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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available, DRM-free.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the FULL game experience, an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG packing all of the best features you've come to know and love from the Metroidvania genre into a single, content-packed game.

Play as Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist’s curse which slowly crystallizes her body. In order to save herself, and indeed, all of humanity, she must battle her way through a demon-infested castle summoned by Gebel, her old friend whose body and mind has become more crystal than flesh.
Now to see if the game is any good.
I've played lots of modern Metroidvanias such as Ori ATBF, Dust AET, Shantae and Guacamelee and this game definitely got my attention when I read that its designer is among the founders of the genre. I feel bad for discovering this game too late to back it. I'll definitely buy it but I'll play it later, think I'll play Symphony of the Night first, as I haven't experienced that classic.
It is time.
I'm a long time customer and anti-DRM advocate and I'm here to tell you I'm hesitant to buy this here because of the update plans and GOG's history of not getting the same updates that Steam does.
Got my backer version and the game looks and plays good so far.
Post edited June 18, 2019 by Lifthrasil
StingingVelvet: I'm a long time customer and anti-DRM advocate and I'm here to tell you I'm hesitant to buy this here because of the update plans and GOG's history of not getting the same updates that Steam does.
Which reminds me. The moment the secondary, bonus game, became a Steam exclusive as a last minute a$$pull, just before its release (curse of the moon), i really wanted to refund. Too bad though, refund policies for backers are always screwy.

Lifthrasil: Got my backer version and the game looks and plays good so far.
What tier did you back? Are you eligible to receive the soundtrack, as well?
Post edited June 18, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Swedrami: Backers are still owed a key for the soundtrack, if I'm not mistaken.
The strategy guide PDF is missing too.
Barry_Woodward: Yeah, quoted from my Kickstarter tier:

"Includes exclusive backer-only content, digital soundtrack, and a PDF of the retro strategy booklet!"
Has there been any news on this? I don’t see any updates online and I am in the same boat. Nice to have the game and DLC, but would like my booklet and soundtrack too.
StingingVelvet: I'm a long time customer and anti-DRM advocate and I'm here to tell you I'm hesitant to buy this here because of the update plans and GOG's history of not getting the same updates that Steam does.
GOG advertised the kickstarter. I feel more secure about this game's updates than any other's not developed by CDPR.
Now that the game is out, here are a few things I am wondering:
* Is the game at least twice as long as Timespinner? (I use this as a benchmark since it's about twice the cost, and Timespinner is of the same genre and rather short.)
* It is as fun as Timespinner?
* Are there any unskipable cutscenes?
* Since they ended up not doing a Linux release, does this game run easily under Wine?
dtgreene: Now that the game is out, here are a few things I am wondering:
* Is the game at least twice as long as Timespinner? (I use this as a benchmark since it's about twice the cost, and Timespinner is of the same genre and rather short.)
* It is as fun as Timespinner?
* Are there any unskipable cutscenes?
* Since they ended up not doing a Linux release, does this game run easily under Wine?
Somebody over at Bloodstained forums (the site, not GOG's subforum), posted something about the game working in Linux, but i didn't bother to read specifics. And i cannot post links, due to low rep. You might want to Google out "Bloodstained forums" and do some basic footwork. Good luck!
Post edited June 19, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
any word regarding release of prequel on GoG?
Gekko_Dekko: any word regarding release of prequel on GoG?
Not gonna happen, but this is neither IGA's fault, nor 505games'... A separate company, Inti-Creates, was contracted to make that game. Inti-Creates releases games exclusive to Steam. They cheated everybody, including the Fangamer service, by announcing last minute before release, Curse of the moon won't have drm-free choice. And they even went so far as to write publicly stupid idiocies, like Drm-Free leads to lost sales and piracy, attacking us the DRM-Free buyers, instead of apologizing for their stunt and base trickery.

Honestly, that moment i would have refunded all 60 bucks for the entire product, if backers were able to demand refunds. Beware those guys. Anything from them, deserves a special spot in any DRM-Free gamer's sh!tlist!
Post edited June 19, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
tremere110: You did say you only played it for 30 minutes, so unless you played it for hours and hours - you're not really a igavania fan :p
Mafwek: I am not fan of anything, except Max Stirner and Geese Howard.

Played it 30 minutes - meaning, tried it long time ago and don't remember how it plays.
Did play couple of metroidvanias, and I quite enjoy the genre. But never "famous" metroidvania titles.
Jesus. Stop bitching at us for trying to help you and do your own research.
Enebias: I don't like the art style at all and the animations feel weird as if they were almost in slow motion, but I must say that at glance it seems quite good. Those who are playing it gave already positive opinions, and from the footage I have seen it does seem interesting.

Also, Shovel Knight makes an appearance as a monster and you can use his shovel as a weapon. +1 XD
Apparently you can kit out completely as the Shovel Knight.
dtgreene: Now that the game is out, here are a few things I am wondering:
* Is the game at least twice as long as Timespinner? (I use this as a benchmark since it's about twice the cost, and Timespinner is of the same genre and rather short.)
* It is as fun as Timespinner?
* Are there any unskipable cutscenes?
* Since they ended up not doing a Linux release, does this game run easily under Wine?
Length is a poor measuring stick for a game. Plenty of games are long, boring slogs, or too long for their stories (xenosaga comes to mind)
Post edited June 19, 2019 by paladin181
dtgreene: Now that the game is out, here are a few things I am wondering:
* Is the game at least twice as long as Timespinner? (I use this as a benchmark since it's about twice the cost, and Timespinner is of the same genre and rather short.)
* It is as fun as Timespinner?
* Are there any unskipable cutscenes?
* Since they ended up not doing a Linux release, does this game run easily under Wine?
paladin181: Length is a poor measuring stick for a game. Plenty of games are long, boring slogs, or too long for their stories (xenosaga comes to mind)
I'd argue that your statement is only true when you compare games of different genres. For games in the same genre and with similar gameplay mechanics and pacing, it does give you a general idea of the amount of content and entertainment value. Of course there are other factors to consider, such as the overall quality and creativity. But when people buy a game of a certain genre, they do generally expect a standard minimum amount of content and play time, especially when the game costs as much as other games within that genre.

To put it differently, I think most fans will be disappointed if Bloodstained features significantly less content/ play time than Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Barry_Woodward: Yeah, quoted from my Kickstarter tier:

"Includes exclusive backer-only content, digital soundtrack, and a PDF of the retro strategy booklet!"
Scorpionscythe: Has there been any news on this? I don’t see any updates online and I am in the same boat. Nice to have the game and DLC, but would like my booklet and soundtrack too.
"Backers will get codes for all digital rewards delivered to their surveys after the Switch launch."
"Nintendo Switch launch is still set for the 25th."