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The swashbuckler action game full of its developers passion – En Garde! is now available on GOG alongside its Soundtrack and Soundtrack Edition!

Battle graceless guards and nefarious noblemen in fast-paced fights full of spectacle. Use the environment, your wit and your blade to teach them all a lesson!

From the forgotten pages of history, comes Adalia de Volador! Legendary swashbuckler. Dashing adventurer. Hero of the people.

In En Garde! you’ll play as Adalia in her daring escapades full of sword-fighting, satire and shenanigans. Challenge the cruel Count-Duke and oppose tyranny with panache!

With its beautifully painted locations, charismatic characters, and an astounding amount of battle banter it’s a fun-filled ticket to the golden age of swashbuckling comedy!

Since its initial release, En Garde! has become a beloved title that players praise for its gorgeous art style, smooth and satisfying gameplay, charming storytelling, and great combat mechanics.

It’s certainly one of those games that remind us all why we have fallen in love with gaming in the first place.

When fighting in En Garde!, you’ll parry, riposte and lunge your way to victory! And since Adalia is quite a charmer, being stylish in combat will fill your Panache Meter and unlock special skills. But you’ll need more than your sword to win the day…

Challenging, ever-changing fights will also push you to rely on your cunning and acrobatics to disturb your enemies. Learning their weaknesses, adapting and improvising will be a key to defeating them.

Combat areas are playgrounds full of opportunities to create mischief and gain the upper hand. Surprise, stun, or evade enemies with a variety of objects – from rolling barrels to falling chandeliers.

Moreover, during your gameplay, you’ll unlock zany game-changing modifiers and new fight situations in the Arena Mode. Play and replay randomized scenarios to test your skill against waves of enemies!

But it's much more than just swinging your sword! Discover the tales of Adalia, with unique challenges to complete and secrets to uncover, and prepare to meet a theatrical cast of characters, as Adalia and her rivals react to each of your actions, exchanging witty one-liners during the flow of the fight.

In En Garde! the world's your stage – check it out now!
Possible to play as cpt. Sparrow?
Can you release the soundtrack in FLAC too please (here or on Bandcamp)? Thanks!
Post edited January 08, 2024 by shmerl
Cool, je le switch de wishlist!! ;)
high rated
The mentioned student project version from 2018 is still available for download, by the way.

Wouldn't mind to have it included as an extra alongside the full version in the library over here, too.
Instead of grimdark, they went for straight fun! Nice! It might work a little bit like Jade Empire?
Swedrami: The mentioned student project version from 2018 is still available for download, by the way.

Wouldn't mind to have it included as an extra alongside the full version in the library over here, too.
Is the new version still using UE4 or UE5 already?
Was waiting for this!
Hmmm, looks like it could be fun. Wishlisted for later.
I feel so tired: " play with a controller " game .
What makes a game a "controller game" I wonder? Unless the game is mechanically incapable of it (as in does not accept keyboard inputs), nothing is preventing you from playing with your preferred input device.
Post edited January 09, 2024 by idbeholdME
off of my steam wishlist and onto my GoG wishlist.. Thx for bringing it here on GoG!
Good one. Nice to have it in GOG
i_ni: Possible to play as cpt. Sparrow?
Disneys lawyers say: No
i_ni: Possible to play as cpt. Sparrow?
neumi5694: Disneys lawyers say: No
And the 1993 Three Musketeers was also Disney's, so there goes playing as Charlie Sheen's Aramis or Kiefer Sutherland's Athos. Drat!
high rated
The game runs nicely on Linux (Wine/esync + vkd3d-proton).
Post edited January 09, 2024 by shmerl
Breja: And the 1993 Three Musketeers was also Disney's, so there goes playing as Charlie Sheen's Aramis or Kiefer Sutherland's Athos. Drat!
Well, of course they can't look like the actors, but the characters are only protected by Disney if the in game char is designed after Disney's variation. So ... happy modding.
Swedrami: The mentioned student project version from 2018 is still available for download, by the way.

Wouldn't mind to have it included as an extra alongside the full version in the library over here, too.
shmerl: Is the new version still using UE4 or UE5 already?
No idea, haven't had the time yet to install and check.

Since you already dropped a comment in regards to the FLAC version of the soundtrack over on - do you mind asking if the devs would consider adding the 2018 student project version to the GoG version of the full game as an extra, too?