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I am wondering if GOG will be introducing pricing in Canadian dollars? With the CAD falling to the USD it is making purchasing games on GoG not cost effective. Example: Pillars of Eternity Royal Edition is $89.99 USD on GoG, which with the exchange, fees, etc. charged by the credit card companies/banks, prices the game around 111.99 CAD. I can buy the exact same game with the exact same goodies on Steam for 99.69 CAD. Tell me where am I going to spend my money? I am sure there are other games that are the same as this.

I was a little upset and concerned at first, when Steam started pricing in CAD, but it actually worked out better for us Canadian consumers. I am hoping my fellow Canadians will voice their support on this and that GoG will see that this is something they should consider.
anon_amos: I am wondering if GOG will be introducing pricing in Canadian dollars? With the CAD falling to the USD it is making purchasing games on GoG not cost effective. Example: Pillars of Eternity Royal Edition is $89.99 USD on GoG, which with the exchange, fees, etc. charged by the credit card companies/banks, prices the game around 111.99 CAD. I can buy the exact same game with the exact same goodies on Steam for 99.69 CAD. Tell me where am I going to spend my money? I am sure there are other games that are the same as this.

I was a little upset and concerned at first, when Steam started pricing in CAD, but it actually worked out better for us Canadian consumers. I am hoping my fellow Canadians will voice their support on this and that GoG will see that this is something they should consider.
The first step has been taken. The base price of Witcher 3 is now $47 for Canadians.
anon_amos: I am wondering if GOG will be introducing pricing in Canadian dollars? With the CAD falling to the USD it is making purchasing games on GoG not cost effective. Example: Pillars of Eternity Royal Edition is $89.99 USD on GoG, which with the exchange, fees, etc. charged by the credit card companies/banks, prices the game around 111.99 CAD. I can buy the exact same game with the exact same goodies on Steam for 99.69 CAD. Tell me where am I going to spend my money? I am sure there are other games that are the same as this.

I was a little upset and concerned at first, when Steam started pricing in CAD, but it actually worked out better for us Canadian consumers. I am hoping my fellow Canadians will voice their support on this and that GoG will see that this is something they should consider.
If GoG does introduce payment in CAD, it will still use the average USD exchange rate updated regularly (weekly?), like it does for its other currencies, so the only thing you'll be saving on is your bank's fees.
CAD prices will fluctuate, just like the EUR prices do now.
Post edited April 05, 2015 by ZFR
I'm in Canada but I prefer to pay in USD$. This is because I earn small amounts of USD$ from various websites into my Paypal account. So if I can pay in USD$ then I don't lose money with Paypal's unfavourable exchange rate to CAD$.

ETA: Although I have to say, if GOG goes with Steam's USD->CAD conversion rate (which at the moment is highly favourable to us) I'd be fine with it :P!
Post edited April 05, 2015 by 01kipper
This is a slippery slope. It works well as long as the price ends up being in your favour.

But ask people from a lot of places with experience with regional pricing how that generally works out.

You may be quick to accept regional pricing for $20 off an already-overpriced $90 game, but you could lose that $20 any number times in the future.
Grargar: snip
Where did you see this?
Currency conversions and taxes are a big problem for globalization. I think the truth is that our economic structure, where currencies change value every day, doesn't really make sense and is causing problems for Internet based services.
Leonard03: Where did you see this?
Here. Most likely, the price was reduced to price match Steam's pricing.
Leonard03: Where did you see this?
Grargar: Here. Most likely, the price was reduced to price match Steam's pricing.
Interesting, I hadn't tried to read that thread as its to long :/
The best for us Canadians would be price in Canadian money where $US = $Canadian, I'm not really hopeful though.

Right now I use a small bookmark/applet to get an idea of how much something in U.S. will cost me.

Here it is (only tested in Firefox):


To create the bookmark/applet, create a bookmark, replace the url with the line above, name the bookmark something that describe what it does, I named mine CanPrice. For ease of use I put it in my Bookmarks Toolbar.

To use it just highlight a U.S. price (without the $ sign) and click the bookmark/applet.

1.25 represent the exchange rate, change it to whatever us current. Maybe someone could modify it to automatically get the current exchange rate.
GOG really need to do the same for Japanese Yen. That's been tanking in relation to the US dollar for almost a year now. It's at the point where Steam (using JPY) is significantly cheaper than GOG. There's been a few times in the last week or two that Witcher 3 has been almost $10 cheaper on Steam. So hopefully GOG start offering regional pricing in the same regions Steam does, if they want to seriously compete.
justanoldgamer: The best for us Canadians would be price in Canadian money where $US = $Canadian, I'm not really hopeful though.
why limit yourself? How about 10 US$ = 1 CA$? Even better.
Some may find it amusing that americans literally throw canadian money in the trash. We see it. Get upset. Then go "pfft...garbage*throws it away*".

But who knows if they feel the same way in poland XD
Yeah they really need to start doing more currencies. With my current credit card it costs me 30% more to buy from GOG, while sometimes Steam is significantly cheaper selling in CAD. I'm trying to find a better card that can save me at least 10%. But I won't really be buying as much, especially any big ticket items.
Post edited April 05, 2015 by MikeMaximus
justanoldgamer: The best for us Canadians would be price in Canadian money where $US = $Canadian, I'm not really hopeful though.
ZFR: why limit yourself? How about 10 US$ = 1 CA$? Even better.
I like the way you think, sir! And by that I mean he's silly and you makes light of it for fun humourous enjoyment!
Post edited April 06, 2015 by johnnygoging
bansama: GOG really need to do the same for Japanese Yen. That's been tanking in relation to the US dollar for almost a year now. It's at the point where Steam (using JPY) is significantly cheaper than GOG. There's been a few times in the last week or two that Witcher 3 has been almost $10 cheaper on Steam. So hopefully GOG start offering regional pricing in the same regions Steam does, if they want to seriously compete.
It's completely normal that when value of currency A falls in relation to currency B, then people from country A can buy less products. Why should it be any different with games?
When the value of pound sterling fell to almost 1 euro everyone here was happy that they could buy cheaply from the UK. But it's a two way street, so when the value of euro fell, buying from abroad becomes more "expensive".

There are two ways of doing multiple currency sales. If GoG does what you ask (keep fixed prices in all currencies like steam does), then one part of the users will always be paying more than the other (except in the rare cases when the price rate happens to be exactly same as the exchange rate). The second way (the one GoG uses now* for euro and pound sterling) is much better. The prices change as the exchange rate changes. For me it means that the euro price increased as the value of euro decreased, but the euro prices will go down again should the euro be stronger. I'm still paying the same price as someone who's buying in USD or GBP.

If GoG fixed the prices like steam, then as soon as CAD or YEN gets stronger again, you'd start complaining that it's unfair that your game is more expensive than the ones sold in USD. But it's either or. You can't have it both ways.

That said I fully want GoG to introduce payment in canadian dollars, yen, australian dollars, polish zloty and any other currency. It will save on the exchange fees that banks/paypal/credit cards charge. Just keep the prices same across all currencies (using weekly update exchange rates; just like GoG does now) and change the prices as the exchange rates change.

*Except for Russia, unfortunately; but that's a different issue of giving in to people who claim it will be pirated otherwise
Post edited April 06, 2015 by ZFR