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Become the Ultimate Vampire!

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is now available for pre-order, DRM-free.

Written by the creative mind behind the original Bloodlines, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 brings the ambitions of the first to life and sees the return of a few fan favorite characters.

Immerse yourself in the World of Darkness and live out your vampire fantasy in a city filled with intriguing characters that react to your choices. You and your unique disciplines are a weapon in our forward-driving, fast-moving, melee-focussed combat system. Your power will grow as you advance, but remember to uphold the Masquerade and guard your humanity... or face the consequences.
reative00: Soo....
Pre-order for a YEAR in advance.
Pre-order exclusive in-game items.
No gameplay footage but rather just several pre-rendered scenes.

Yeah Paradox, go fist yourself.
Basically this, also not familiar with the devs, who apparently never worked on anything RPG related. But who knows.

60€ is definitely too steep a price too, so I guess if I play this I will wait for a steep sale.

Gives me some motivation to play the first one though, so there's that. :P
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Zoidberg
high rated
I'd like to highlight the fact, that Valve and Steam were crucial to Troika's downfall. So, if pre-order at all - do it on GOG or elsewhere, but, for the sake of Blood - not on Steam! It's a rare case where I deliberately refuse to let it go.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by carneignis
Definitely looking forward to this! Not gonna preorder a year in advance mind you.
high rated
I hope this game doesn't have items that are only enabled when logged into a Paradox account like Battletech does. That crap needs to go. Why should I need to log in for certain items when I'm playing solo?
Post edited March 22, 2019 by DoomSooth
Fantastic news and hae pre ordered the game to support the fact that 1 no DRM and 2 no epic store exclsive. Thanks for that.

If anybody had told me two days ago that I'd be able to play a new Bloodlines game before I could get The Outer Worlds from one of my preferred shops, I would've called them crazy. O_o
Nergal01: I would've called them crazy. O_o
Remember: Malkavians aren't just crazy:P they can foresee some future events.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by carneignis
high rated
Oh boy, I cannot wait to preorder for full price a game that I know nothing of. Gotta get those precious preorder bonus textures. You know what? I'll get the premium edition, my life cannot be complete without the extra "stop sign item", and I might as well buy the DLC while I'm at it. What could possibly go wrong?
Will there be a way to own a physical collector edition of this game ? A new Vampire Bloodline would deserve it !
high rated
I would only buy it if Paradox guarantees that the Blood Moon package has every possible future DLC included. Else I will wait a few years for them to churn out their thousands of DLCs.
A bit early for a pre-order, but I'm really looking forward to a real spiritual sequel to Vampire bloodlines and hope VTMB 2 will live up to the former's wonder, gorgeousness and immersion!
high rated
So the hype was about a game that's supposely to be released in a year, most likely will be delayed and then the asking price is 90 euros for the season pass. No way I'm paying that kind of money for a game you pretty much know nothing about. I thought Witcher 3 was expensive on release, silly me... Anyway, I'll wait until it's 75% off and see what it's all about.
carneignis: I'd like to highlight the fact, that Valve and Steam were crucial to Troika's downfall. So, if pre-order at all - do it on GOG or elsewhere, but, for the sake of Blood - not on Steam! It's a rare case where I deliberately refuse to let it go.
I'd tend to agree with you, but... because Steam has regional pricing for Southeast Asia, while GOG doesn't, I would literally save $60 if I preordered the Blood Moon edition on Steam instead of here.

Seriously, GOG... you won't be able to make inroads in Southeast Asia if you keep charging residents American prices. I make well above the regional minimum wage (and likely the regional average wage), and I'm still balking at that price.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Crisco1492
So... the new Bloodlines is a Mirror's Edge with vampires?
amund: So the hype was about a game that's supposely to be released in a year, most likely will be delayed and then the asking price is 90 euros for the season pass. No way I'm paying that kind of money for a game you pretty much know nothing about. I thought Witcher 3 was expensive on release, silly me... Anyway, I'll wait until it's 75% off and see what it's all about.
To be fair, the witcher 3 + season pass would've cost you about the same.