - not just because I love co-op, but more importantly, campaign co-op with Fettel and Point Man was the whole selling point of the game. It was the main thing that was praised in reviews where other elements of the game were criticised. So releasing it without co-op seems almost like completely missing the point of the game.
Well, DRM-free without co-op is better than nothing at all, I suppose. But I very much hope someone finds a way to play co-op like they did with EYE: Divine Cybermancy.
StingingVelvet: This game is pretty bad IMO. I mean it's playable, shooty shooty bang bang, but it's very bland with some annoying mechanics and a disconnected story. I replayed it two or three years ago and felt it was just kinda there. Not awful, not good, just meh.

I think FEAR 2 is actually pretty underrated, in contrast.
Interesting. This is one of the few game series i ever completed. Found 1 and 3 to be better than 2 for some reason....
high rated
@GOG: If you really want to sell those games I strongly advise you to recheck the way you advertize them. Fear 2 on GOG is available in multiple languages not just in text but also with dubbed audio which is not reflected on the gamecard right now (no other dub than English is listed there). I guess it is better to sell what you have than to hide it, don't you think?
Tesp84: Just to be clear: If I buy it on the German storefront, I receive an uncut version?
According to another German user who asked the same: yes.

Review from Jet_Sextus:
"you have to be a brain-dead moron to buy this version of the game"

@Jet_Sextus: Did it ever occur that there are people out there who simply don't use or enjoy COOP and that those people still might have fun in a SP campaign no matter if it was designed for it or not? Different tastes - not braindead. But thank you for the insult.
Post edited December 17, 2022 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: According to another German user who asked the same: yes.
Thank you!
Nice, I guess. I've actually never played any of the F.E.A.R. games, and honestly after having just checked some of the screenshots of all of the three games and reading some reviews here on GOG, I'm starting to feel bad about myself haha.
Seriously thou, these look like the kind of stuff I like playing (at least the first, and maybe second one as well).

In any case, I'm always glad to see yet another series being completed and available here on GOG. So yeah, keep 'em coming!


(I'm hoping for Unreal Tournament 3 to show up next so we can have another series completed, thou I just hope that they won't end up delisting the rest of the series here on GOG, like they've done so already on Steam. That would be stupidly unnecessary, I think)
Post edited December 17, 2022 by Waganari